If every American lost a pound of its weight and gained a point in IQ the world would stray off its orbit and possibly...

If every American lost a pound of its weight and gained a point in IQ the world would stray off its orbit and possibly hit the Sun, but they would still be dumb as fucking shit.

Thank you America for staying fat as fuck and stupid as nothing before in the history of humankind. Thank you!


astronomical good thread

Thank you! Personally! Even tho you don't have one.

We have not hit the Sun yet so that must mean the Amerifats have not lost any weight.

Thank you! Thank you so much!


Hellllooooooo fat shits? Where are you? Doing your cardio?

What did we do to you?

ah, it's this thread again, what's up Joonas?

if every Estonian suddenly disappeared it would take 6 months before anyone noticed.

That's not how gravity works
1. the earth is pretty much closed system, for every 1 lb shred 99% of it will stay on earth for all of eternity, mayhaps your descendants may ingest it in some form

2 you actually need to tremendous amount of push to get into solar orbit. earth losing mass does not make it "hit the sun"

3. the average still needs to be 100, if every american gains 1 point in iq, it would make the iq test flawd

4 you are welcome even though you are wrong


>the earth is closed system



Thats impossible, Americans know that the sun turns around the earth, nice try tho commie.


>Estimates vary of how much cosmic dust and meteorites enter Earth's atmosphere each day, but range anywhere from 5 to 300 metric tons, with estimates made from satellite data and extrapolations of meteorite falls.


what about outgoing

Outgoing is lost from the earth's core. Approximately 16 tons per year.

This is the first time I've seen an estonian bully america. ;_;

Awful lot of autistic Americans in here.......................................................

If every Yuropoor died in a nuclear holocaust, no one would give a rat's ass.

Can you go be dumb and 12 on Sup Forums?

here's a tip, nice try

Estonia: Cultural Irrelevance, The Nation

Your country is to other sovereign nations as the Principality of Sealand is to Britain