Explain this, Archfags

Explain this, Archfags

>actually falling for Sup Forums memes
Hello re:ddit

>tfw newfags can't into invisible characters
Hello, reddit

that's cute

Explain that disgusting terminal, please.

Sorry my terminal hurts your eyes. Maybe if you moved out of the basement you wouldn't have to use dark themes :^)

> yaourt
Go die in a fire

Have you thought of killing yourself? Your Reddit friends would love the video of that!

what's wrong?

pacaur is better

OP is a faggot

Your terminal is ugly, refrain from posting it and violating the NAP of my eyes.

but that's right

>yaourt is not secure XDDDD
Who reads the PKGBUILD before running it anyway?

Get out of the basement more often

> safety belt in cars is for losers, the post

pacaur is better in pretty much everything.
Also in usability, as it minimizes user interaction.

And yeah, of course I read the PKGBUILD. It's not just about preventing obvious malware (which hasn't happened so far), but mostly about mistakes, eg like what valve did: rm -rf "$STEAMROOT/"*

can't spell advertisements without semen.

Explain this, pacaur fags

>sudo vim
>not sudoedit
also, simply Color werks on my machine, no true required.

Retard, you used it wrong, just write Color

> sudo vim

>why type 8 characters when you can type 8 characters

>hurrr pacaur makes usability easier
Does your precious pacaur have this ability though, dipshits?

moving the goalposts, i'm out.
also, I used yaourt for years myself, and don't miss it now that i'm using pacaur

I use pamac, u mad console babbies?

> sudo vim
> sudoedit
are not the same thing

>moving goalposts
>cries about such a simple thing
I could just append -e to sudo and accomplish the same niggerliciousness, but I don't because I'm not a fucking wageslave (that means only I use this computer and don't need to worry about such minor securities)

Still, you never answered my question: Can pacaur -s prompt for package selection?

Actually, you can't spell advertisements without semen between the tits

This thread is bad and you should feel bad.

>Still, you never answered my question: Can pacaur -s prompt for package selection?

Yes it can


get pacaur, dont be a fag

reddit here what is this

sudo -e

Portage has color. Gentoo once again proven best distro.

use pacaur