Just ordered a BlackBerry Motion.
Did I get meme'd?
Just ordered a BlackBerry Motion.
Did I get meme'd?
>not keyone
A BB in name only. BB has been dead since BB10 and the Passport failed (which was a great OS and great phone, BTW.)
>he doesn't phonepost on BlackBerry OS
maximum comfy no complaints over here
what phone?
>just ordered a blackberry
>without a keyboard
>not made by blackberry
Yes, but it is a very nice and comfortable meme.
Blackberry passport, not him tho.
How did the DTEK50 turn out, btw? Was it as secure as they made it out to be?
No, but if I had been in your shoes I would have bought a Keyone instead. At least Keyone has a physical keyboard, which other phones lack.
t. Keyone phoneposter who's extremely happy about his phone
Posting on a black keyone now
Maximum comfy
>no keyboard
literally the only reason to buy a blackberry is the keyboard, which only the priv and keyone have. Yes, you idiot, you got memed. Also, the priv was going for $200 new yesterday, so you missed out completely. Return that shit.
>buying blackbery without keyboard
oh god what have you done
Z30 mustard race
BlackBerry handed out private encryption keys to canadian police a couple of years ago
i wouldn't trust them... Not even google and apple hands out their private encryption keys for iChat and shit
>Did I get meme'd?
Yes, you now own an Android phone that can’t run Custom Roms, can’t be rooted, isn’t made by Blackberry and doesn’t outperform a single phone within the same price range (except for maybe the design but that’s too subjective)
Return it m8
the latest round of BB branded phones looks like fucking shit with the horizontal assymetry
what kind of reasoning have led you to this purchase? what did you hoped to accomplish by buying keyboardless android blackberry phone?
was it some kind of "god i HATE nerd capabilities that unlocked smartphones offer", or "i enjoy paying extra for trademark even if it means nothing today"?
i guess it looks nice. all blackberries do
pape plox
KEYone 4gb ram or the 3gb ram?
Opinions plz
Am I seriously the only one here that doesn't have a fuckton of porn on his phone?
I got one boob pic of my gf. So luckily. No
Either a Q5, Q10 or classic
Judging by the black background probably a Q10
Yes? Where's the keyboard?
Cheapest you can get
I haven't run into a situation where 3 wasn't enough
I mean a lot of people don't
Especially if you show shit from your gallery
so i guess f-droid runs on them?
This 3GB is really enough.
see pic related
Ive gotten so many retarded things to work on BB10 devices
>using the browser
>not using clover
Because you install clover directly as APK rather than through google botnet store, it runs surprisingly fast and lightweight, better than some native apps
t. Blackberry Classic here
I praise people like you that still use what I consider to be the best mobile device now, but honestly how long will APK last?
BB Classic is such a lovely device. Shame they decided to ditch BBOS in favour of developing their own Kernel and modifying Android for future phones.
>get blackberry
>no keyboard
Honestly it was the lack of app support/developers that killed BlackBerry OS.
Blackberry had very tight security concerns for their apps (understandably), and android emulation was one way to open up more apps. But Jewgle play store forced-integration to use apps like Uber, Maps, etc ultimately cut off android apps, and hammered the final nail in the coffin.
I'll take the browser
kys kiddo
What are those two holes right of the charging port for?
Is it speakers or are those ports?
>he literally blinded by his retardation
Enjoy your TCLberry.
Passport SE reporting in. Fixed key with superglue but got some under the like an idiot. Still works but no satisfying key travel.
It's hentai
Friends! I have arrived.
Hi :D
That's one aesthetic phone tbqh
Feels good not being /botnet/
> Feels good not being part of the botnet despite still using proprietary network firmware and loading tracking scripts on every site you visit
Yeah real comfy dude
into the trash it goes
Better than iOS, to be honest.
holy shit this phone looks ugly
does it support android 8? (oreo)
if so it has treble hardware.
do they have a "dev mode" to unlock the bootloader for TWRP like the S8 or pixel2?
Blackberry Android phones can’t be rooted or unlocked whatsoever.
Ungoogled Android Custom roms > iOS > Stock Android > Touchjizz Android
how is that legal if they have GPL based kernel and use U-boot which is GPL
i can understand warranty issues but if you allow a dev version or dev enabled like pixel/galaxy/nexus/oneplus/ect i dont see the issue with it
its like buying a computer without admin priv and a locked BIOS password
its literally the equiv of a windows admin account
Where do you go when your competitors are taking away bezel?
Samsung is playing checkers and RIM is on that 4d chess ting.
It’s a business phone with an extra layer of Blackberry security, everything is locked down, it comes with Blackberrys own active malware scanner etc.
I know your struggle, what I‘d give for a Keyone with custom rom....
Keyone user here. Honestly I'm absolutely fine with Nougat so far, I think that the phone would still be very good even if it didn't get Oreo. I don't know if Oreo is supported.
You can enable developer options though. See pic. Maybe you can't root the phone, but according to the users in that BB forum you can speed up the phone a lot by tweaking some options. I tapped on the model of my phone twice and I got a pop window saying: "You're 4 taps away from becoming a developer!" .
Developer mode is really nothing special, just a few additional options, every Android phone does that. Still can’t be rooted.
Oh well, it's not like I want to root my phone anyways. Stock launcher and OS work really well imo.
I do fine with the 3GB RAM. Get whichever one you can pick up cheapest.
Nobody memed it though. You just made a poor decision on your own. I don't know how much you bought the blackberry with a snapdragon 625, but it probably cost you more than any other phone available that is using the same cpu.
Not to mention Blackberry practically getting on their knees to please foreign governments
BlackBerry died in 2009
>Since when does Jay Leno design phones
>didnt get keyone
what the fuck were you thinking?
sauce on both pics pls
2018 BB motion 2 leaked
oh shit wadup senpai
Why would you not get keyone?
Lots of Blackberry friends in this thread... I have a few of their BB10 phones myself and got reasonably far into making a native Sup Forums client. Gave up because there's no easy VP8 (WebM) support. Is there interest or you guys satisfied with clover?
Clover works wonderful for me; better than pretty much any other android app. I think it's because it's uncucked by jewgle play which ruins everything else (eg google maps, etc)
Since this appears to be /black/ general:
Any folks here made the jump from rimjobs to stevejobs? Is there any calendar for iOS that works as good as the BB calendar?
I cant live without the monthly overview with the colored bars on every day I have an appointment, giving me a quick overview over my days and I need the next two things on my home and lockscreen.
Can iOS do that?
why are you all using clover?
Does that really have an advantage?
The stock browser seems good enough for Sup Forums.
Unlike 90% of other sites, it does not have some giant ass floating menues and screaming vid ads, making them unusable on the BB's small screen and on a mobile connection in general.
Seriously, the lack of an adblocker/ublock is probably the one thing that's going to make me abandon my trusty Q10 soon.
That and the fucked up OS update I got last week.
A Passport?
I thought they were higher resolution.
All blackberries have square screens, not only the passport. The passport is the only one with a higher than 720x720 res.
Why people came to Sup Forums thinking that we care about phones? Yeah, sure, its about "technology"
Classic. You can tell because bottom left button is hub instead of phone (since classic has dedicated physical phone button)
>Did I get meme'd?
No, OP, you are the meme.