Does anyone right custom scripts for porn sites they frequent?

Does anyone right custom scripts for porn sites they frequent?

>wrote script that allows me to view images full screen like a gallery using WASD to navigate
>preloads images so I don't have to wait for them to load
>loads and parses pages too so i can continue navigating the gallery seamlessly

Also if I go to another site and it has a ton of thumbnails I'll spend a minute writing a script into the console to load their full sizes.

Other urls found in this thread:


I think you have a problem OP, get help.

How so? I want my porn browsing to be as enjoyable as possible.

post it

What cartoon porn are you even looking at OP?

You faggot.

Get a life.

I don't look at cartoon porn. That's gross.

This all seems so pointless.

If I wanted rule34 content, I'd just setup a subscription in Hydrus Network and it'll download everything periodically.

>not open sourcing the cod and sharing to Sup Forums weeboo.
Are you a moron?

I'm too embarrassed. I wrote it when javascript was my only known language and I learned everything off stack overflow.


I have a bot that searches the /gif/ catalog and downloads media from threads with my fetishes by keywords. It checks every hour or so to keep my local copies of media updated. It checks for and removes dupes via a hash check. I have more SFM porn than you can imagine.

or you could've just site ripped rule34hentai since thats where 99% of it comes from

post the script

Terrible style

while you're on, try looking up "platinum_(eek_the_cat)". Those are all of the comissions I've gotten of my waifu

pick one

how much do commissions cost?

stop watching porn

I have an mpv script that creates, loads, and suffles playlists

I pick both

It depends on who it's from. The most I've ever paid was ~$350 and the least I've ever paid was $60

holy fuck. what cost 350 to commission?

>I pick both
You can't, they're contradictions. Pick one.

So the guy I commissioned was Aka7, who charges by "slot" and not by piece. Each slot is an hour, and since he needed three and a half hours, it came out to $350. That's the one with Rainbow Mika, Yamato Nadeshiko, and Cerebella giving Platinum a pre-match rubdown.

Listen dude, it's a feminine dick. A big, strong, masculine, veiny, emasculating feminine dick.