Daily reminder flag place isnt a nation just an european occupying ameriindian rightful clay

daily reminder flag place isnt a nation just an european occupying ameriindian rightful clay

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America is the most evil country in human history

We are a non-white country so I don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

Diversity pride America wide yo

you mad because they occupy nip clay

japan isnt a colony of us so much but uk is.

Gib back ainu clay OP

i heard canadian ESL said same thing to us with very serious tone and i laughed at him.we are ok.



>no mention of ukenistan
>87 facilities in coinslot looking land.

>100 million
How the fuck do they get that number. Even large, industrializing European nations didn't have that many.

you got that the wrong way around
or was that supposed to be banter?

I'm guessing it's the predicted population of all of the Americas before European disease wiped them out.

daily remidner japan isn't a nation just a fucking korean cult occupying ainu rightful clay.

good posting but
Next, you, israel.
almsot basement are in okinawa which was just a foreing cunts before, its becuase japanese policital power and highest IQ made.
not banter.

They have no way of knowing that though. The indians did not keep record keeping, and there was no way we could estimate populations if they got wiped out before we even could get their to count.

Don't get me wrong, disease wiped out millions of them, but 100 million is way too much. That is a third of our population in modern times. The indians did not have urban centers (not talking about south American indians) and could not have booming populations in those numbers

If I had to make up a BS number I think is more accurate, it would be 20-40 million MAX

Mods rangeban this retarded spammer please

zitto european

Those things lose credibility when you use thos kinds of numbers, most native Americans died of diseases which because of the circumstances of human history would have been an inevitable result of contact with any old world peoples, not just Europeans.

Not excusing the Americans here, those blankets with small pox are one of the most fucking evil crimes in history and even if you could excuse war crimes as a necesity, much of what happened was immoral by the standards of the time, the absolute disregard for signed treaties demonstrates the bile and viciousness of Americas in that era. Given the small percentage of the population which remains Native American in the USA it is beyond despicable they remain in conditions which would be considered misery even in latin America, if nothing else a few states, not reservations, could be carved out for them and the revenues of the land used for their benefit.


>The indians did not have urban centers
Weren't the descendants of the Mississippians living in semi-urban cconditions when the Europeans found them?
That's why they were called the "civilized tribes."

say it is "Human history", its too new for us and i guess you have to keep your land claiming "nation" at least future 200years, at that time it will barely human history, and infection stuff is suck.obviously it was made-story.


I've read about it, they don't have statehood tho and the piece of land while admittedly large is near devoid of resources, meanwhile they do live as if they were in Africa. A state isn't made by size but economic viability, in your south and our north that means larger states.

For massive population booms that yield 100 million people, you are talking European and American urbanization circa 1800-1900.

Now I of course understand that North America is a big continent, but 100 million would reach a density where there would at least have to be several major cities.

100 million is just a shock number designed to make people feel bad. The indians were nowhere nearly as urbanized as Europe to have anywhere close to 100 million.

Didn't the Spanish kill more?
Spain needs to apologize

did you forget about the ainu you dumb jap?

the northern half of honshu and sapporo is ainu clay, brah

seriously fins were irrelevant to history of america and you are animale which have to zitto
personally i dont approve american doings so much, spanish next.
its scale is absolutely diffrent

Don't feed this spammer.
He is a legit retard.