/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

/fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.
If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: Your friendly neighborhood search engine.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ help %command%
$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Sup Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux: wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Category:GNU/Linux

>What distro should I choose?

>What are some cool programs?

>What are some cool terminal commands?

>Where can I learn the command line?

>Where can I learn more about Free Software?

>How to break out of the botnet?

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games: Previous:

Other urls found in this thread:


Install GuixSD

install manjaro







If you watch some of his talks, he does in fact say GNU+Linux. Plus, what does it matter if the sentiment is the same and it conveys the same thing? Even if there were some kind of split between GNU/Linux camps and GNU+Linux camps, they're two interpretations of how to convey the idea effectively. Using GNU is in part a tool to keep laypeople from misunderstanding the origins and contributions of GNU/Linux but mostly just to show what side you're on in the debate among people who are already in the know. And to that end it's all the same.

IIRC rms somewhere said he thinks saying (note: spoken, not writte word) GNU plus Linux is better because saying "GNU Linux" implies that the Linux kernel is a GNU project/product.

Exactly. Same sentiment, although the GNU+Linux side has reason to believe that their version is technically superior.

Best CLI web browser? Using Ubuntu MATE with i3


I don't care, people can call it however they want, I just only saw Stallman call it Gnu/Linux and this is how it's called on gnu.org, so I found it funny, that the only source of it seemed to be the copypasta.

What's the least complicated way to get rid of screen tearing in Xubuntu?
I've already installed Nvidia's proprietary driver, but it doesn't seem to help. However, CPU temp has dramatically increased since then.

Install PERL

echo -e 'hello\ngoodbye' | perl -nle 'print if /hello/'
echo 'hello goodbye' | perl -lane 'print $F[1]'
echo hello | perl -pe 's/hello/bye/
echo hello | perl -pe 'tr/A-Za-z/N-ZA-Mn-za-m/

can I switch from ubuntu to something else just by changing sources.list and apt-getting ?

Short answer: No.

If you just want to try out another ubuntu flavour you can just run tasksel as root then install the said flavour. Then log out and choose the new DE from the login manager
No need to touch sources.list

compton --backend glx --paint-on-overlay --vsync opengl-swc

One day, user.
One day I will learn how to use/write in perl.

Where do I type these commands?

Why Linux? Why not pirate windows and other proprietary software? Why being a free software autistic faggot?

Good question.

and maybe w3m-img too

>Why Linux?
Answered too many times

What would be the Linux equivalent of:
>Go to "Network Connections" on the Windows PC and select the "Wireless Network Connection"
>Right-click and select properties. In the "Sharing" tab under "Internet Connection Sharing" enable both checkboxes.

I want to give internet access to a raspberry pi by plugging it into the ethenet port of my desktop, rather than my router.

What terminals are people using? I've just uninstalled deepin and I really liked the terminal it used, but wanted one a little more custom and stuff. What are people running with? (Arch Linux - Budgie right now)

>Why Linux?
Because both my father and uncle taught me how to use GNU/Linux back in the late 90s.
Thanks to them, I love the terminal because they taught me that it's a text adventure game. Still feels like one even today.


I have the same issue. Tried to use chroot, but for whatever reason the pacman couldn't reach the network. Tried to use pamac to install an older package but it still tried to load the broken install. Should i try cached package with pamac and use mkinitcpio? Will it work offline?

Is debian a meme or is it worth

In the chroot check if you have a working /etc/resolv.conf

if not, create one with
nameserver ip-addr
nameserver ip-addr2

Replace ip-addr and 2 with an IP address of a DNS servers IP like the one your ISP has, openDNS etc.
Note: if you have a file but the IP is a localhost ip, it won't work in a chroot because your dnsmasq/memed-resolver isn't running. Create a working one, it will be overwritten the next time you boot.

what distro?

it is very worth

How often do you personally update when you're on a

>Numbered (release version) distro
>Rolling distro


It is very worth.
Stay on Stable if you want rock solid performance for servers or just don't want to ever have to worry about fixing anything, at the cost of being on older packages (except security, which is obviously top concern)

Get Stable and upgrade to Testing or Unstable for a more desktop-friendly experience.

