Android users: cucked again.
Android users: cucked again.
At least they doesn't track you even when your phone is turned off.
Gross. I miss physical switches on electronics. Loss of removable batteries, too.
these assholes go for software buttons because you are then disabling stuff that secretly is still enabled.
I also miss "write on - off" switches on motherboards to protect the Bios or UEFI.
Damn, the nineties...... i loved them. The tech stuff were pretty advanced and all functions had their fucking mechanical buttons and switches.
that's why people on important meetings take off even the battery out of their phones, you can't know how these rats are spying on you
just imagine, when the time comes to have shit like augmented arms/legs and whatnot available for the general public it will be the same shit, you just won't be able to turn those off
>installing gapps
Joke's on you.
> Not using LuneOS
Are Lineage users okay?
I assume so, unless you're a retard and flashed gapps.
It's always possible to do a rough geolocate through the cell network info. At the very least websites like search engines (of any type) usually pull your ISPs closest node location.
Sent from my Google(TM) Android
>he actually has google services on his phone
>Installing Gapps and GMS
Only got yourself to blame OP.
whoa it's not like i can uninstall gapps and replace my OS or anything
Maybe back when phones had easily removable batteries.
>get caught with their hand in the cookie jar
>j-just an experiment. That's all, friend!. We'll end it this month. We promise! :^)
Wow. Gee i wonder how useful is information about guy who 99%of his life spends in 1-2 locations.
delete this
>taking your phone with you to places you don't want to be known
Why cant you sue them for using up your data?
What about microg?