Why is coding promoted as a respectable profession?

Programming is a terrible profession. For one, you are not respected at any normal company. You're known as 'IT' or 'tech' and everyone gossips about how disgusting everyone is in the department. Every day, some Alpha who probably does nothing at his job except get his secretary to suck his dick in his corner office cucks you into doing random bitch work, and then yells at you when it's not done by the deadline despite it being impossible to complete the work requested. Not only that, the code rarely works, your co-workers are smelly Indians brought in by Tata Consultancy and connive to replace your job at all times for half the salary, and the work never, ever ends. You pollute your body with sugar and toxins, deprive it of sleep, and let it rot while you sit the majority of the day, neglecting any healthy exercise, social interaction or life goal attainment. It's like a Postal worker, but coupled with feelings of patheticness, loneliness, helplessness, rage and total hopelessness.

Women, when they hear you are a programmer, instantly remove you from the potential pool of mates as they know your earning potential is maxed early and your career over at 35. They are also instantly disgusted by you. It is far better to tell a woman you are on welfare than to out yourself as a computer programmer. It's also highly embarrassing for a woman to date or be married to a programmer, as virtually everyone knows they are the grown up version of the hopeless virgin in high school. One who never really grew up and became normal and fit into society, but rather found an environment where he could escape the reality of his situation and be invisible, able to hide the toxic shame and utter humiliation that is the programmer.

After Dentists, programmers have the highest rates of mental disorders, especially depression and suicide.

Programmers, why haven't you taken the cyanide pill?

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programming isn't the same thing as IT and you don't do "bitch work" like fixing peoples computers if you are working at an actual software company. It is true that a lot of women don't automatically respect your intellect but it's usually smart people who are fans of other smart people. find a woman with a brain and she will be attracted to your intelligence. I went to engineering school and the stereotype that all engineers are maladjusted nerds isn't true. a lot of them are totally normal people or even chads, see Dolph Lundgren for a famous example.

>coding promoted as a respectable profession
umm...because it usually pays much better than menial labour?

is that really worth it? I said fuck that desu.

I work at a nice calm cafe now. I dont want to fucking kill myself every day.

Wow, very high standards. Better than menial labor

>Not being intelligent enough to not have trouble programming
>Letting your boss walk all over you
>Not having other work opportunities in your inbox so you can just take a day off and tell your work to fuck off
>They will never fire you because they need you more than you need them

>go into IT
>everyone thinks you know how to code

>go into programming
>everyone thinks you know everything about setting up users and permissions on servers

>minimum wagecuck worrying about not wanting to kill themselves if they made 6 figures


You just sound like a fucking beta cuck. Not the profession or the fields fault it's your fault.

I just do it for the money and so I can work from home and spend more time with my newborn. Computer Science and I.T are one of the safest and more profitable majors for a bachelor, which is why I chose it. If I chose passion over opportunity I would have been a history major.

I meant for a bachelors degree.

Wtf is wrong with dentists?

>umm...because it usually pays much better than menial labour?
Go look up how much an HVAC technician or an electrician makes and come back and tell me again that programming pays better


Good meme and somewhat true but you're kind of neglecting programmers of many different types make some of the highest wages in the country right now. I will say the ones that are autist losers are probably not doing much better than anyone else, but if you can marry knowledge of programming with other valuable communication or business skills your earning potential is great. And crossover skills also give you different job titles that won't scare people away quite so quickly.

The other thing is programmers get a lot of flexibility in work schedules, work from home, and misc. office perks even outside of silicon valley.

Agree with all the indian outsourcing shit though. That's part of why it's important to marry the programming expertise with other skills. Communication skills are important and neglected by 95% of programmers, but that'll not only give you job safety (pajeet is not gonna be representing the company at a managerial level unless he's an exceptional pajeet) but also makes you more versatile.

How about you go look up what a programmer makes? You are absolutely delusional if you think the average HVAC blue collar cuck makes more than a programmer.

t. McDonalds worker

SV want cheap workers, if don't exist H1B, programming wage would be over $200,000.

>average HVAC salary: $36,000
>average electrician salary: $54,000
>average software developer salary: $109,000

Holy shit, I was actually curious to see for myself, and you're fucking retarded.

