I'm making a career switch into the IT field

I'm making a career switch into the IT field.

What's the most redpilled career? It seems like freelance web developer.

What's not going to get outsourced to Pajeets?

>What's not going to get outsourced to Pajeets?
Serious firmware development.

Can you program?

I'm coming from a completely unrelated field, I have no experience with anything IT. Is programming a good place to start?

If you want to be a freelance webdev then you should know how to make a website don't you think?

Not OP here. Am in a similar situation. Enlighten me too plox.
No. Should I learn? Aren't pajeets taking all the jobs?
What languages are used for this? What is the long term job and wage forecast in the US for this field?

I want Sup Forums to leave

>implying they can't hire a couple chinks and keep them locked up in the factory to do this

The real answer is anything to do that has you interacting with customers.

Of course. I'm asking what people generally think is the best field in IT to get an idea of what direction to take. I probably shouldn't have added what I think is the best based on not knowing much at all. What do you think?

Go back to Sup Forums you fucking used car salesman

>What's the most redpilled career? It seems like freelance web developer.

I dunno man, lots of self-taught lit major soyboys manage to get into web stuff. They're easy to spot because they don't really understand anything beyond for-loops and arrays, but they're out there.

Java is fairly redpilled. And legitimate network admins / security experts are the most redpilled because they literally can't compromise to bullshit.

>Go back to Sup Forums

We're all Sup Forums, some of us just don't know it yet.

Fuck off bugmen

>Java is fairly redpilled. And legitimate network admins / security experts are the most redpilled because they literally can't compromise to bullshit.

Can you get into that without a 4 year degree? If so, how? Or do you have to grind a few years in some Tech support?

Far left socialist liberal here, currently finishing up Java II and getting my Oracle cert

Suck my man pussy

>Can you get into that without a 4 year degree?

For Java you can start programming immediately. Give humble bundle some cash and you can get like 12 books right now. If you have no cash, you can still download Eclipse or IntelliJ Community and get started with online tutorials. If you can make some decent hello world / proof of concept programs that might be enough to get you interviewed.

For Network stuff it's a little harder to get started but easier to put on a resume. Cisco has some network and security certifications that will impress most entry HR people. CCNA is the standard, but you can do half a CCNA and get the CCENT I believe. The test costs $100ish and you can study on your own. There are also router simulators and such you can use to practice.

I said "fairly redpilled" for a reason. Good on you for managing to learn Oracle with your condition though.

Thank you user

who is this water melon?

>What's not going to get outsourced to Pajeets?
vr waifu simulator.
pajeets prefer raping.

literally any corporate wageslave position

the magic free market pixie will take care of the rest

Not sure, just a random thot

iirc you get a CCENT for each semester of CCNA you complete and then you can go for the CCNA cert once you have completed all semesters

Are you fucking high? The webdev kiddies are some of the most blue-pilled soy boy cucks there are. San Francisco was a fucking mistake.

soyboy is a cute term for cute boys!

Thanks for the redpill, will look into all that.

What IT field do you recommend then?

>What's not going to get outsourced to Pajeets?

Small business IT services and consulting in semi-rural areas.

Think about it..
Point of sale, wifi, workstations, backups, inventory control software saas product consultation, etc.

Your brand could monopolize the market on an entire geographic area if you do it right.

And even web presence, you could vhost eveything on a cheap as shit VPS, get the business on google maps. buy and manage domains, email addresses, etc.

These are all managed services which can be charged on a monthly basis. You rack up enough clients and you can subcontract jobs out to partner businesses to make sure you don't bite off more than you can chew.

>soyboy is a cute term for cute boys!

>Switching to IT
I've been doing that shit for 8 years and advancement is almost totally impossible, more and more companies have started outsourcing to IT Firms and all the higher-tier, well paid positions are locked in tight by old timers. You'll be stuck having to learn 8 new systems every year for crap pay.
Don't bother unless you already make shittier pay.

Seems comfy but you'd kind of need to be a jack of all trades in IT, I don't have any IT skill yet.

Why cant you get more certs or something to get better paying position?

If you live in a moderately sized city, you can try starting at a local IT service. You'll get to mess with nearly every computer system in the city, and you'll get shotgunned through a ton of experience in a short time.

The reason I say moderately sized is because small town stuff will only get you so far, and if you live in a large city then there might be too much competition to get in reasonably soon.

In any case if you can't find a place looking for local IT, then move up to local IT firms.

>And even web presence, you could vhost eveything on a cheap as shit VPS, get the business on google maps. buy and manage domains, email addresses, etc.

This is the secret of all new businesses right now. We still live in an era where many new business owners think of the internet as a "toy" and don't establish a web presence. But think about how you look for a new service or restaurant. You Google it, then look for one that tells you info, probably with a nice website.

If you have web presence, you'll dominate.

>Why cant you get more certs or something to get better paying position?
Because the people in that position already have those certs, plus years of experience with them.
And you're grossly underestimating how *many* of those fucking things you need if you lack production experience with the particular tech.
Want a $20/hr helpdesk job? You better know:
Batch processing
System Center Configuration Manager
Server 2k3, 2k8, 2k12, 2k12R2
Probably TFS
Active Directory
Networking security
VoIP security
And about a dozen other things specific to their company.

If you know, or have certs, in that many things you can do WAY fucking better than $20 an hour helpdesk.

my cousin in law does this
he makes huge profits upselling his ability to wire cat 5e cable.
rural folk have no idea what it is, they don't evne know you don't need to be licensed to do it

I assure you that you cannot unless you get real lucky. Knowing the majority of the microsoft ecosystem is a baseline necessity if you're not just doing application support.

Adequacy is what is never going to be outsorced to the Pajeets.

Try going in for tech support > sysadmin > DC admin etc.

After you hit sysadmin in a year 'if your head works correctly, and you can think critically, bust problems etc' you should be able to get some decent remote positions, so you can pretty much work from anywhere you want.

As a good friend of mine always said, "let me just finish with this handjob, and I'll answer your support ticket, Mr Pranjeet Gupta".


>freelance web developer
>literally the most low-talent cucked nu-male soyboy IT profession that is completely flooded with low-talent money-chasers like yourself

You want to get redpilled? Major in math, electrical engineering, computer engineering, or computer science. Undergraduate only. Get a job at a non-startup company doing something that actually puts your degree to use. Avoid using products from bluepilled companies like Google, Facebook, and Microsoft.

Well I did 55k system administrator and I knew... Powershell, Batch, System, and Server 2k3. So my experience disagrees with you.


>What's the most redpilled career?
careers and redpills do not combine.

>Sup Forums equals Sup Forums
stop escaping your containment board.


You obviously have no idea how Sup Forums works... We've been telling users to fuck off ti X board since I can remember.


and these users have been reddit ever since you could remember

There we go. That's more like it.

milk truck arrived

>redpilled career
Fuck off, we don't need people in tech who don't actually care about tech and just want money or "redpilled" jobs.