Net Neutrality, Mozilla/Firefox, Rust shilling

ITT Highlight the worst offenders.

Notice all these threads are popping up with the same talking points?

>Oh my god if you don't support NN then Sup Forums will be censored
In reality they're already censoring people off their platforms and NN is an Obama era thing that will not affect Sup Forums's accessibility whatsoever. They even tried to redirect people's rage at EA towards Net neutrality. The signs are all there, from the reddit spacing to the fucking imageless chain-garbage posting.

5 Fucking threads everyday. What the FUCK? I'm not going to install your George Soros funded operation onto my machine so you can datamine my online presence. Go shove your telemetry up your ass.

Shove that CoC up your ass and go back to github, the only place that takes Rust seriously other than Mozilla. No one has the time or inclination to learn your "safe programming" cultism so that "pajeet can code too!". You just know the people who are pushing this stuff have already cut off their penis and have violet hair. Go home "Lizzy".

Other urls found in this thread:

Mfw no shitting street simulator 2018

The worst thing about the reddit posters is their first reaction to opposition to all this shit is "Go back to Sup Forums!". It's the tell tale sign of their garbage philosophy.

Reminder: Killing NN is our Digitally Assured Destruction

I have white privilege therefore Net Neutrality doesn't affect me, therefore i don't care about it.

>being this retarded

Sorry but the train has already gone.
White privilege is the all-encompassing magic and arguing the opposite makes you a racist homophobic misogynist bigot. You dug your pool of piss, now sit in it.

Sorry reddit, you've lost hearts and minds long before this came to pass. Maybe you shouldn't have cheered on censorship.

>wat r u even

firefox has always been a staple here, soros boogeyman or not.
NN is very relevant, and many of the threads are obviously filled with outside posters parroting.
Rust I barely see to even mention.

you're a cuck

White people, you have white privilege so net neutrality won't be applied to you.
You don't have to care about this as it only affects minorities and women.
This is actually the best thing ever just like the good old days when white men constituted the majority of the Internet population.

This,but we all know this is a part poltard. Most Firefox threads are a fag complaining his niche add-on is not ported.

>reddit one liner
>attempting to fit in
>say cuck that will convince them!
>doesn't even bother to finish sentence, goes back home to fap

I'll swallow the bait. You will be the most affected from companies raping your ass.

No, most Firefox threads are telling you to install quantum. 5 fucking threads.

And anyone who uses mainline Firefox is not a Sup Forumsentleman.

I won't since white privilege makes me privileged.
Arguing otherwise makes you a bigot for denouncing the effects of white privilege.

all of you, eat some rat poison.

we can smell the Sup Forums stink on you from here, go the fuck back, dumb trash

Fuck off, Firefox new quantum updates are out so there gonna be a thread. Firefox was always the popular choice and you did Sup Forumsentleman incorrectly newfag.

White privilege doesn't stop existing when it suits you, white privilege is constant and absolute.
You made your bed of diarrhea, now lay in it.

is where you post your uninformed bullshit, containment boards exist for a reason.

>Obama era thing
Notice all these threads are popping up with the same talking points?

Megacable vendor

The disease has spread to much and too fast containment in no longer possible, the only opyion is a form of co-exsistence till sweat death releases us.

>complete lack of understanding

have you ever gone outside and spoken to a real person?

ICANN being controlled by the UN is a far greater threat than giving ISPs back their ability to perform QoS on their own network. Websites have already been delisted over political reasons because of it

But no one bitched about that because king nigger was the one who did it

I'll gladly oppose net neutrality just to watch silicon valley soyboys throw a bitch fit that they can't stream their 4k marxist propaganda anymore

Your whining doesn't affect me filthy minorities and women. Enjoy your Internet packages.

This is basically my reaction to people acting like they know exactly what will happen with something like net neutrality being passed

>NN won't affect 4chans accessibility whatsoever
Good, keep telling people this. It'll be funnier when this place does go down and all of you morons realize that you can't just start a small competing ISP company due to the mineral rights to wherever you live already being owned by the state and cable rights given to the local ISP company. Keep on thinking the state is going to let Joe Blow lay down some rinky dink cable lines to your house so the little guy can stick it to Verizon and Comcast. Maybe they'll let them create new seperate private sewage and electrical lines to pipe into your home too!

>pedo picture
opinion descartes

hope you are enjoying your win10 with chrome and your chinese spyphone
you are the cancer of this board, fuck off subhuman

If you are referring to Hollywood productions as 4K Marxist garbage, that stuff is going to be fine under no NN. Companies are likely to allocate all the bandwidth in favor of normies streaming Netflix, Hulu, and YouTube all day. At worst, people might pay an entertainment package price, but those sites damn sure won't get throttled or not included in a bandwith allocation whitelist.

Now if you're expecting to come to Sup Forums, if you can still access thus place that is, and load webms as fast as you load YouTube videos, you're going to be shit out of luck, because there's no profit in treating packets going to and from Sup Forums the same as packets going to and from the big boy sites.

I thought that the Soros-Mozarella operation was a meme but apparently I'm mistaken. Jesus fucking christ how do I even avoid Sorostopia shilling efforts nowadays?

