Hello, I see you cucks virtue signaling over net neutrality again, how about you do something for a change?

Hello, I see you cucks virtue signaling over net neutrality again, how about you do something for a change?

Instead of sitting on your ass doing nothing and signing useless petitions, why not be prepared for the repealment of net neutrality?

here's a simple tutorial to enjoy unrestricted internet access using a proxy server for $5 a month:


Let's see if you put your money where your mouth is and stop being virtue signaling cucks.

Other urls found in this thread:


The internet has already been censored you fucking retard no one cares. I hope NN dies soon so I can stop hearing this shit.

yes but can i play video games over this with minimal latency?

no, I didn't think so. Good day,

yes you can you fucktard

Do you understand what you're even saying? It's about speeds. You need the HyperSpeed Global Ultra plan to get access to non web ports on any non-standard service.

what did he meen by dis

>NN dies
>only minorities are affected

White people won't be affected because white people actually work and they can afford anything.

>paying extra like a good cattle

>having to pick up scraps like rats and cockroaches because you are worse than cattle

Enjoy your gutter life brownie.

it's not about speeds lol, if they want to sell you a $500 a month package for a 1mbps speed they don't need to repeal NN

I really don't understand you proxy and VPN fags. You all realize you have to actually access those places via your regular IP address right? If a company enacts bandwidth whitelisting and your proxy or VPN isn't included to receive optimal bandwidth speeds, then all the information you send to that point and it flips back to you is likely going to get throttled?

You're doing the equivalent of telling someone they can avoid the toll roads that have been set up everywhere by going to the airport and riding an airplane to the grocery store. You're completely ignoring the fact that they have to use the toll roads to get to the airport on the first place and then go back to the airport to get their car and drive back home on the toll road with the groceries.

Xbox Live and PSN will likely get solid bandwith allocation. PC games are fucked with the exception of subscribed games like WoW, and those subscriptions are probably going to get more expensive.

they can't throttle VPNs because it would destroy working from home.

Can't wait for all amerifat martshitters and their cancer to be off the internet.
Godspeed Pajeet.

ISPs have no obligation to freely allow people not in their employ to work from home. In fact it would simply make more sense to whitelist specific VPNs with a subscription cost that are used by companies and the government instead of letting them all fly. And those whitelisted VPNs will likely be heavily monitored.

If someone can afford to be fat, they can afford to pay extra packages. You are the one losing m8.

yes, in order to access the internet, you need internet access DUH

if you don't get internet access then you are not paying for internet access, you think if NN was repealed ISPs would just sell you non-internet access packages or what?

why would i do something? i believed trump would work for mighty india when i shilled on twitter for him. and he is, well fuck me, where will i get my copy pasta code if trump bans burgers from the stackoverflow? leave your home, sir. the streets are welcoming.

This will be the thing that finally makes me get out the house and get a fucking job. I love the internet as it is and fuck me would I pay just to keep it.

Swing and a miss.

>getting fucked in the ass is fine as long as you can afford to keep living xD

explain to me how will they throttle proxy/VPN connections that keep coming up with different IPs/encryption methods unless they sell you a package that has 99.9% of the internet throttled?

or is that what you think is gonna happen?

I think you misunderstand.
I'm just paying extra to keep jobless and lazy brownies and leftists off the Internet.
They are the only ones affect by this, while it is chump change for working white people.

Enjoy the gutter.

Most lefties have money though, and nogs barely use the internet beyond social media anyway. Why are trying so hard to rationalize screwing your own ass?

>Most lefties have money though
They don't, which is why they are campus communists.
>and nogs barely use the internet beyond social media anyway
Good, then taking away social media from them too will finally cleanse the Internet.

I am not being fucked since it's chump change.
You are the one being fucked because it's a significant dent in your livelihood. There's a difference. I want you off the Internet too.

IPs related to your selected package: No throttling
IPs unrelated to your selected package: Blocked

What's there even to think about

Yes they will throttle all packets preemptively and then progressively de-scale the throttling for whitelisted websites based on your subscription.

