What do you think about the new macbook pro 2017 (with touchbar)

>What do you tink about it
>your personal comments
>would ypu buy it?
>what would you do with it, if you bought it

Absolutely don't care about the touch bar but it's the only laptop that doesn't suck in terms of build quality and a solid OS that can run Linux/Windows/Mac simultaneously.

>the touchbar is an useless meme shit, like backlit keyboards
>shit keyboard, macOS is good though
>resell it

I don't really think about it at all.
Have none.
Return it.

I own one - the 15" with the 560M and i7 QC. 512GB model.

>Average CPU
>shitty GPU
>touchbar is ass/pointless
>no SD card slot (im a photographer)


>amazing build quality
>incredible battery (10+ hours actual use, 4+ or so if I'm doing heavy imports and edits in lightroom)
>best trackpad in the entire industry
>keyboard isn't great, but not as shit as some say
>best screen. super bright. crisp. macOS scales beautifully unlike windows

Overall, it's a fantastic computer and I use it daily without issue. 4 TB3 ports is the best I/O there is now that it's going on 2019. Never has once been a problem for me. Just wish it had SD built in. Charging brick is nice and small, but rarely needed in my bag.

Only computer that comes close is the new 15" SB2. Which I checked out and it is amazing. And I'm jealous of that 1060. But the i/o on that is ass, the screen is a step down in brightness and color, and the hinge is iffy. Also, SSD speeds on less than 1TB are not NVME.

I dont think that the backlit keyboard is shit, is pretty usefull at night, or what is your best alternative ? :/

typing without having to look at the keyboard like a pleb

well, ur right :/

i own the basic 13" with no touchbar, actually what i hate about this mac are the 2 TB3 port, i dont think they are the future :/ what do you think :/

>>What do you tink about it

It's a computer with a weird meme bar for easy access to facebook emojis. What am I supposed to think about it?

>>your personal comments

Isn't that the same as asking me what I think about it?

>>would ypu buy it?

Not unless they lowered the price by AT LEAST 60%. And made their battery replacement cost be something like $100, not the ridiculous $799 they got going right now.

>>what would you do with it, if you bought it

I would use it like you would a normal computer?
I'd browse the net and code fart apps and watch movies and porn.

What else am I supposed to do with it?

I got a 13" MacBook Pro 2015 on sale and thus far it's been fantastic. Does everything I need it to, plus I can finally achieve that snobby coffee-shop webdev hipster look (I'm serious, I go to a coffee shop to make websites)

In all seriousness, I really like mine. I tried the 2016-2017 models and I couldn't get over the keyboard. I feel like it'd take some getting used to.

battery replacements are free under applecare for 3 years, then you sell it off

never buy apple products without warranty

super expensive and the keyboard is awful

I think just ast you, i like the hisper look haha, but i actually like a lot the new butterfly keyboard

It almost feels like a mechanical keyboard. I don't know, I liked the feeling of typing, but it was extremely loud, and the keys themselves were fairly shadow.

At this point the only thing that I really envy the new MacBooks for is the screen bezels. Otherwise, if you're fairly budget conscious, I think you'd look elsewhere.

The best trackpad you will ever use on a laptop. Other than that it's incredibly limited by the lack of ports. 2015 rMBP is better.

I want a real pro mac book with decent GPU and a better screen and two fans, that's it.

The keyboard is SHIT. Not only the fact that it sucks to type on but dust and crumbs get stuck under the keys and they get hard to press.

Also the 2016-2017 USB-C ports get fried and can no longer use them.

Only get this laptop if you spend extra on applecare

I have one for work. I only ever use it with an external monitor and keyboard, so it's just like the old model except with more dongles.

I like the touchbar version and actually bought one. But I didn't really need the touchbar and preferred the normal keys, so I returned it and got the non touch. I'm very happy with the decision.

If you use it with an external monitor and keyboard I can see the dongle being more convenient since you only have a single cable to work with.

That xboxhueg trackpad is retarded. So happy to have fallen for the chinkpad meme, the clit is amazing. Thank you Sup Forums.

>>What do you think about it
The current 13'' is not worth the money in terms of power right now, I'd rather but the 12"
The current 15" is fine because you can't get much better than the 7700HQ

>>would you buy it?
I'm planning on buying the 13" once it gets refreshed with the 8th gen 8 core goodness in June

>>>what would you do with it, if you bought it
Everything but game

>the clit is amazing
I'm glad you agree. After getting a t420 I wouldn't use any trackpad no matter how large it is.



emmmm i dont agree with you :) but thanks 4 replying

gayest post ITT so far.