Although maybe don't do Unstable if you're completely new to GNU/Linux


update packages everyday regardless of lts or rolling.
lts stays lts until the next lts is released, but that's starting to get a little annoying on my chinkpad running 16.04. it's fine on my servers, but might be too long term for my everyday laptop

How do I escape the hardware botnet, yet use ok-ish modern hardware for developing.



numbered: once a week at least
rolling: check daily/every 2 days

>Why not pirate windows and other proprietary software?
The problem isn't in the free-as-in-beer part of the software, but the free-as-in-liberty part. Almost everybody pirates Windows nowadays; Windows 10 was literally given as a free update for existing Win 7/8 users (users would usually need to buy the update). The "bluepilled" reasoning is that Microsoft just wanted to a) build goodwill and b) make things easier for themselves. But it's clear as day that the revenue lost in upgrades was more than made up for in the massive data they got from Windows 10 usage itself.

The same thing *can be* true for other proprietary software, especially since neither you nor any other regular users can see the code. There are some cases where it's probably ridiculous to be fearful (e.g. an application that almost entirely runs offline), but I genuinely would never recommend using a proprietary web browser.

>page 7

Seems like in my new work they work with linux (Manjaroo and Ubuntu from now, I didn't see it more) So I asked and I'm able to work with Void in a more serious environment than at home (which I mainly browser shit). I already check I can run the software I'm needed to.

Some user has some kind of advice for me? I think I can use Void at a fairly good manner and the plan is to learn more about him.

I have a dual boot set up with Ubuntu and W10 (separate drives) and when I try to boot into Ubuntu I get a black screen with nothing but the message:

>/dev/sda2: clean 466127/625096 files, 9287497/24900928 blocks

and a blinking cursor that just stays there forever. How do I fix this? It started happening the day after I updated the AMD drivers, if that matters.

my hero

Is the android sdk botnet? I want to make my feet wet with writing some apps on Debian.

Say I wanted to install my own version of a library etc. Do I seriously need to fucking build a package for my distro then fake install it so my package manager doesn't freak out about dependencies?

I'm using a ThinkPad x220, with only one SSD inside of it. Going to install a mSATA SSD into it aswell, and I want to move everything from my current drive to the new one. What is the recommended way of doing this on Linux? Running Manjaro if that matters.

install guixsd

You dont have to but you will run in to various problems down the line if you dont use your package manager

Live environment

What the fuck?I have some difficulty since updating to kernel 4.10.0-40-generic #44-Ubuntu(Kubuntu Zesty Zapus 17.04 AMD64) this Monday evening: Can't play Counter-Strike: Global Offensive,even when using the Steam client(both the normal and beta version works fine). I am using the Oibaf PPA(I made sure that automatic updates will be checked daily for the entire distro),which means graphic drivers are being updated every day.

>csgo_linux64(is the process-name that i see when using GNOME system monitor/Yakuake) (located @ file:///home/username/.steam/steamapps/common/Counter-Strike Global Offensive/csgo_linux64)

>tried csgo.sh script (located @ file:///home/username/.steam/steamapps/common/Counter-Strike Global Offensive/csgo.sh)

Getting stuck @ 120 MiB max memory usage whenever I launch the damn game!I even tried previous kernel version,but to no avail.

Is this just for your own personal project or do you seriously want to override the library system wide?
If it's the former then you don't have to go that far, just link the project to your library.

If you seriously want to do the later then think about what you're really asking. Obviously doing that is going outside the control of your package manager. If that's really what you want I wouldn't even bother trying to do some hacky thing to make your package manager aware of your change, I'd just do it manually and overwrite the system library with the one I want. But that's just me.

It'd be easier to answer your question if you gave more detail on exactly why you want to do this.

install gentoo

Fuck it it's not like package managers won't shit the bed themselves. I'll just "install" it and then rm the fucking files.

For the record this is exactly the sort of problem that package managers like Guix and Nix were designed to solve, and without resorting to dumb solutions like flatpack or snaps.
I'm running nixos and I can have as many versions of a library installed that I want.

>Can connect to my xfinity internet fine at my house
>visit parents and cannot connect to xfinity

Using debian 9 with gnome, any ideas?