>Just getting out of college, no prior job experience
>starting with over 60K a year with a promotion after a short training period
>With the same girlfriend for multiple years and planning on getting married


I have never worked in a software company: the post.
I'm sorry you got baited and switched into IT.

kek this

Programming is an incredibly degrading job that offers 0 job security and is the vocation most plagued by ageism by a far margin. You are not respected at any normal company. Every day, some Alpha who probably does nothing at his job except get his secretary to suck his dick in his corner office cucks you into doing random bitch work, and then yells at you when it's not done by the deadline despite it being impossible to complete the work requested. Not only that, the code rarely works, your co-workers are Indians brought in by Tata Consultancy who will replace you for half the salary and you have to train them to get your $500 severence, and the work never, ever ends. You pollute your body with the caffeinenated jew, deprive it of sleep, and let it rot while you sit the majority of the day, neglecting any healthy exercise, social interaction or life goal attainment.

It's like a postal worker, but coupled with feelings of loneliness, helplessness and total hopelessness. Programmers are too depressed to go postal, a sad state of affairs. After dentists, programmers have the highest rates of mental disorders, especially depression and suicide.

It gets worse. Women, when they hear you are a programmer, instantly reject you. It is far better to tell a woman you are on welfare than to out yourself as a computer programmer. It's highly embarrassing for a woman to associate with a programmer, as everyone knows they are the grown up version of the hopeless virgin in high school. One who never really grew up and became normal and fit into society, but rather found an environment where he could escape the reality of his situation and be invisible, able to hide the toxic shame and utter humiliation that is the programmer.

Programming's father, Alan Turing, killed himself with cyanide because he was a programmer. Programmers, why haven't you taken the cyanide pill and quit programming and turned to a respectable and productive profession to better society?

that's inflated by the the cost of living in the bay area, you can barely survive on $100k in the bay area, not even memeing

Alan Turín never programming because don't exist language programming by time, he was a mathematics.

This is why you shouldn't become a self taught programmer and instead get yourself a masters degree in CompSci so you can actually work on interesting problems instead of being "that IT guy" that has to solve everyone's dumbsterfires.

-t. Someone who fell for the self taught meme and went back to uni to get his degree

Also, why the fuck do you care so much what others think. Are you an insecure little bitch?

>Programmers, why haven't you taken the cyanide pill?
Because where the fuck do you get a cyanide pill? Tell me, and I'll do it right now.

Then you sure as fuck can't survive as an HVAC tech or electrician; the point still stands.

"Programers" with macbooks and acers.

what i don't want to work on interesting problems and only care about making a stable income (50k or more) should i continue to self teach?

>get yourself a masters degree in CompSci so you can actually work on interesting problems

It'll make more sense to get a Phd if you want to do research.

i just want a job where i can make 40-50k+ and not have to socialize or leave my house a lot

you're not even trying 0/10

t. 100k chad

Jokes on you, coding is considered an elite occupation and programmers live covered in gold like drug lords due to their salary being paid in dollars, while the exchange rate for it is ridiculous in eastern european Shittistan republic that I am from.
It is not as fun in the first world, I guess.

>and not have to socialize or leave my house a lot
Then find something else. Programming jobs are usually the opposite of that.

Thats where u wrong kiddo, I work as construction worker on the weekends.

Girls love me.

what should i do then? would anything fit those criteria with a comp sci degree? i don't want to switch majors again

Alan Turing killed himself because he was forced to undergo chemical castration, which was the punishment for homosexuals in Britain at the time, plus he was a mathematician.

What the fuck is with all the hate for programming? Sup Forums trying to save their jobs by turning others away from it? Come on, lads, up your game.

Nice cuck fantasy m8

Sour grapes for bay area jobs.

>you can barely survive on $100k in the bay area, not even memeing

we are content being l33t ricers and shit posters while working our mcd jobs tyvm

i'm serious, if boot camps can get people jobs after 2-3 months of learning, why the fuck can't i do the same in my own time? yeah i wouldn't have a piece of paper but i don't see why i couldn't pick up the same skills by myself.

Meant to quote

The fuck should I know. I'm not an advice fairy.

No idea about the US, in my country IT and specifically software development is easily the best-paid profession.

except for the advice you just gave me about finding something else?

>Annually, that median San Francisco two bedroom apartment would cost $55,800, significantly higher than the U.S. median income for a full-time worker. If we assume that a typical renter spends no more than 36% of her monthly income on housing, that suggests that to afford San Francisco rent, she would need to be earning $155,000 per year. (Even so, it is probably still better to rent than to buy for most people in San Fran.)

Just so you know, I'm here if you need to talk.

Why would anyone choose to live in San Fagcisco?