It's shit but I don't care.

I'll just leave this here.

Nice to see Apple being true to their roots.


Are you the part of 43%?

and here. I don't own a MacBook and never will.

Fucking hate it

Im not at all a mac person... but everything is soldered in... Can't upgrade CPU, RAM, or flash memory / SSD...

No traditional USB ports, SD card slot, external video ports, DVD burner...


CPUs being soldered on laptops is somewhat acceptable. Solder the RAM and SSD and I don't see a laptop. I see a defect that needs to be melted down back into metal and plastic to be remade into something functional.
>SD card slot
Classic case of form over function. I can't care less about the DVD burner since disc-based media has been replaced with flash media, but have Apple forgotten who their "pro" audience is? That's right, video editors and photographers who rely on the SD card to capture, store, and transfer their work between their equipment and computer.

touchbar looks gimmicky as fuck from seeing people use it irl

That's because it is. A shit excuse for taking away actual useful functionality.

Overpriced, known to overheat
I would not buy it.
If I had made the error of purchasing one, I would immediately resell it in hopes that I could recover the cost.

Owner of late 2016 model here, basically this. Although I've been satisfied with the GPU, but the Touch Bar is a solution looking for a problem. The best thing I can say about it is that I can use it for script macros.

Although I'm confused about the statement that the QC i7 is "average". Maybe compared to a desktop, but it's high-end in most laptops.

Also I think I'm in the minority that like the new keyboard.

The soldered-in RAM actually has a reason, It's because LPDDR has no standard DIMMs like regular RAM. It's one of the key features in Apple's "amazing battery life".

Linux compatibility is horrible actually.

>apple on the back doesnt light up
looks like I'm keeping my 2015 one for a while

You also forgot
>no startup chime

Get without Touchbar. It's an annoying gimmick, overpriced, and has soldered-down SSD.

You're basically paying hundreds more for two extra TB ports; fuck that.

why do they do things like this?

>say you're interested in an Apple product
>people sperg out because you're using something they don't like

every. single. time.

To see how many corners they can cut before sheep start noticing.

the touchbar is dog shit

Spotted the poor. Youve obviously never had the option of using a mac irl

bro my 2015 air(no bully) is starting to ass out on me. when I have a lot of tabs open or cpu intensive programs running it sometimes freezes. How can I extend its life?

Or bisexual…

well, I was about to write my opinions but this user is pretty much me.

What version of OSX? What browser?

I like the keyboard too

>there are people wasting time of their lives to do this

you could turn it on with the terminal

el capitan 10.11.4
I dont want to update because Im afraid it will get slower. I used to use icecat and sometimes firefox but they both take up a lot of battery so i usually use safari now

I heard they removed even that option in the latest Macs. I'm fine if it's off by default but you can't take away one of the most iconic parts of a Mac.

it won't get slower, but trust me that el capitan is the last stable version I've used. Sierra wasn't that bad, but High sierra is just iOS 11 in laptops. fuck it.

it could be iconic, but i think they should change things in the macs, the macbook air design hasnt changed in what ? 5 years?

>but High sierra is just iOS 11 in laptops

What the fuck are you talking about?

so should I just stick with el clapistan?

>High sierra is just iOS 11 in laptops

Actually in my personal opinion its better than the Sierra, you just boot up a little bit slower, but in everything else is better than sierra, storage, speed, baterry,etc...

I think you should update to high sierra.

holy shit boys it's hard to believe you. I even did a fresh reinstall as I had lots a fucking bugs. It has been getting better after each update but it's still a mess. Guess I'll keep waiting

>acting like all-knowing attention-whoring tech-retarded special-olimpics-tier-snowflake underage gay bitches
>complaining about backlash
that absolute state of itoddlerianism

>real PCs are preferable in everything
>just no

ok cool. I was just hesitant because I assumed there would be planned obsolescence like on iPhones. I also just checked turns out my laptop is 2014 not 2015

>What do you tink about it?
Can't be upgraded at all, it's pretty trash.
>your personal comments
Apple needs to implement standard m.2 NVME - they had a proprietary connector because mpcie was the best at the time (no m.2 when Apple rolled out their shit) but it exists now and Apple should embrace it.
Also upgradeable RAM modules would be good.
>would you buy it?
>what would you do with it, if you bought it
Throwaround laptop, like my current (upgradeable)Macbook.

I´ve a friend that has the 2014 MB Air and updated to High Sierra and he says that its pretty smooth

cool thanks man