Transferring 1KiB or 1PiB is the same shit. Transferring more data doesn't cost Telcos anything.

ah but the question is how much datas is being transferred at once?

Worst offenders are the VPN shills who come on to advertise their services while pretending to be discussing these topics

>>/lgbt/ is where you belong

This is how I know you're a communist retard who knows nothing of what he speaks

>Complains about data collection in FF
>Opens up anus as wide as possible for google and Microsoft
Unless you're posting from qutebrowser on trisquel on a librebooted thinkpad, take that attitude elsewhere

>pay for 100Mbps
I don't know, maybe ISPs should stop offering services they can't provide?

Kill Firefox.

Rust might be neat though.

back to l*ddit

Assange, Snowden supports NN.

>NN is an Obama era thing that will not affect Sup Forums's accessibility whatsoever.
What the fuck are you talking about?

>George Soros
Dropped for being a reactionary conspiracy theorist and shill. Go back to Sup Forums

>Dropped for being a reactionary conspiracy theorist and shill. Go back to Sup Forums
Dropped for being a bluepilled faggot. Go back to Slashdot.

>Dropped for being a bluepilled faggot. Go back to Slashdot.
Dropped for using the retarded *pill terminology. Go back to

You didn't abswer how the UN controlling ICANN is not as talked as NN,even though it's something way worse.
Also Sup Forums being slower will just reduce the number of users,hopefully freeing us from dem,media and reddit idiots and making this place liveable again.

Newsflash the worst abusers of white privilege are wh*t womyn. Wh*te womyn need to stop getting a free ride on the oppression train as they are the worst oppressors of beautiful proud strong trans-colored-otherkins.

open society foundation (pro NN) recieves 16 billion from soros a few weeks ago
Now every fucking board on Sup Forums is full of people shilling for NN.
I even saw a thread on s4s

>will just reduce the number of users,hopefully freeing us from dem,media and reddit idiots and making this place liveable again.
how can you be this delusional, kek

Is Sup Forums the only board chilling for the end of NN?

I want to lick her feet

oh yeah, those dirty Sup Forumsacks shills. good thing we are they good guys right?

>Google is the biggest donator and pusher for NN
>OUR GUY Robert Kahn is against it
All these google shills on Sup Forums all of a sudden

Literally every single non corporate shill is calling for NN to be abolished.

>NN is an Obama era thing
it's a relatively modern talking point but to say it's an obama thing is to ignore the 20 odd years where it wasn't an issue that involved the federal government as well as regulations that pushed smaller isps out of the market, isps that tried filtering or blocking content quickly died where competition was available
>from the reddit spacing
you say that as if you aren't reddit spacing

>5 Fucking threads everyday.
makes a change from the 10 threads shilling for chrome/chromium/brave/vivaldi/waterfox/palemoon every day since they announced the deprecation of old style addons
implying other browsers don't do this

>Shove that CoC up your ass
implying other modern languages don't do this
>No one has the time or inclination to learn your "safe programming" cultism so that "pajeet can code too!".
one of the major criticisms against rust on this board is that being memory safe is too difficult and that you're going to end up needing to write unsafe code anyway, leading to the second major criticism that rust is too complicated and has a bad syntax to warrant writing unsafe code in especially when c/c++ exist
a third major criticism which is relevant to the "pajeet" issue is that supposedly nobody uses rust which is the opposite of a language that pajeets would use, I think you're confusing this particular argument with golang where it's designed to be EASY - pic related, and it's designed to be a language that new hires at google should/must learn

but congratulations OP on the "waah, stop don't liking things I don't like" post, if you wanted an echo chamber you should have stuck to reddit

>but congratulations OP on the "waah, stop don't liking things I don't like" post, if you wanted an echo chamber you should have stuck to reddit
oh yeah reddit is such an echo chamber against NN :^)

Firefox hasn't been the popular choice since 3.5.7 you dumb newfag

I didn't address ICANN because that isn't the issue being discussed at hand and your whataboutism is meaningless drivel that in the best case just points out that we have two problems to face and in the worst case is divisive nonsense. It could be the case that both are bad. So let's prevent the second problem from arising and then stop the first so we aren't sitting around dealing with two at the same time.

>Dropped for using the retarded *pill terminology. Go back to P2P is the Future of All Internet.

>pic related
forgot the pic, every fucking time

>oh yeah reddit is such an echo chamber against NN :^)
I don't think it's any big surprise that every time reddit (the organisation) does something the users don't like there's always a mass exodus to sites like voat and Sup Forums where redditors start shit posting in overdrive upon the discovery of fairly unmoderated boards, you can argue against net neutrality all day on heavily moderated echo chamber subs that cater to it (like t_d) but the rest of the demographic and cancerous default subs being so pro net neutrality upsets the balance of people being able post what they want leading them to seek out sites where they feel they can

>i don't understand the legal issues around nn
>firefox telemetry cannot be turned off super srs guise

i can't defend rust, but go isn't much better

I got curious and looked at who was posting the dumb NN walls of text and image macros on plebbit and its all the same person/new accounts.
That whole site is shills shilling shills and bots at this point.

reddit is an awful cancerous place, don't get me wrong, but don't think that Sup Forums is immune to viral marketing/shilling just because it's a little less mainstream, pic very much related and anyone that has been on Sup Forums for the past few years can relate
there's always plenty of threads with the same old tired talking points where nothing new is brought to the table and OP certainly looks like one of them, shitting on firefox/rust/NN/CoCs on Sup Forums is mainstream at this point and isn't some contrarian attitude in the slightest

Chromatic Aberration is getting out of hand in 'art'.

