Buy 4k monitor

>buy 4k monitor
>everything's the same except really big and now I have browse Sup Forums at 125% windows upscale and 150% zoom at 30fps

why did I buy into this meme? also looking at the clock is like looking into a corner of the abyss

do 200% DPI then and enjoy your 1920x1080 retina display.

Yeah, there are really starting to be some diminishing returns for resolution.

if all you were looking at was Sup Forums and windows before upgrading, I'm not sure what you expected.

If you're rendering graphics or hi res images than it looks great. go check out /hr/

If you got a 30FPS monitor you got a cheap piece of garbage. Why would you expect it to look good?

I thought for a second I might've bought the wrong model or something but it's the right one, my laptop's integrated graphics just can't go above 30

>buy 4k monitor
>do no research
>expect to drive it with a shitty laptop igpu

ultra-wide 1440p is bretty nice, hard to drive but nowhere near 4k levels of bullshit.

the only problem is getting a proper desk, or wall mount it...

4k is retarded, and don't get me started with 8k...

It's all size dependent. 32" 4k seems tobe the sweet spot.

>only have igpu
>buy 4k display
You have only yourself to blame.

This is probably the first time he's heard all this information he could have used. I bet he's even tried to ask in the threads here. But no one's willing to tell him he's wrong until he gets it. So he made this thread.

If scaling works correctly you have same sized desktop as 1920 but much much smoother everything. Jaggy fonts should be a thing of the past. The biggest issue is Windows shitty scaling.

>not realizing it's just 4k with less vertical space
16:10 needs to make a comeback. I want 1600p 144hz displays

that's the OS fault not the resolution

I might just pick up a cheap 1080p monitor for this same reason myself

>he thinks windows/Linux scaling would ever give a result similar to that of an Apple retina display


Do you have shitty eyes? I can easily see the difference in text clarity between 4K and 1440p. The differences in games are even more significant but I’m assuming you don’t play any since you have an igpu.

>not realising it's just 8k with less vertical and horizontal space

>he thinks anything on a mac is inherently different because it's on a mac
That pink sock must be really difficult to live with.

ultra wide is nothing but a meme, your FoV can't even reach.

Yes, OSX has much better scaling

I've seen 4k. It's pretty good for the right situation, movies.
I wouldn't get one for the reasons you mentioned. I don't need 4k for browser use.

Maybe when YouTube becomes mostly 4k.

>doesn't even do the basic research
>complains on a forum
It's an igpu. 30hz is enough for productivity tasks or movie watching. It's not like it can game, given it's some ancient shit without hdmi 2.0

>Ayo hol up what is this? Excel for ants? >Lemme turn up the dpi
>Aaah, 200%, much better
>Perfect, now I can enjoy the exactly same amount of workspace but on a much more expensive monitor of the same size
>b-but the fonts are sharper and I can watch 4k movies!
4k cucks in a nutshell

1920*1080 is still absolutely fine.


I agree, for any sub 28" monitor 1920x1080 is fine