What technical improvements should Sup Forums implement, assuming they wouldnt interfere with core fundamentals of the site?
Is this site in its final form?
What technical improvements should Sup Forums implement, assuming they wouldnt interfere with core fundamentals of the site?
Is this site in its final form?
Accounts, post history, private messages and user-created boards
Put nu-males, sjw and non-programmers into the grave
>the great culling of 2017.
>nobody should be allow to discuss the latest tech unless they can hello world in at least10 languages and have a working knowledge of compiler design
How's your social life?
pretty great actually, thanks.
This is also a tech board, you should probably learn some tech then and not be a total faggot. There are many other boards for people who are not into tech.
They should get rid of all of the boards expect
Sup Forums , Sup Forums , Sup Forums , /r9k/, Sup Forums , /wsg/ , /biz/, /news/, /fit/ , /bant/ , Sup Forums , /adv/, Sup Forums , /wg/ , /lgbt/, Sup Forums , /sci/ , /soc/.
They should also get rid of archives.
forgot one, also /ck/
>Everything that would conflict with an anonymous image board.
Nice job idiot.
It's bait but yeah this. You are basically describing reddit. go back
>not including /k/
Your list is shit.
forgot that one too, sorry man /k/ and /ck/ as well. and vip. No more!
Board related captcha. Solve a simple programming problem for Sup Forums, math question for /sci/, etc.
Also fucking support VP9 webms already.
>user-created boards
8ch tried that and it was trash and resulted with a highly fragmented and almost non existent community
delete Sup Forums
>muh containment board
Ban all posters that primarily used that board. Start actually enforcing the rules on other boards that prohibit any political threads/posts. We can eradicate Sup Forums completely from the site if we just try.
>delete Sup Forums
>The only significantly volumous board is now Sup Forums
>Sup Forums becomes a gay porn website
Sup Forums is trash, but they are a driving force behind this website right now. 40% of Sup Forums regulars are closet Sup Forums lurkers.
have you been keeping up with the site in the past year or so?
The increased traffic from reddit and mobilefags has been causing huge issues for the servers. Sup Forums is not very profitable to begin with, so having more users is actually undesirable.
Notice how the site was able to function for years without much issue but in the last year or so hiro had to implement shitty clickbait ads to combat the huge influx of r/the_Donald crossposters.
Aren't meta threads supposed to go on /qa/?
take a look at the board and tell me if you think it's an effective place to make your thread.
Think about it. A Sup Forums meta thread needs to be seen by most of Sup Forums, but there are almost no cross posters between Sup Forums and /qa/. It would make much more sense to allow for one meta thread per board at any time (which is what hiro himself actually said).
Sup Forums fags are painfully delusional
>Sup Forums used to be 50% loliposting 10% linuxposting and 40% nigger jokes.
we need more nigger jokes
what's your point?
more file types, more files per post, bringing back the longcat/tacgnol donation meter, better captcha system
They started banning anyone that even said nigger for a while just to stop the jokes.
My point was that your authoritarian SJW viewpoint is worse than that of a nazi, at least they know who they hate, you hate everyone that doesn't agree with you.
I made no comment about what someone's political opinions are. There is still Sup Forums, but that doesn't cause nearly as many problems as Sup Forums does.
You also completely glossed over the reasons I gave for why Sup Forums is bad for the site. I shouldn't have expected anything more from a tripfag that dips his phones in piss.
Code tags on every board.
Increased max filesize.
Multi-file posts.
Require desktop and ricing threads to be active on Sup Forums at all times.
Non-garbage captcha/authentication system.
I guess that's all.
>authoritarian SJW viewpoint
Your conception of what an SJW is doesn't match up with most people who would actually use that label, so it's kind of a pointless term. You should criticize actual viewpoints instead of ambiguous labels.
You didn't give any reasons, all I heard was that you hate free speech and you are an intolerant psuedo-liberal.
A cookie stealer which looks for pozzed site entries like reddit, and bans those users when trying to post.
see Sup Forums is by far the quickest growing board, with the majority of users coming from reddit.
these users do not understand the site culture, and make no effort to either. They make low quality posts, and start off topic (mainly political) threads in non political boards. I don't give a fuck if you're alt right or whatever (there are pretty much as many political stances as genders at this point), but keep it off Sup Forums and all the other boards that have absolutely nothing to do with politics.