Personally I agree with OP though hes a retard.

Why should I fight for google/netflix? They have multiple billion dollar earnings. Make their own ISP's (they have been working on that and found to have been a million times worse, looking at you facebook internet services)
Why are people bringing up NN and not monopoly busters if they are claiming ISP's have a monopoly? Why do people WANT the FCC to continue being in charge of ISP's?

Why are they ignoring how the crazy fees and regulations of NN killed a bunch of small ISP's like KWISP, SCS, Wisper, Joink LLC, Washington Broadband?

I literally only see shill on Sup Forums screaming how we need the government to police and censor the internet in case things go bad, completely ignoring how this law is only 2 goddamn years old and things were perfectly fine in 2014.

It's worth mentioning that NN just funds communists and refugee camps through Alphabet, funds anti-white, pro-diversity programming on Netflix, etc., much in the same way Mozilla funds Antifa and promotes massive resource - sink programs for non-whites in STEM fields. It's only natural that the communists would shill for both at once. At least they're consistent.

being such cuck that you don't support et neutrality
you'll get what you deserve

that pic looks somewhat realistic, probably someone took an actual 3d photo of a girl and made it into 2d waifu


Firefox is dogshit and with manchild shitting the bed on palemoon only chorme clones and qupzilla are left. And qupzilla doesn't have script blocking. SEND HELP.

There's a huge difference between governments shutting down what they don't like and ISPs doing the same. ISPs do whatever they are paid to do, in effect, whereas governments are allowed ot have opinions, which means that it is theoretically (though not practically) possible to undo government censorship, but impossible to undo corporation censorship. Fuck off cuck.

Rust is a wonderful language, though nowhere near perfect, and C/C++ are absolute dogshit unusable crap (yet C++ remains the second most usable language for its domain, behind only rust). Fuck off retard. Go program your fizzbuzz golf entry somewhere else.

target destroyed

why do american msm HATE capitalism?

So because Reddit is mass shilling for NN, Sup Forums mouthbreathers are shilling against it with weirdass arguments. I love the Internet.

I oppose NN simply because all the fucktards who love censorship and SJW causes, like Jewgle, Faceberg, Shitter, and Netflix, all support it.

I hope the ISPs charge a $200 a month fee for social media access and another $200 for streaming video.

Don't worry OP, in a few weeks maybe nothing will happen and everyone will either fuck off or pretend nothing happened to save face

>what is cell data
>what is WiMAX
>what is dsl
>what is cable
>what is satellite
You street shitting SJWs sound retarded when you try to talk Internet.

>I'm so much of a fucking newfag I arrived here in 2015 during the elections, and I don't remember SOPA or the RLZ identifier Chrome had
gb2reddit r/T_D newfag

/r/the_donald is like the soviet union and he forgot to praise trump in his OP like he was trained to

but Sup Forums isn't for politics
Sup Forums is for politics

You realize cell data has never had any kind of enforced neutrality, yet you can still browse Sup Forums on all but the most impoverished data plans? As in, you have to go to a first rate shithole like India or Portugal to even hear about them.

Who seriously thinks land line service is going to fall THAT far behind because the providers are now allowed to? They just want to shake down Sling and Amazon for more money.

>no tree style tabs
honestly the only reason I used firefox over chrome
and that I didn't have to restart the whole browser to change the proxy settings

>wireless ISP

>reddit spacing

>a tangible finite resource
Also Netflix already paid for their bandwidth, retard.

>You dug your pool of piss, now sit in it.
>You made your bed of diarrhea, now lay in it.
Can I get some more of these?

Quit whining Jew.

what retards think will happen:
>woah my kiketube and normieflix access is now better and everything else is basically the same
(>tfw amerifats still didn't max out 4K streaming so this is a problem for them)
what will actually happen:
>wtf my kiketube and normieflix access is basically the same and everything else is getting slower

desu mods should step up against this hard shillposting bullshit, but they would never do that. instead you call an animetripfag a faggot, you get suspended.

Sup Forums mods are on Sup Forums-mod level for fucking sure.

>mfw living in Europe
>mfw I pay Orange for (((up to))) 80Mbps
>mfw I get just over 30
>at least we have net neutrality
>not even mad



Living without free over the air tv must be hell

nu Sup Forums (after stormfags and r/TheDonald successfully invaded the board) is contrarian to mainstream reddit, if there was a strong right winged bias when reddit formed, Sup Forums would be left wing, this site inherently breeds contrarianism (just look at this board, for instance)