>"Look at this guy Rebeccah, he pretends to be a computer enthusiast and a hacker by bringing an old Lenovo laptop with Linux and weird tiling window manager installed on it to our CS class"
>"Wow, what a pretentious faggot"
I seriously hope you guys conceal your powerlevel in public, especially in universities.
"Look at this guy Rebeccah...
>girls like that in my cs class.
I'd leave immediately anyway.
Why? Can't stand the thought of a female being better than you in computers?
>girls in CS
op you seem very self concious, do you want to talk about something?
This, 100% guaranteed diploma mill
lol. Go work for Google's HR department, I think your talents are up their alley.
all the smart kids in my class have macbooks with macOS sierra
what do big titties taste like?
Openbox isn't a tiling window manager. Also I'll just woo them with my magnificent Gentoo install.
Jokes on you, OP, me and my old Lenovo laptop with Linux on it don't leave the house
tell us about your programming socks
Do you use a panel with your openbox?
Yeah tint2.
>cares about what people say
not everyone is insecure like you user
I'll check it out then. Thanks!
>guaranteed diploma mill
Why the fuck did you up for the college or university in the first place if their CS class told you it was a diploma mill?
>implying cs, unnecessary alternative math degree.
I wouldn't be so foolish, but quick one to assume! Your degree means shit without qualified experience as well. IDC what school you go to.
No business knowledge? You'll have very little impact when they hand you your big boy shoes and send you to work.
>"Look at this guy Rebeccah, he's making a post on Sup Forums"
>Wow, what a disgusting virgin.
fuck, marry, kill
I think you're confusing narcissism for talent.
>drinking the liquid jew
dropped like a hot potato
Like small or medium size titties.
Unless they are pregnant titties then they taste like tittie milk.
>Draws on body with pen.
>Pretends it's a tatoo for fake Internet points.
>doesn't care what people think
yep, in that order