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I'm working through this lecture series


Going to start on the problem sets soon. Has anyone else done this course before?

You guys think this will go on sale during black friday? I really need to improve my code efficiency

Desperately trying to get a Java job (fuck web development and I don't know a damn thing about C# or .NET). Problem is, I'd say roughly 95% of these Java jobs require Spring, Hibernate, Servlets, JSP, J2EE, etc... basically all the shit one would learn on a job, but that jobs require you to know to get a job.
How could I demonstrate that I have a basic knowledge of these things? I can't think of interesting projects I could build that take advantage of some of these.

trying to pick a new lang to learn


Terra. It's like C, only better.

I've looked at it, but i have no interest in its niche. And I already have Idris for proof wankery.

There is nothing better than C.

Eh, looks pretty bad.

I get the sense that you're a noob, or that maybe you only have a little bit of experience. You should really pick ONE language and have that be your go-to for a good while. At least until you are very proficient in it. I say this because I played the little jump from language to language game for a while, and I wasted a lot of time because of it.

I don't know who makes that, so I can't tell. I know Bad Dragon is having a Black Friday sale though. Only black dildos with medium firmness are on sale though.

can anyone explain dependency injection thing like I am a retard

dagger2 makes my head hurt

>t. Cniles

Assembly question

How is saying a Lua-based systems JIT lang looks bad, make me a cnile?

t. hasn't graduated

VBA is the ultimate red pill.

>How is saying a Lua-based systems JIT lang looks bad, make me a cnile?
Cnility acts in mysterious ways, user. Either way, you are OBJECTIVELY WRONG. It looks pretty good.

>It looks pretty good.
Even its C calling conventions are shit.
If you can't import the lib as a usual module then call printf like usual, it needs work.

Terra is fucking great. I wish it had a real dev team.

>If you can't import the lib as a usual module then call printf like usual, it needs work.
But you can.

Object Pascal is better than C.

By their example it seems you must do
C = terralib.includec("stdio.h")
C.printf("Hello, Terra!\n")

dont take the requirements you see on a job posting as concrete. it doesn't hurt to apply

>If you can't import the lib as a usual module
That's literally how a usual module works in Lua. If you're complaining about the C functions being in a table instead of polluting the global namespace, you can write a thin wrapper to import them into the global table.

It's JIT but can dump compiled code to object files you can link with your normal linker. So, effectively, Terra is also an AOT compiler with Lua as its macro language.

make a few projects and chuck em on github, it always helps me get an interview

I just don't see the benefit or use-case for it, desu.

>fuck web development

>I just don't see the benefit or use-case for it, desu
Maybe you're just unimaginative. You get C-like performance and low-level programming, but also compile-time computations, compile-time reflection, a template mechanism and decent metaprogramming, without all the horrors of C++.

>apply to one or more
desu real interviews help a lot to better understand yourself

yeah I want to, trust me I'm desperate to get started, but I have no idea what to even work on. everything just seems so contrived and tired. I want something that recruiters will look at and their reaction will be like "wow, that is really interesting. maybe I should recommend this guy." will they do that if I implemented a blog from a J2EE tutorial? probably not.
perhaps it's enough to complete a few online courses and tutorials and such, and put that I "know" the technology on my resume, without actually having any code on my github?

Why lain is so cute?

Fellow physics grad here.
I wish you luck: I've been here for a while and things only seem to become more dire; I'm entering my third year of unemployment.
I'll warn against trying to retrain: that's exactly what I've been trying to do, even looking to do another bachelors just to have a more relevant qualification; employers typically filter the wheat from the chaff by degrees.
The problem is that there's a whole heap more to learn than first meets the eye, and I'm not talking about learning programming languages themselves or best practices: all these CS grads seem to go into detail about the inner workings of computers (writing operating systems, including shells and kernels and whatnot) and learn various things about best implementations, structures and algorithms...
Me piddling about with various languages just doesn't cut it in the end: I was taught an anaemic amount of Java on my physics course (fortran, as much as the lecturers swear by it, is a deprecated language in my eyes) and taught myself (what I thought was) C++, C and Python.
But yes: as the other poster recommended, SICP is a good book (alas, I've only read 60 pages of it).
I've almost finished K&R and it's definitely good if you want to familiarise yourself with the C language.

But whatever you do, don't give up on physics: you've gone through the sodding process of learning the stuff; you're far better suited there than here.
Because I'm here and I'm just as unemployed.

she's got a little bear suit and acts a lot younger than her age so she's like a baby.

This fucking sucks. Physics is the english degree of STEM and I wish I had known at the beginning.

Thankfully I also did a bunch of engineering courses, but without the degree, I don't look that great to employers. I guess I'll just have to keep pushing, but I dunno what to do.

i wanna learn LISP. just found CHICKEN (!!!) and it seems like a really neat idea. anyone know of a good book on CHICKEN? or just LISP in general (like the K&R of LISP/CHICKEN)
i already know C, Haskell and dabble in Rust and python

For Haskell haskellbook.com/ should replace both books in the pic.

the land of lisp sucks! i tried reading that once and its just "do this, do that" and doesnt explain shit, like codeacademy

Code Complete is the perfect kind of sit on the toilet and read a section or two, book.

Are people really this bad at C++ outside Sup Forums?
I have seen some bad stuff with C++, but most of the time, it is just bad programmers.

