Be a man is wrong in the West

Be a man is wrong in the West.

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In think you mean *being, it's those dirty Jews, I'll tell you. They laugh and humiliate a good Western man!

>still being a man
>posting that image again.

>in the West.
And what the fuck are we? The south?

See, good Jewish brainwashing at its finest!

>Being stupid is normal in Latin America.

you are spics

can you bring some of your wifes to Brasil? i dont think you'd care to much if we take care of them

We are worse than West.

We are like a dumping ground for West's leftist ideas.

Not anymore thankfully, now that the pink tide is fading. Embrace neoliberalism. Come home brown man.

Latin America

Who's in charge in the west? Das rite, men. Men are in charge everywhere. It's natural.

So who's to blame?

>So who's to blame?

too late
there isnt any way for the economy to recover any more, and if there were i wouldn´t care because i won´t get to enjoy it, at least 200 years of nonstop perfect gobernment to recover and that´s impossible

Cheer up Argentinebro. It's always MUCH easier for an un/partially-developed economy to develop than for a developed economy to continue. That's why growth rates in China are always three to four times Western Europe and the US. I think it will happen in Latin America too.

Jews aren't in charge in Sweden

mate, lefties are already starting to make coup and other similar threats because they want the Kirchners back, so far they are empty threats and they are escalating, this at not even a full year of a change in government and an attempt at doing things right, im just dropping my arms, too hard, have been shitted on way too much, now i just want to get what little money i can, somehow survive, work as little as possible and enjoy the little crappy badly done things i can barely get every few months, if i am not the only one thinking like this then this country has given up, and i doubt im alone.

Literally all major Swedish news outlets are owned by jews (bonniers and stampen)

Don't give up. As long as there are enough people who realize that the Kirchners would go full retard, then the leftists won't win. Based Macri will keep the heading.

i started to get strange pains in my chest and suden extremely fast beating, but public hospitals are too dirty, shit and full of inmigrants and almost always in bad zones and private healthcare is just way out of my league, and the worst is i don´t really care if i actually have something wrong in me, the bother of going to a public hospital heavily outweights the scare of having potential heart problems

he´s taking a big beating because before leaving the kirchners left the budget in shambles, and everyone is throwing the fault at him for some reason, at this rate he is not going to finish his mandate

canadian government is more racially diverse than most of latin americans

basically you're the spic now.

Question, do you also have shortness of breath and/or lightheadedness?

>not being a qt twink
What the fuck?

What's a twink?

yeah, walking for a while is hell and im left with no breath inmediately, i also feel lightheaded and dizzines out of nowhere at the weirdest times, also heat at the back of my head not necesarily at the same time as the dizziness

I'm not much of a doctor, but my friend had/has the same symptoms. He's been diagnosed with tachycardia.

Luckily, you don't usually need to see a doctor unless you're having heart attacks, but the treatments on that webpage are pretty good for you even if you don't have tachycardia.

I think it's this

News outlets aren't in charge in Sweden, they just indirectly influence the composition of your government by influencing the general opini...

Shit, they actually are in charge


she a granny cougar in RTÉ that does nothing but still somehow has a job


Bonnier is largest in Finland also.

You can be a man without being a stupid fucking redneck you know

Might be hard to believe

its weird that so many of you nerds care so much about "being a man" when you're basically all lotiondicked dyel video game playing faggots

So if a Jew tells you to hit yourself in the balls and you do it, Jews are responsible? Very comfortable, like a light breeze of unaccountability caressing your skin.

This guy truly believes that being called manly is an insult

But user, isn't weakness the real strength?

If you reaaaallly think about it?

you joke but people genuinely complained on twitter when they saw people exercising on their National laziness day

The existence of Twitter tells us all we need to know about the condition of Western society.

Masculinity is toxic

How toxic? Like poison or redaction?