Firecucks on suicide watch

>firecucks on suicide watch

I really like the idea, it's just that Brave sucks. Maybe in a year it won't suck anymore, but right now it sucks.

Is that a man?

1 simple question:
Does it have anything similar to tab groups?

>using political views as a criteria for choosing software

It's a thot

Brave just isn't ready to compete with Firefox and Chrome yet. Maybe next year.

until brave has umatrix and side style tabs extensions i'll keep with opera thanks

I would switch to it if you could do anything to that fugly UI. I did the switch to Firefox despite all the stupid political shit because frankly it hardly affects me personally.

if this is real, that's some big talk coming from them
it'd be good if they'd be able to back it up, but I just don't see it happening in the near future

Let me remind you that Opera is better

Reminder to hide and report all shill threads by Brave devs

It's literally malware

It just replaces ads on the web with their own (((acceptable))) ads and steals the revenue.


wtf? I love firefox now

Using Brave since SJWfox decided to abandon xul addons. Never looked back.

I seriously don't know why there's so many shills for this browser, its just chrome that comes with an adblocker out of the box

found the jewgle employee

A more accurate explanation:

>using software as a criteria for choosing political views

Why should I use Brave if I can use FF+Ublock Origin+HTTPS Everywhere which gives me way better results?

>mixing technology with politics at all

>FF+Ublock Origin+HTTPS Everywhere
thats literally exactly what I'm using now. Thinking of adding in some sort of js control though like noscript.

>doesn't contribute anything
>black silhouette

russian malware




>using a honeypot


every browser is a fucken botnet now even firefox

This wojak meme has reached levels of hilarity never before thought possible.

Youre really pathetic Brenden. You know when Brave closes up in a few months that you are never going to have your own startup again. The fact that you do nothing but meme your feature-less ad-spam browser on Sup Forums shows everyone what an unoriginal charlatan you are