You've bragged the bull by the tail instead of the horns and it kicked you.

Start here:
Concepts of Programming Languages (9th Edition)
by Sebesta, Robert W

After you're done with it, take Head First Java - 2nd edition to learn Java 6. Then any book on Java 8 or lectures by Goetz on developerworks.

Most cs grads I know know fuck all about how a cpu processes instructions and can't write VHDL for shit. And they don't need to, thats the domain of computer engineers. If you want to venture there, get a copy of "Fundamentals of Digital Logic" by Vranesic. And you won't need to either, unless you really want to.

The k&r of lisp is SICP. Chicken is a good choice for scheme distros for its wonderful interop with C and its libraries.. It has a reasonable manual and api on its website.

Read ANSI Common Lisp.

> it doesn't hurt to appl..

C++ is a bloated, incoherent clusterfuck of a language with a pathetically low ratio of expressiveness to complexity. If you find that appealing, something like Terra clearly isn't for you. Maybe they'll add some basic support for metaprogramming and compile-time reflection in C++47, though.

There will never be a better C because Ctards are so autistic about their language they'll even reject their own standards (C99 and C11).

>implying C99 and C11 are better than ANSI C

Proving my point.

>samefagging so blatantly

i have seen this book being recommended many times and never knew its about LISP... is this really the full book? :o mitpress.mit.edu/sicp/full-text/book/book.html
>wonderful interop with C
thats exactly why i chose it! :)

by Paul Graham? i think ill read SICP the user above recommended, but ill keep your sugestion on my list, thanks!

>Ctards ... reject
You mean Microsoft VC rejects them.

if you really think that, i feel for you!

>i have seen this book being recommended many times and never knew its about LISP
The book is not about lisp. It's about general computer science concepts, but it explains Scheme and uses it for the implementations.

>by Paul Graham?
Yes. It's a great CL book. Unlike SICP, it doesn't teach you programming, but it teaches CL really well.

>h-he must be s-samefagging!

>i-i-i'm not samefagging, i s-swear
Alright, user. Sounds believable now.

Just seems like usual C autism to me.

Sounds like the usual plustoddler butthurt and samefagging to me, user, but maybe I'm wrong.

>Implying it isn't you who is samefagging and posted both and

>It's about general computer science concepts, but it explains Scheme
even better, im always looking to improve
i like some of his posts, i can see his book being good aswell

I want to laugh but I'm mad

>when confronted, the plustoddler will attempt reverse psychology and other kiddie-tier evasive manouvers


Do I need to do the exercises in SICP, or just read it?

>We need Senior Haskell Developer
jobs like this actually do exist

wow, this thread really is shit today

let me brighten your day with a cool fact: argv[argc] always equals NULL, so you can iterate over argv in a while loop.

you just need to focus on the myth that sourrounds it

soon it'll impregnate you with Lisp knowledge and you can shitpost on /dpt/

I can post screenshots too m8.
Too bad screenshots don't prove anything.

Are you implying that i can throw my argc, and use strlen() to get my argc back?

what do you think lol

>Senior Haskell Developer Jobs
>32 Jobs Found
The "haskell has no jobs" is outdated, it's a pretty popular language now.

There are more Haskell jobs now than even five years ago.

exercises for me don't always result in learning, but they improve my memory

no because pointers are wider than chars

32 jobs in the entire world

Haskell is passe these days. Real functional programmers have moved on to Agda and Idris.

yes, thats a nice fact and i was surprised that was the case when reading the spec
no, char ** argv

Avoid success at any cost!

It was all me all along.

success = success0 || not success

>no because pointers are wider than chars
int main (int argc, char**argv)
int neo_argc = strlen((char*) argv) / sizeof(size_t);

Nobody talking about directly passing argv without modify it

No just in the US, and monster's querying is shit so I'm sure there's more.
I love Idris lad, but haskell took over and next to no one wants to adopt others. it's genuinely a shame because Haskell is a shit-show.

if programming on an 8bit CPU then sizeof(char) == sizeof(char *) is probably true

If any of the pointers you check that way have a null byte, that will return a length too short.

I wonder where that is true

Industry will acknowledge Haskell's problems in roughly 20-30 years. It's the way of things.

that doesnt work because strlen compares byte by byte, if theres a 0x00 anywhere on any of those pointer, itll stop
nice thinking though


I want to apply to this really cool C++ job but I am scared and insecure :( It really looks like I can do it, but it's been 3 years since I worked as a sepples programmer

what's stopping you?

Need more Lain

I've worked with C++ for 3 years now and I'm still not comfortable putting it on my resume.

Play the PSX game.

>Haskell's problems in roughly 20-30 years.
I just don't know how people put up with it, so many inherit problems and people are just okay with the same things that they shit on Scala and co for. I hate that not even programming langs are a meritocracy.

my directx skills are a bit rust, it was long time ago and they need it apparently

yeah, with that shit impostor sydrome is inevitable I guess

After K&R, what is next?
Algorithms in C by Robert Sedgewick?

What IDE for python?

Also if I know C and Java, python should be piece of cake right?

I'd recommend "Modern C" by Jens Gustedt (may have screw the name)

What do people mean when they say that Haskell does not have operational semantics? Is it because of laziness? Please respond.

>After K&R
Another language