Why the f*** don't you own a PDA already?

why the f*** don't you own a PDA already?

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>keyboard duck taped to smartphone

swearing triggers my PTSD i got from an abusive boyfriend.

>keyboard duck taped to smartphone
>that's somehow a bad thing

Wow, I want one!
Good find


>duck tape

you don't want to get on my bad side...


>too big to use thumbs
>too small to use hands
how do you type on that

I see some of the dumbest shit ever on this board. I don't even know where you'd get such a thing brand new, never mind why.

Honestly this amazing good for $400 (storage expandable)



just get a blue tooth keyboard

You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.

stop shilling vaporware trash


We do. They are called phones now.

Do you even know who defined the term PDA?

What year is this

but i do have a Personal Digital Assistant
she's called cortana
j/k im gay

>no trackpoint
wew lad, why put a keyboard on it if I have to drag my finger around the screen anyway? Disappointed tbqh

I only own desktop machines.

Ducts have fluctuating heating """ Duct tape""" isn't good with heat
It literally is duck tape due to how well it blocks off water

>During World War II, Revolite (then a division of Johnson & Johnson) developed an adhesive tape made from a rubber-based adhesive applied to a durable duck cloth backing. This tape resisted water and was used as sealing tape on some ammunition cases during that period.[1]

>History and etymology
>The first material called "duck tape" was long strips of plain cotton duck cloth used in making shoes stronger, for decoration on clothing, and for wrapping steel cables or electrical conductors to protect them from corrosion or wear.[2] For instance, in 1902, steel cables supporting the Manhattan Bridge were first covered in linseed oil then wrapped in duck tape before being laid in place.[3] In the 1910s, certain boots and shoes used canvas duck fabric for the upper or for the insole, and duck tape was sometimes sewn in for reinforcement.[4] In 1936, the US-based Insulated Power Cables Engineers Association specified a wrapping of duck tape as one of many methods used to protect rubber-insulated power cables.[5] In 1942, Gimbel's department store offered venetian blinds that were held together with vertical strips of duck tape.[6] All of these foregoing uses were for plain cotton or linen tape that came without a layer of applied adhesive.

So what you're saying is that it is actually called duct tape.

I did own one already, 20 years ago

Mayen I would get one if I ever saw one that was actually running anything and not just off or maybe a dummy. It‘s supposed to ship in december and there is no evidence of it being anything it promises to be.

Because I just use an old ass X100e

Which one? I'm blind today.

I really wanted the GPD pocket, but the keyboard layout is just too bad.

Because i have self worth

Cute AF!

>PDA that is as useless as a tiny laptop
not what PDAs are about user
might aswell get a UMPC

Oh shit I just got one of those a few days ago.

fake, its a none functional prototype, they never show the back part because its a regular phone with a 3D printed keybaord


I already have a laptop. You couldnt use that while standing up anyways cause it would be too hard to hold. Whats the point?