Windows 7 more secure than OSX and Linux. What do you have to say for yourself?

Windows 7 more secure than OSX and Linux. What do you have to say for yourself?

>It might come as something of a surprise, but Windows is more secure than not only Apple's iOS and OS X, but also Linux. I'll just let that sink in for a moment...

>Windows, the operating system ridiculed for its vulnerabilities and susceptibility to viruses is actually more secure than the supposedly Fort Knox-like Linux and OS X. This startling fact comes from the National Vulnerability Database (described as the "US government repository of standards based vulnerability management data") which details security issues detected in different operating systems and software titles.

>The NVD has some revealing statistics for the number of vulnerabilities that were reported in each of the operating systems and GFI Blog has crunched the numbers; many will be surprised to find that Windows is not at the top of the list. In fact, in 2014 it is OS X that was found to be riddled with the greatest number of security problems -- 147 in total, including 64 rated as high severity, and 67 as medium. Also from the Apple stables, iOS did not fare all that much better: 127 vulnerabilities including 32 high and 72 with a medium rating.

>The latest version of Windows -- Windows 8.1 -- was found to have 36 vulnerabilities, and its predecessors -- Windows 8 and 7 -- both had the same number. For enterprise users, Windows Server 2007 and 2008 both have 38 vulnerabilities. Windows is reported as having no vulnerabilities of low severity; they cluster under the medium and high labels.

Aha, le "FOSS is less secure because more problems are found (and fixed!) because we can study its source"-meme.

One might also say that list proves that OSX and Linux have more FIXED vulnerabilities than Windows.
Mind you that Microsoft have in the past admitted to allowing exploits to remain in the name of "security" so that NSA will have an easier job dealing with "terrorists".

>Windows 7

>more secure
security is a binary thing; it's either secure or not secure

saged, hidden, called the cops


No dude, sorry.

but more problems are found
it's right there in OP's pic

All modern operating systems have a shitload of expolits because of how their designed and the language their written in. All I'm seeing is that windows isn't being properly audited.

Did you read his post retard? Yeah more are found because people can read the source code.

>closed source undiscovered vulnerabilities is better than open source discovered ones
>specific versions of windows vs total number of vulnerabilities in Linux and Mac across versions in a 5 year span
Obvious shill.

>but more problems are found
Yes. The key is in the last two word.

Who says these vulnerabilities aren't fixed?

*# of publicly known vunerabilities

>Linux and MacOS as one entry
>Windows is separated by versions

>tfw about to build new pc and don't know whether to buy W7 aside from Linux
Isn't W7 pretty much kill at this point?

Those are the numbers of REPORTED vulnerabilities in the year 2014.
Not the amount of currently, or at any other single point in time, unfixed vulnerabilities.

>buy w7

I doubt windows vulnerabilities include its driver's vulnerabilities too as it's done on linux.

>Isn't W7 pretty much kill at this point?
Its support will end on 2020.

I'm 100% sure he meant Windows 7, not 10.


So soon? Fuck. Hopefully Win10 won't be a pile of shit by the time I need to upgrade. CAD software options are pretty sparse outside of Windows.

You're not getting the point. You should never buy window.

It will always be a pile of shit.

Fine, less of a pile of shit.

>only includes discovered and known to the public vulnerabilities

>aggregating every version of linux and OSX
literally betanews