Is using your phonecase as a wallet patrician or foolish...

Is using your phonecase as a wallet patrician or foolish? On the one hand it's one single point of failure so you lose more if it's stolen, on the other it's easier to keep track of one thing reducing the risk of losing it. Thoughts?

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Retarded, lose one thing and lose everything.

I don't use it as a wallet but I do use wallet cases, they're every bit as protecting as those fuckhuge bumper cases and they're much more aesthetic and comfortable, as long as they don't have that idiotic magnetic strap.

Pic related. So fucking comfy.

Where do you keep your cash then?

What's wrong with the strap? I'm thinking about getting something that doubles as a stand, I'm always awkwardly leaning my phone up against shit when I'm out.

>keeping cash
>the year of our lord 2017 AD

Go to bed gramps.

What kind of case?

>phone case wallet virgin
>insecure about holding phone with his hand
>goldfish memory, can barely remember where he puts his phone
>needs everything together in an autistic little package
>has only 2 tiny and tight pockets in his pants
>so insecure about himself he has to look at his id photo while using the phone

>the multi-pocket chad
>does not use a case because he holds his phone with telekinesis, has never once dropped it
>perfect memory, remembers where he puts his id, license, cash and his phone exactly where he put them
>doesn't need to put everything in one place because he remembers
>has 8 gigantic pockets in his shorts that could fit a car inside
>so confident about himself, he took the manufacturer's manager by the balls to make him a phone without a reflective screen

is one of those things that seems like a good idea but in execution fails.

flaps are dumb in smartphones.

I've never used a case up until now, but every time I'm in mcdonalds waiting for the bus I gotta awkwardly lean my phone up against my drink, so having a case with a stand would be convenient as fuck.

Once you go to wallet-case-in-1 you never go back.


werks for me

I hate the straps on them, but I also hate the "rubber phone case glued to a shell" that a lot of them like your pic has. Get something that integrates the flap into the case itself, like pic related.

The patrician way to go is to not drop your shit and use a device you can afford to replace.

Sad, go back to sleep

>got an email
>let me open up my wallet to check it real quick

Not enough slots for what I need to daily carry.
So I still have a wallet.

And I don't like covers on my phone, I want to see it straight.

>telling the bank and the govt where you are at all time and what you buy
Good goy. I bet you do not even have bitcoins.

Are wallets technology

This is the best one I've been able to find

>ayo hol up gimme yo phone and wallet
>fool, i said phone AND wallet

Anything's technology on Sup Forums if you say it is.

wow, cool.