An SJW is anyone that feels righteous while calling someone a racist.
a built in wiki
>while calling someone a racist
Funny, I didn't see anyone make that accusation here
Banning phone posters is the only improvement.
You don't have to subscribe to any political mindset to see that comments like delete Sup Forums are ignorant and dangerous.
Okay? My point wasn't that your definition is bad, just that to communicate you should agree about the meaning of the terms you use. Since attempting to convince either party that one definition is "correct" is generally fruitless, the better approach is to discuss specific viewpoints or facets of ideology.
serious answer
>fuck up the css so that only custom css/4chanX users can use the site
>break the mobile interface, so only people using apps like clover can post
you clearly subscribe to a certain political mindset, and made that known for some reason. This is Sup Forums, not Sup Forums. No one brought up politics except you. fuck off
Doesn't conflict with anonymity at all actually.
Except user created (which implies common user moderated) boards.
Really if you can't think of implementations that preserve anonymity here to the standard we have right now you're an idiot.
I thought of it more as a UI issue.
I'd normally agree but I feel that if we gave them a conflict about where to stay as has been done in the past and we shut them down here they'd probably leave.
Possibly combined with a very strict moderation for a while.
I'm not sure they'll ever calm down. It's been a year.
baked in 4chanX + Oneechan
i've been posting since '03 and i stopped using 4chanx after thread updating became native
Isn't really funny, your lack of ability to contextualize a concept in a normal argument without defaulting into a lopsided narcissistic viewpoint is kinda sad though.
Either because of pure derp, lack of imagination, or just pure autism.
Fuck off with your shitty data mining Hiro
that's very impressive user, but I can't help but think that adopting a sadpanda-esque system would be beneficial.
I don't think requiring an extension to access the site would be a good idea, but the next best thing is to require an extension to make the site usable.
The point is to try and limit the number of users.
literally nothing in this is an argument lmao.
All you did was show up to the thread and accuse other anons about calling people "racist".
imo the board where people excitedly discuss wanting to kill niggers and own women as property is bad
Sup Forums gets a bad rap and most of it is justified, but the extreme posts are part of the culture. People just point them out more because they hit closer to home. People posting about CIA niggers in Temple OS threads aren't actually schizos, just like the 1488 sieg heil folks on Sup Forums arent unironically Nazis
no one is complaining about CIA niggers, because it's obviously a joke.
Sup Forums was fine before 2014, but after gamergate it began to draw a huge crowd of people that legitimately believe in all this nazi shit. Even now there are tons of subs that encourage redditors to join Sup Forums, implying that they genuinely believe in everything that is posted there.
The outsiders who flock to Sup Forums rarely stick around long-term. Only people familiar with chan culture are willing to stay here. Reddit has more genuine radicals than Sup Forums, in my opinion
You can tell who the real Sup Forums posters are because they are the only ones that bitch about Sup Forums.
FOSS captcha alternative
FLIF integration
and somehow ban all /r/the_Donald posters so the load times get better again
Autoban for mobile posters.
>The outsiders who flock to Sup Forums rarely stick around long-term
that's not what it looks like to me
Gamergate was in 2014, which sparked a huge influx of new users.
>Sup Forums
>using liberal as insult
Jesus, you people know absolutely nothing about Sup Forums or how Sup Forums users think. Please, kindly cease your complaining about something you know absolutely nothing about or tie a noose around your neck and jump off a cliff.
>being a moralfag
lmaoing @ ur lyfe
And user will get points from good post
And for weeb shits such as yourself.
>saging a thread on page 1
what's even the point?
Can I trade in good goy points for tendies?
Nice job outing yourself, phoneposter scum.
Real names, likes, ordering of posts and threads by intelligent algorithm instead of chronological order.
Probably because old Sup Forums was just old Sup Forums
I'm sorry but this board is literally flooded with name/tripfags and their fluffers. My not just register a name then if we like that so much.
Look at these faggots for example:
And now wait for the sock puppets to validate their ego trips. . .
*My -> Why
>accounts, but no poster names so you can see your own messages on all devices
>some way to see if someone has replied to your post/thread
The finnish board Ylilauta has these features, and they make it 10 times more usable than Sup Forums.
Add filtering based on image hash. Seeing the same garbage images day after day is soul-destroying.
Dump google captcha.