Is GuixSD kinda the official distro of the GNU Project? Their URL is under gnu.org I think?

No video because of your new graphics drivers.

You mean you can't connect to the router? I hope you aren't plugging your machine directly into the internet naked

I enter the password for the access point and it doesn't work

I think it is, more or less. Can't find a link right now but I think on some official gnu.org pages they refer to it in sort of that manner. Maybe I'm just delusional though.

So you are entering your parents password for their _router_ right? Not your own password from home, and it's a router password, not related to xfinity in any way.

What should I use Debian testing / beta
or Ubuntu ?

>Arch Linux// HighDPI// GTK3
when using >export GDK_SCALE=2 it's too big
but GDK_SCALE doesn't support any value between 1 and 2? Or did I miss something, writing 1.5 doesn't work.


Not without a lot of luck and fuckery. It might be possible to switch ubuntu to debian sid through apt but it would take a ton of time and resolving errors.

I don't want to be spied on and I want to be in control of my system.

New? Ubuntu
Some experience? Debian stable
More experience? Debian testing
You know what you're doing? Debian sid

I might take a look at Nix this weekend then.

wow user that looks almost exactly like what I want.

I see, well Ubuntu here I come !

Once a week on Gentoo. I don't run any numbered release distros anymore but I would usually update those weekly as well.

...of course? I enter their password and it doesn't connect. I have the same set up for connecting as i do on my phone.

Maybe their wifi uses a different encryption method? Maybe you set a static IP and it's conflicting? Hard to know. Try looking around your network settings.

I just want to say THANK YOU to everyone in this thread. I went from Windows to Ubuntu and today flawlessly to Debian Unstable and I'm so happy.

Keep this thread running forever and convert EVERYONE to GNU/Linux!

Using i3 wm and noticed that the top part has that weird notification thing.
How do I get rid of it?

may the freedoms be with you my child

Dear jesus, this thing is still alive?

Installing Slackware right now, thanks for not being any help at all.


I like reddit spacing.


yes I read the wiki thank you. How do i set a value between 1 and 2? thanks

Worst meme ever. Everyone who keeps forcing it should fuck off back to lebbit.

Indeed it is user kun.

You didnt read it then

I dare you to find one better alternative that isn't a private tracker with ratio

Good taste friend, Debian Sid is patrician tier.

Been using it back in like ~2007, was a fun time.
brb installing

GDK 3 (GTK+ 3)

>To scale UI elements by a factor of two:

>export GDK_SCALE=2

>To undo scaling of text:

>export GDK_DPI_SCALE=0.5

Did I miss something?

Yes, you suck at reading comprehension

>export GDK_SCALE=2
I just want to do export GDK_SCALE=1.5 or 1.75 instead of 2
text is fine, only UI elements are too big

Unironically use it everyday.
Has things that you wouldn't dream of finding in any torrent site, private or not.

slsk has the RARE stuff

got it!

how to dual boot? is there a Sup Forums guide or infographic for retards?

How delete my DE and just have a WM?



Srsly just don't dualboot. You learn much faster by just wiping the botnet and installing a GNU/Linux distro.

Use a VM for stuff you *must* stick to. It's as easy as "insert windows image" and hit "play".

I heard that they where working on getting a version with the Hurd kernel working. Would be called just GNU then?

How do i open multiple copies of the same image viewer?
I would like to run two of them simultaneously, one on each screen, but i dont know how to do so

still just Linux

I've used gentoo for 7 years and it's the only distro that has truly been stable for me (meaning e.g. X never breaks, updates just werk for the most part, etc.).
I'm looking for another distro that is stable yet has access to bleeding edge packages for specific cases, doesn't use systemd, has tons of packages available (at least on the level of debian, but preferably >= gentoo, which is only second to arch+aur), and is preferably a binary distro. Cool features like reproducible configs such as in nixos or guixsd are a plus. Slacktards and bsdinbreds need not apply. What options are available?

Tell your session manager to just give you an x session. This will vary based on session manager.

It'll probably have to do with how the window sets its title. Run `xprop | grep _APP_` and cross check the output with your WM's documentation