I push my fingers into my....
I push my fingers into my
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Thread #5646457 about the same shit.
Just go away plebbit. Enough already.
Only reddit would think Netflix, google, and reddit are victims
Only reddit would think more government is the solution
>pajeet just fucked over red states
Blue states will pass laws to prevent this shit. Republicans getting cucked not only by jews but now by street shitters.
This, it's over you cucks, you lost.
>Only reddit would think Verizon, AT&T, Comcast, and Time Warner are victims
>Only reddit would think that more corporations is the solution
I don’t rely on any of the above for internet. What now kike? Keep your long nose out of my internet tubes
high quality bait, almost bit
who is your ISP?
It’s not bait you are just retarded and believe whatever shit reddit shovels you
Nice try jew.
The most funniest thing is Comcast owns MSNBC so now they have every right to block the FOX News website or charge more for it compared to MSNBC.
I’d like to see them try. Might finally be the end of them.
thank you for coming to Sup Forums and improving the quality of the board
my emperors anus.
>I push my fingers into my....
muuuh politics
It's gonna happen. If you think politics are annoying now, just you wait. Comcast and Time/Warner own half of the mainstream liberal media. Trump and his buddies are about to sign their own death warrants.Get ready for the Feminist News and Entitled Nigger Channel streaming 24/7.
Read about starting an ISP and then tell me gov is not the problem
>Netflix using petabytes of data ov very stop the ISPs from charging us
>muh libruls.
why are american politics so divisive?
Yeah, Comcast is going to cut off the news channel with 50 market share...
Because people didn't listen to Thomas Jefferson
>Because people didn't listen to Thomas Jefferson
There's some truth in that, though.
>founding fathers
If they were so great why did they not engineer a solution to the situation you face today?
Voting systems have well been understood well before their time. They're really no better than modern politicians. Same crappy solutions. Different values.
My nigga.
>Different values.
That's where the problem lies.
*screeching eagle*
*burgers frying*
Are you retarded?
Netflix is not even campaigning for net neutrality anymore why is everyone fixated on Netflix, they have their deal with the ISPs now
> listening to slaveowners
netflix is still the canonical example by redditors of why we need NN, even though it was lying through its teeth at the time about being throttled rather than being a cheap jew about paying for bandwidth
same to you good sir. Keep panicking over nothing bedwetter soyboy
but it's the ISP users downloading petabytes of data from Netflix over the ISP, right?
So, Sup Forums and Reddit really are bed buddies? Holy shit, this is fucking shameful.
not panicking, generally pleased with the quality of post typical Sup Forums-posters generate
Actually it is now the chief example of a traitor to the cause it seems
> complaining about post quality
> posting irrelevant images
> not making any good arguments for NN
Do you work for IMAX because that's some 15000 watt projection
They were full of shit then, they'd be full of shit now. They've finally grown up and stopped trying to jew their way to free bandwidth.
> /t_d/
> the most hated subreddit on reddit
Pick two
So can we all agree to never trust corps?
>Implying Comcast and Verizon aren't the jews here
Nah, I actually more believe Tim Berners-Lee, you know, the guy who created it.
wtf Trump is a fucking libcuck now??
They did
Read what they wrote
No, some are trustworthy. Nice thing about most corporations is you can stop purchasing from them.
How dumb can you be. Trump is attacking NN, he doesn't think the fairness doctrine is a good thing (it isn't), and has been consistent about this for years.
based jeff
> Trump is attacking NN
> He doesn't think the fairness doctrine is a good thing (it isn't)
>Net Neutrality is the fairness doctrine
Sup Forums assess
and they enjoy it.
Suck it soyboys.
It is. It guarantees anonymoose bytes the same speed as paid bytes. Give me one reason that should be the case (hint: it never was the case)
kek, cant wait for my ISP to show those kike streaming services whats up! shadilay and maga!
Reversing NN is going to put the power in the hands of shitters like CNBC and the rest of the mainstream liars. Comcast and Time Warner own most of them. Good job with maintaining truth and freedom of speech, Trump.
NN never went into effect, go back to r*ddit you retard who believes everything he sees instead of investigating things for himself
>100 years later
>city "mobs" fight war against "trusted" farmers
>farmers get BTFO
>100 more years later
>farmers whine about how 95% of economic output is driven by cities and farms produce nothing of value except giving illegal immigrants a job
wow, such foresight!
just like California did, right?
>Capitalist loves farmers
Lol. Farmers are literal subhumans who destroy every single thing they touch.
Should i start downloading porn?
Keep this shit up and states really will begin seceding. The way the capitalists are operating right now is at peak degeneracy. They're pissing way too many people off.
So, Trumpsters elephant keeper is just wasting our tax money on a thought exercise? That's brilliant.
The entire body of corporate law is essentially a thought experiment because making shit up as you go along as people sue is retarded.
please point to the day NN went into effect in the USA
go ahead i'll be waiting
>Create monopoly
>Just stop purchasing from them
Okay now point to the point in time when congress allowed oxygen to exist. Checkmate, communists!
That's adorable. Oldies thinking they are people.
>pajeet fucks with technology
Nothing new here.
newfag fuck off Sup Forums supported nn before.
You're forgetting that companies will be able to add bandwidth caps and throttle your internet again. Remember those 30gb datacaps? They are coming back.
NN is the leftist glue keeping the American internet rolling, the cork on the dam's crack.
The cork is an horrible solution that will fail, but just pulling it will just fuck shit even more.
A good president and government would actually fix the fucking dam, which means in this case fucking the american ISPs on the ass by making their monopolies illegal.
Which this, NN becomes a non issue, as competition would force the ISPs to not pull too many jewish tricks.
But the big question is, why neither Obama nor Trump did this? aren't they supposed to be "the hero that saves the internet"?
And do you actually think Hillary would do it?
Again and again
Why even bother?