I don't know why you're trying to imply that it would be a problem to blacklist 99.9% of the internet. An ISP has no personal reason to keep the darkweb afloat. They only need to focus on the 0.1% of sites that normies visit like Facebook, Google, Wikipedia, Youtube, University domains, Company websites, Government websites, etc.

>while it is chump change for working white people.
Yes user, but you are not working, did you forget that already? You are a failure high school dropout with only source of income being mommy's allowance. You are going to be as hurt by this as minorities, once mommy decides she is tired of supporting grown up brainlet who does nothing but gayme 16 hours a day.

And you'll just keep saying that to every new Jew serving law that takes you for an unnecessary amount of money until you're making half or less of what you would in a country where you didn't support having your ass throttled saying "but hey, at least the leftists get fucked too rite?", what a good and happy little sub you are to your masters

Why would you want to make your own internet MORE expensive?

lmfao what kind of burger logic is this?

I'm an electrician, I'll be fine after fucking societal collapse brah.
>They don't, which is why they are campus comminists
And they wouldn't be in college if it weren't for family money in the first place. I never claimed they were intelligent.

this guy gets it haha

If projecting will make you feel better, then by all means continues. It won't be long till i won't have to hear from you because you won't be able to afford the Internet thankfully.

Keep crying bitch nigga. The only ones getting fucked are poorfag NEETs. Those don't deserve the Internet and can now finally be given the kick from it that they deserve, while working people continue using it.

I can understand why Reddit is so in flames about NN, they are all NEET losers without jobs.

t. lazy brownie and leftist

> unrestricted internet access using a proxy server for $5 a month:
> implying proxy won't be throttled

No argument? Just type "virtue signaling" over and over and hopefully nobody will notice. Mindlessly repeating buzzwords to mask your stupidity worked on Sup Forums so it must work everywhere =).

3/10 guess you're just trolling and not actually retarded, good on you

that's not an internet package, the chinese government has been trying to sell this kind of thing for over 20 years, they have not managed to censor their internet in any way.
Nobody wants to access the dark web, until they need to due to business, and if they are allowed to do so thanks to a business, that internet acces node will be exploited for proxy access,

Say in the post NN world ISPs only sell limited packages but a large company needs to have their employees access their network remotely for work, that company can, on the side, sell this internet access node as proxy for the general consumer, and if in the post NN world every ISP sells limited packages, the demand for this kind of thing will be astronomical. This is what happened in china when they tried to restrrict access to all foreign IPs except for large businesses looking to invest in the country, every citizen would just buy proxy/VPN access from these large companies and they made more money than they could have imagined.

>If projecting will make you feel better, then by all means continues. It won't be long till i won't have to hear from you because you won't be able to afford the Internet thankfully.
Sorry but no. I don't live in a third world shithole, so yes, you will. And even if I did, I could afford it. On the other hand, I'm sure as fuck sooner or later your country will get into your ass all the way and get you off the internet regardless of your mummy's money. Can't wait for that day to come. No amount of tendies will help you overcome sadness of losing the only place where you can interact with other people.

>running 1 grand smartphone over cheap internet
It's your logic that don't add up.

Lot of bootlicking dumbfuck Telco shills in here

I'm happy you agree that losing net neutrality is a good thing because it keeps the worthless brownies and leftist NEETs off the net.
See how easy it was to see the light?

And you're assuming that companies would sell those side access nodes to each other and individual customers. What's more likely is they will be required to sell them to the government and private companies for employee use, but they will be allowed to not sell to citizens to they can maximize profit by selling progressively less throttled packages and website subscription. Remember, we are looking for less regulation with this administration, and it would not be in an ISP company's interest to sell what effectively is a non throttled VPN to a private individual customer.

>le reaction image and smug misinterpretation xD

Enjoy the gutter bubba.

Serious talk, what did net equality even did for the past two years after it was passed? The internet did fine without it for two decades.

it doesn't matter, if even one person gets access to unrestricted internet, millions of others will gain access to unrestricted access to internet, it's not a matter of if, it's a matter of when.

Bottom line is that whatever these ISPs will try to do without NN, the chinese government has been trying for over 20 years, and have not succeeded.

