Third world shithole that deserves to sink under the sea

third world shithole that deserves to sink under the sea

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Poland will defeat you in 5 years!

but the girls are fine tho

t. pro

Why? I'm going to live there for 5 months for my internship. Madrid specifically

Welcome to third world

Do Spanish girls like white guys? I'm tall, buff and blonde. In my country that's pretty normal so I haven't gotten laid very often.

I guess so
Just dont be shy

Careful with the Spanish chads though. They are often angry and envious.

When I went to Spain I really hated Madrid, and a lot of the common coastal towns/cities that are infested with our own mongaloid tourists just getting drunk 24/7. I'd like to see nicer parts of Spain but I'm not sure where to start.

people don't speak english here, good luck


i'm sorry to say that this country in summer is full of your mongaloid tourists try in fall

bye bye great Admiral.

Yeah, sorry about them, it's quite nice to have a break from them when they all fuck off to Magaluf or Ibeza or wherever though.

is a fucking shit, no industry,no jobs ...fucking shit,fucking shit, fucking shit,,,,,,only in fucking tourism , waiters,toilet cleaners etc
and even with franco you can get a job being engineer

What about students?

don't talk to him, just let this shit thread die


dat werkt goed down under. let erop dat ze waarschijnlijk met je mee terug willen.

oh en madrid is gewoon eerste wereld


I don't hate Spain that much or anything, but the prospect of becoming an Island is very interesting to me.

We could fish so much more, and the Arabs wouldn't have such a easy time crossing the Mediterranean.

How is austerity going, faggots?

fuck off lad

cunt punt

1. they don't speak english

2. they're all sjw who will jail you of a rape that never happened

3. they're psychopaths

you sink with us

Why? D:

Haha, we wont tell u about the real good places of Spain.
Meanwhile u guiris enjor the touristic shithole places, we the natives are in the real good places of Spain.
Now, fuck off.

Fuck you self-hater

Yes, they are seen as exotic (normal thing) but it's not common to see Spanish girls with white European guys because they usually don't mix with locals and also because few of them can speak English, I just see them with Italians whose only Spanish skills are "chica guapa caliente".

it would be rare that a peninsula sinks but a piece of it just breaks and keeps floating

el fascistANO se ha levantado de la siesta señores

its the other way around. tourists see only the good parts.

you, on the other hand, live ... well, whatever unemployed people live like.

It would be rare that a peninsula this size sinks in the first place. This was just a thought experiment.

I want the Spanish void to be renamed Bacalhau Bay.

Unemployed life is glorious. We are actually living nice without a job but I dont expect a kraut to understand that.

>Retrasado abriendo hilos de baja calidad insultando a su propio país
>Ser llamado fascista por criticarlo

>living nice
>without a job

Not him but tourists go to places that are objectively shitholes like Benidorm or Ibiza while there are great places nearby like Javea where very very very few tourists come

Pic related is my village. Never seen a single guiri here (thankfully)

As I said, I dont expected you to understand it.
Enjoy your grey and apathic life.

One can have a colorful and happy life with a job. There is no need to romanticize poverty and unemployment.

>Having no job means im poor

Hahaha, see how you dont understand it??

You could try and elaborate.

Of course we are shit lad, only one thing.

Nuke us

Yes Spain is third world compared with germany, the same thing with colombia but we are Happy

Money cannot buy your Happyness

Un puto parking en medio de la playa, que asco me da el urbanismo paleto español, se lo ha cargado TODO.

¿Nuestras zonas costeras se han destrozado para que? Para que venga turismo barato de borrachera y familias de clase media-baja que no aportan una mierda.

Con lo que podria haber sido y lo que es ahora, y los españoles en su mayoria no son conscientes porque son unos completos ignorantes y conformistas.

t. Self-hating faggot. You're no different to those Tumblr assholes who feel ashamed of being white, cis and hetero. Go die in a hole.

prefiero que las playas sean para gente de clase media y baja que para guiris. pero mucho mas.

>You're no different to those Tumblr assholes who feel ashamed of being white, cis and hetero.

>Implying they shouldn't feel ashamed for that

Spent a couple weeks in Spain and got home with a fuller beard. Does Spain have hairiness magic?

Come home, spic man.