>san francisco

muh six digit salary from fagbook/googlel/applel

None of those are in San Francisco tard.
Look at a map before meming about muh cost of living.

None of those companies are based in San Fagcisco. Try again.

No, learn a trade. You'll literally have to nag everyone and spend hours everyday mailing people instead of programming.

I remember using plenty of pictures, annotated with arrows and boxes to explain shit and they still manage to fuck up.

When you ask them for information it takes at least 10 fucking emails until they finally get of their ass and write a decent reply instead of the usual "why wont this guy shut up already" answer.

And after all of this it's your fucking fault if it doesn't work.

I'm considering it.

You're nitpicking. I just wanted to emphasize that it's not what you think it is, not give you a serious career advice.


>One Apple employee was recently living in a Santa Cruz garage, using a compost bucket as a toilet.

Did you just get fired from your diversity hire position for being grossly incompetent, roastie?

"in my personal experience the people i met were retarded therefore self-teaching isn't viable"

woah cool thanks for the insight i'm gonna become a plumber

>The biggest cost is his $3,000 rent – which he said was “ultra cheap” for the area – for a two-bedroom house inSan Francisco, where he lives with his wife and two kids.
So another idiot choosing to throw away his money in the shittiest city in the country. Meanwhile I pay $1600 a month for a 1 bedroom apartment in San Jose a 10 minute drive to the office.

$80-90k is a pretty common starting salary for new grads in low CoL places like Atlanta and the Research Triangle. In the Bay starting salaries are more like $150k+stock. And pay scales pretty quickly with experience.
You aren't reaching anywhere beyond that in the trades.

Or you can go to Seattle and get the same Bay Area pay at half the rent and no income tax.

>retard trying to raise a family on a single income
>making base salary of $160k as a 40-year-old
Wow, who would have thought that marrying deadweight and shitting out two kids was a bad idea when you're starting out at barely above entry level.

Why are you proud that your single bedroom apartment is over half the cost of an expensive 2-bedroom house?

>ultra cheap
I pay 1450 and I'm 15 minutes from Google HQ.

you're proving my point, a 1 bedroom apartment is pleb as fuck, and you can barely sustain a family on fucking $160k/year, it's dishonest to compare nation-wide salaries when software/tech is involved

Because you make money thats why, and you do not need to do physical labour.

>a 1 bedroom apartment is pleb as fuck

>pay $1000 a month more in rent
>get $200k a year more in pay
Keep working as a plumber in bumfuck nowhere. Maybe you'll have enough to retire on by 65.

Sure, but just don't expect to ever work on anything remotely interesting or fulfilling. You simply don't have sufficient qualifications for anything other than menial code monkey jobs that will make you kill yourself.

My dad has more satisfaction from his work as an electrician. You should see the smile on his face whenever we pass a building that he worked on.

one mistake and you're out on the streets

And SV isn't the only place where you can command $100k+ salaries, retard.

>north carolina

>My dad has more satisfaction from his work as an electrician. You should see the smile on his face whenever we pass a building that he worked on.
How is this different than having satisfaction seeing a project you "codemonkeyed" on?
This just sounds like you're dad having a healthier enjoyment of his work than you.

It's easier and there's more options to jump around in bay area.
Also the nature is way better excluding Seattle and Boulder.

hahaha wanna know how i know you haven't worked a trade? jesus christ i would take sitting on my arse typing code for 8 hours over manual labour that turns your body into a shrivelled disjointed prune by age 55. plus it's not like i can't upskill later down the line.

I worked with my dad for 2 years while I learned myself programming and worked on a portfolio.

>My dad has more satisfaction from his work as an electrician.

Why don't you become an electrician then instead doing boring computer science work? Whatever you are going to work in your new job, it's still going be just a small piece of a larger system.

I was pointing out that SV-level compensation isn't that much of a statistical outlier in terms of national tech compensation.
Obviously the career mobility is the main attraction for every software dev trying to get into the bay area.

But you still prefer a white collar job. Do you not see your own hypocrisy?

people who go to engineering school don't do bitch shit like computer programming wtf

I'm an unemployed physics major
I haven't gotten anything in two fucking years

I'm trying for programming because I don't know what the fuck else to do. I'm just trying not to kill myself at this point.

not anymore



Programming pays better

You obviously won't be able to survive if you live a lifestyle that's beyond your means. How are the people who earn less are able to survive?

>Sup Forums trying to save their jobs by turning others away from it?
>implying Sup Forums isn't full of NEETs and retarded students