you win this round, ubuntu. it's just fucking easy and your repos are actually up to date. fml.
You win this round, ubuntu. it's just fucking easy and your repos are actually up to date. fml
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yeah but how the fuck do i install steam
Sudo apt-get install steam
honestly i'm just virtualboxing this shit rn. if class didn't demand it i wouldn't bother with this autistic unix shit. just get windows, the time you waste dealing with this crap is more than the time you'll spend in the slammer for naughty files on your hdd the telemetry warns the feds about.
Do what I do and use bedrock to install ubuntu packages on non-ubuntu systems.
It's super comfy, I have void linux on my laptop but I can use ubuntu's vast repos and ppas to get anything that void doesn't have.
fuck where were you a few hours ago when i needed you?
anyway thanks for letting me know about this.
What the cock, I did this earlier, thanks for saving me from SteamOS
Bedrock is super nice and I'm surprised I don't see it used more. It's pretty new but it's not like a regular distro where adoption numbers matter because there aren't any first party packages. Just makes sure you read every page on the website before you even start installing it. It's also in beta but I've personally had no issues with it.
itt noobuntu users
pro tip: type apt instead of apt-get, it's the new way
>>this level of denial
Simply perfect...
>wanting FrankenDebian
enjoy broken binary compatibility unless you compile everything yourself, at which point gentoo is the better option.
>t. retard who has no idea what he's talking about
now try running unetbootin and see what happens
What? I've literally had 0 problems with binary compatibility. That's what bedrock is for.
Ubuntu means "I'm too stupid to configure Debian" in african
I literally never got this. This is the number 1 reason I'm done for ever with Debian
>Linux is the FOSS OS user, you can install anything on your Linux! Just compile it!
>WOAH user what are you doing don't compile from source, do you want to end up with a frankendebian???
>dude, you're better of on gentoo at this point.
Void has a package manager that can install source files as binaries, am I correct? Anyone got info on that?
man, fuck Debian. Fuck it.
Mint is good user friendly distro also. And when flatpak will be fully implemented mint will become very stable Linux OS with bleeding edge apps. So...
Every fucking time
mate it doesn't matter what linux I use, Ubuntu is always comfy as fuck, everything 'jus werks'.
I'm actually gonna miss unity when I migrate to 18.04
I was stupid last month and moved to arch just for keks, and lost network printing, and it wasn't comfy so two days ago went back to buntu, on my upstairs and downstairs computers, and everything is just better.
I love it man. I love it