"Should I stay or should I go?" My windows 10 desktop crashes whenever I play games now all of the sudden...

"Should I stay or should I go?" My windows 10 desktop crashes whenever I play games now all of the sudden, no new Nvidia drivers want to install. I'm at a cross roads. Do I reinstall Windows, and if I do, what's the fastest way to ensure getting all my programs back online in time for school and work, or do I install a Linux distro and use wine.

Install Win7 SP1 and disable updates

Linux mate I tried it so much better. Just use Noobuntu. I linux for nearly a year now it is the superior OS. No harddrive ragging. No BS. There is a learning curve you may want a notepad to take note of useful commands, but you will soon get into the swing of things. Not as hard as it is made out. the only thing I found missing straight out of the box was the firewall GUI but I soon got one. Programs can install nicely from tidy libraries. Not constantly scanning you so it will reduce power costs and wear on your HD (if you are still fond of such things) I presume SSDs get worn out by Micros**t never ending system rapes.

I tried and greatly enjoyed some things (like repositories, good god why isn't that in Windows), but drivers for all of my hardware were an uphill battle.

Is there any reason I shouldn't use 8.1 over 7? Both are botnet either way.

It's all botnet. Deny them the telemetry. Candycrush ad in my start menu. Stop trolling you can never go back. If you go back to windows you have to go back. To the womb and fuck your mom. Windows must suffer for the abomination that is Windows 10. It is a crime against humanity. There have been casualties. The year of the LInux desktop is upon us...

linux with either WINE or a win7 VM (with gpu passthrough) is the way to go
i'm gonna shill you fedora but try whatever you want liveUSBs are a great way to try a new distro without fucking anything up

How do I minimize Microsoft raping my ssd/HDD I'm to lazy to not use Microsoft

You actually can't unless you want to change a load of settings, watch a shitton of youtube videos and even then they will just rewrite over it next update and you will have to do it all over again. They left no choice in the end. Plus their nvidia drivers under heavy load are shitty, probably my radiators are too small but linux drivers seem to be running fine. Just tired of them and all their bullshit. Nerfed search. I don't trust them really. I started it up with a external HD attached it seemed very interested in that. Windows 10 is the first mainstream virus OS.

Do you get a bluescreen or is it the whole system resetting?

>win 10 override settings on update
Its like windows despises its customers. Its appalling what they've been up to

I mostly use my PC for games Linux doesn't have driver issues and what not do they?


I just switched to Ubuntu like a month ago. When I first installed I was skeptical. Couldn't tell if I had fallen for a meme. But after getting ahead of the learning curve and the new ui, memorizing some commands in the terminal, and figuring out how to install different themes, i finally understood why the Linux shills came here to shit post /justwerks/

You'll also notice better speeds on your computer too. I deleted my whole windows partition, and do not regret it at all.

>no more heavy lag OS
>No (or less) botnet
>thousands of /comfy/ themes
>full user control
>nobody calls you a faggot in desktop threads anymore (except Mac users)
>just werks
>less gayme support but still ways to work around it (if you have a dedicated gaming computer you shouldn't notice much difference in game play using wine)
>also, it just werks
>why haven't you switched yet faggot?

I had success with my hardware. Some drivers for devices I haven't looked for I have discovered don't work. Like my microphone driver doesn't work. But I don't care enough about it to even bother looking for one, so I can't tell you if it was easy. All I can say is that the driver settings were simple and easy to find, I had no problem getting functional drivers for my gpu and sound. Drivers could use some improvement to be fair but I think it is worth it in the long run. So fine tuning may take some savvy. I get peace of mind though. The OS doesn't query your drives for no reason. No cortana giving me rampancy. I haven't gotten into Wine yet. I want to get into the Linux catalogue for a bit. Maybe the triple AAA will be forced to release on Linux and we will be free of ********* forever.

I'm going to install Mint 18.3 alongside my windows partition.

pls go and stay go

Same here OP just downgraded to windows 7 sp1 after dropping to 9 fps in games that were at least playable. Using a custom dark classic theme and it's pretty comfy.

>Do you get a bluescreen or is it the whole system resetting?

This entire thread shitting on Windows and only this user to actually diagnose the issue. Pathetic. OP, don't be a moron, the issue could be anything. For instance, if it's your system rebooting with no errors when you game, it could be your PSU.

Thank's for acknowledging him, haven't gotten around to commenting on it yet. So basically what has started happening is that my GPU gets's up to 100%, then crashes any game I'm playing. Now it is crashing the entire computer. I've never had a problem before now. But I have been wanting to switch to Linux just to get away from it all.

How are your temps when this happens? Are you OCing either your CPU or GPU? If this just started happening I'd immediately lean towards a hardware component failing rather than Windows being the culprit--and if this is the case changing to Linux won't help much.

I only use Windows at work where I'm forced to. If I didn't have to use any Windows-only programs I'd use Linux on my work computer as well. Otherwise I stay as far away from Windows as possible. PC gaming is literally dead so there's very little reason for me to use Windows anymore outside of work.

>but drivers for all of my hardware were an uphill battle.
I have never understood this. I bought a brand new laptop in 2015 and everything except the backlight buttons worked OOTB. Wireless, ethernet, touchpad, media keys, sound, all ports, everything. Even the fucking fingerprint scanner. For the backlight buttons, I just had to put a couple lines in xbindkeys and it worked.

Whenever I see people complain about drivers on linux I often have to wonder what the fuck they're using that makes it that bad.

Which DE should I use any why?

Mac has wifi driver problems as far as I know.

I'm running Antergos on a 2011 model laptop and *everything* works, from what I can tell. Gesture scrolling on the touchpad, tap to click, even the function keys work. Everything works even better than it did on Windows 10. With Windows 10, when I start typing, my keyboard and trackpad freezes until I frantically spam the trackpad and randomly press keys until I reboot.

Piece of shit that Windows 10 is.

paging /u/Femanon
here's a windows 10 thread for you sis (male)

If you're just starting out go with Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (most stable and recent) It's the most user friendly and if you're just really using it for normal shit (web, music, gaming, etc.) you aren't missing out on many features that other distros offer. After exploring it for awhile, you'll find some cool features you'll never see on any version of windows. Linux offers repositories, from the devs and 3rd party repos. Learn some commands in your terminal, it's not hard at all even if you're not a programmer. Also you have maybe .1% chance of getting any virus or anything of the sort since Linux is not used by the masses and therefore not that viable of a target. Have fun!

Also, when installing Linux, you have the option to "preview" it before the full install so if you don't think you'll like it you can back out without fucking anything up.

I'm using Antegos right now because I'm a big fan of Arch and it's the most Archesque distro that I could get working properly on this laptop. The only issue is I'm torn between which DE to use. I used to use GNOME back in the day, and last year when I was using Arch I tried to adapt to GNOME 3, but it just wasn't the same. I'm trying to use KDE and I like it so far, but there's a few quirks that annoy me a bit, like the themeing engine.
