Now that the mutts and burgers will get cleansed off Sup Forums upto certain extent due to repeal of MUH NET NEUTRALITY...

Now that the mutts and burgers will get cleansed off Sup Forums upto certain extent due to repeal of MUH NET NEUTRALITY, how do you feel, my Sup Forumsentlemen?

feels free man

Stop making 50 different net neutrality threads, you’re AIDS

Fuck off amerimutt

Kill yourself you AIDS ridden faggot

AIDS that I caught when your narwhal mom raped my boipucci

Fuck off

Post all you want because soon you won't be browsing this website anymore, you fucking cuck.

Get the fuck out cock gobbling sodomite


>net neutrality happens
>Sup Forums dies
This is actually a blessing. Sup Forums dies by its own hand.

I'm okay with this.

I am 100% white. There are more pressing problems than net neutrality, like non white invasion from africa and middle east. Once that is dealt with then fcc is next.

Lol >56%
Nigger you yourself are part african

Haha no I am not american

>make forced meme thread
lol no way


ho boy

>Sup Forums dies by its own hand
Please make it happen.

>forced meme
Do you really think it's forced?

Feels like freedom.
The communists want to take away the internet and give it to the feds and name it "neutrality."

It's like the patriot act or some shit, except miraculously it didn't go through.

Amerigoblins on suicide watch

>shill on Sup Forums for voting Trump for whole of 2016
>Trump actually gets elected
>he actually does what he says he's gonna do
>the absolute madman


How come I was able to visit Sup Forums before net neutrality existed?

Why can I still visit Sup Forums now that net neutrality was defeated?

It's almost as though the internet isn't broken but communists want to give the government broad authority to control and regulate the internet, "for freedom!"

Absolute state of USA.


>that 1% face
Wort wort wort

For the same reason your ancestors weren't all ran over by mack trucks during 30000 BCE even though there was no law on the book to prevent anyone from hitting pedestrians back then.

>lack of government control over the internet somehow will end freedom on the internet
>this is what socialists actually believe
LMAO I'm not even an amerifart but that socialist logic is pretty fucking retarded.
Fuck off with your shit threads.

>corporations won't nickel and dime you if given the chance in a zero-competition environment

>non-americans obsess over americans politics

That would be a sound line of logic to follow if we understood the Internet as being a free market. Lines in the ground, much like roads in the dirt, are not a free market, though. It's either a public good or private property. If it's a private property, you bet your ass your freedom will be limited and there will be several stipulations you must agree to prior to usage. And the best part about this for the guys who own the lines is that they additionally already have contracts set in many regions that prevents competition from other newcomers due their already having purchased mineral and cable laying rights to communities that already exist. You, as a consumer, literally can't say that you want Joe Schmoe the newcomer to lay down a cable line through town to reach your house. You have to either settle with what's there or go satellite.


you don't get it you retarded nigger trump angered those pink-haired university students and annoying people on the internet so he was obviously based and great

>republucans votes against their own intrest meme
Gorsuch, the wall, tax cuts to the middle class. Cmon man this is great and you know it