But I'm already here with you ;^)

>you think if NN was repealed ISPs would just sell you non-internet access packages or what?
That's the general idea. You get access to "internet" - facebook, youtube, etc. and everything outside those specific services is either unavailable or throttled to hell and back unless you pay extra.

yeah no that's not a realistic scenario in any way shape or form

Chinese ISPs made money because China tried to *censor* the Internet so there was an obviously large demand for access to those censored places. NN boils down to places less frequently visited being throttled in favor of preserving bandwidth for those sites which are more frequently visited and potentially setting up subscription access to those sites.
This is an entirely different game where the sites in demand by the masses are still largely available. Places like Sup Forums are liable to go bye bye.

Chinese Internet censorship and axing NN for profit are two completely different things.

So fuck over VPNs because people have no choice but to pay them to fix it. Sounds like an ISP plan to me!

Whenever i see a group of net neutrality supporters they are all dressed like hipsters, dressed like poor people, or ugly as fuck.

Net neutrality opposers are however all neatly dressed and look good.

As my wise parents taught me, follow the crowd with proper hygiene and dress etiquette and you will see success and salvation.

That's a very realistic scenario. In fact it's what NN is entirely about. The companies are fighting for the right to not have to treat all packets the same. You think this is being fought as hard as it is to throttle some small fraction of websites or because they love Netflix so much they want to treat it better than everyone else? They're going to throttle everything and then improve flow for the domains that are surefire to make them money with subscription packages.

stop larping you facebook nigger

how is it any different? Throttle all chat access except to WeChat made by their company tencent, throttle access to any e-commerce website except for alibaba and taobao, deny access to youtube and only allow youku, etc...
Check out the history of internet censoring and throtttling in China and how it didn't wor, in fact ,I'm in mainland china right now, postong on the 4chins

>in fact ,I'm in mainland china right now, postong on the 4chins
Pics or it didn't happen.

Internet censoring != Axing NN

In China, there were websites the population wanted access to being blocked, you guys were lucky that your companies decided to go ahead and sell what's effectively VPN to private individuals. There was a large demand for those missing sites. Here, access to the sites our people want will not be blocked and will be accessible with a subscription. The problem is not if people will be able to access YouTube or whatever. It's if they can access Sup Forums or some random buttfuck VPN. Due to the mass of demand going towards the already accessible sites, a ISP has no reason to offer VPNs to individuals here with the exception of private companies and government workers. They would be liable to lose more money and bandwith resources allowing neckbeards to torrent and game on back channels than they would be able to gain.

That's because it existed in some similar shape or form under a bunch of different names for the last two decades. All that happened is they repackaged the laws a bit, slapped the NN label on it, said "see, we did something" and called it a day.

Politics has proven again to be an intrusive cuck system benefiting only the big fish. Just saying.

>why do you care about jewish tricks when you can literally just succumb to their trickery and pay them money directly

God, I can't wait until there aren't any Americans on this site

>I don't care if I get raped, I have enough cash to get my anus healed anyways
This is you.

>part and parcel
Yes, we're a nation of immigrants user. What are you, some kind of bigot?

You are a fucking idiot, without NN the possibility is nothing but Facebook Twitter and Instagram will be WHITELISTED to get good speeds, which means everything else is throttled

>It won't be long till i won't have to hear from you because you won't be able to afford the Internet thankfully.
top bantz
this concludes the thread for me tbqh

Does this affect me if I'm not an americlap?

>Places like Sup Forums are liable to go bye bye.
or become the far west once again once normies dont know how to access them

>Being this retarded
Back to Sup Forums, brainlet

If your favourite website/web service is being throttled then yss


>Sup Forums of all board shilling for NN
How many of you faggots were payed by google?

t. Comcast shill

quit complaining Pai

>Implying getting ISP control from that retard Pai is a bad thing
Thats the one part I cant understand. Everyone hates Pai and the FCC but seems to real fucking butthurt over the idea of the FTC being in charge again instead.

net neutrality cucks need to die already. fuck off with your shilling.


i pay for 250mb/s internet but comcast has a hard cap of 1tb of data. i can pay for internet service thats $200 a month and ill still have the 1tb limit. If you think comcast wont go after and fuck the rich or those who are too stupid with their money then youre fucking nuts.
