/ptg/ - Private Tracker General

ptp is cucked as fuck edition

Old thread >Not sure what private trackers are all about?
The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

>Have a question?
FAQ pastebin.com/hrXxMHs9
WIKI wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers

Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>Staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before.
>This is a thread for educational purposes only. Don't offer or ask for invites.
>Staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers.

Other urls found in this thread:


lets scamming boys

best tracker for memelords?

why aren't you legend on AB yet sir? yes im talking to YOU


finally an OP that understands me

/ptg/ is finally dead

Torrents for red buffer?

nigel pepper cock

RED gained over 1,000 new users yesterday, wtf? APL lost another 100, as usual.

t. insane red shill

Path to sows?

Will PTP recruiter care that my account is exactly 6 months old and every single one of my uploads is an automated transcode?

depends, what's the name of your account?


>tfw I've not browsed one of these threads since I got into BTN about 18 months ago
Are the old memes still good here?

thank god the fucking insane kyle and chipmunk spammers stopped
inb4 "hi kyle"

I didn't even notice them gone.

/ptg/ has gotten so bad now it's like the indians dedicated shitting street except with shitposts. when you wanna drop a fat shitpost take a swing by /ptg/, i know thats what i do

> This happened a few weeks ago on PrivateHD, I was hoping they would unban me by now. I posted on the forum if I could invite my brother who has the same IP has me because you can't have two accounts on one IP, obviously, and they banned because they said I wouldn't seed and the brother thing was a cover up for another account which is not. I try to seed to the max but I never can on PrivateHD but that's why I donated frequently. Anyway, I tried to contact the member who banned and some others members but without any luck. I know this is a long shot and kinda jackass but do any of you have an account on PHD and would you contact pacjollymac or anyone for that matter. I wouldn't be doing this if I wasn't desperate so yeah, Thank You

> EDIT: a member of PHD brought in my stats and my ratio is atrocious, a fact that i understated but i donated as often as i could to compensate and though that is not an excuse I don't believe it's fair to ban me because of it but they can do whatever they want, it's their tracker afterall. this was not an "attack" on PHD by any means, I always loved their tracker. I just wanted to get back on it

No, but the PTP recruiter will care that you're a /ptg/er, which you've now outed yourself as.

>I try to seed to the max but I never can on PrivateHD
>Actual Ratio: 0.01 ⇢ 19.46 GiB / 2.98 TiB
>Seeding Size: 0 B over 0 torrents
>Seed Time ( Total ): 2w 6d 22h 41m
>Seed Time ( Average ): 6h 21m
>Hit'n'Runs: 66

So this is how curry flows through open sign ups.


Let's see a list of active trackers boys see what everyone uses the most.

it doesn't get more curry than this, kill yourself

I enjoy my easy curry.

RE: 63612559
I do the exact same thing

There's nothing more boring than reading autists bicker about shitty pointless trackers.

It's not that serious. There's spotify for music and exjgo db9 pedros etc for what's not.

Movie and TV trackers serve a noticeable purpose, delivering far more content and at a visibly higher quality than what's available legally

>APL lost another 100, as usual
b-but bonus points were going to turn everything around

it's the oppaishite neet betas who have shitposted this general to the brink of extinction

Where do all these new

> $Director - ($Year) $Title

movies come from?

What is alpharatio? I don't see landoftv or hdbits either. You have ptp but using just ipt for tv shows must suck

Show me one. I want to report it. They're so autistic on ptp that they should mandate minimum naming standards.

I find it horseshit they allow users to delete scene tags especially for the first web release of a blockbuster

>all that curry but also in ptp

ok m8 are u finished now?

neon sack of shit

thats just the redtarded recruiter on ab responding to messages all at once which signals the start of weeb takeover

the last thing red needs is more weebs. have the spammers in the forum have weeb avatars

it sucks

RED staff will not allow the weeb vermin to infest it. You are lower than rats. You are lower than the worm I crushed on my morning jog. You are lower than the already dead cow that the steak I'm currently eating came from. You are lower than a single cancer cell. Everything about you is disgusting.

Yeah but have you ever considered that I really want to drink soup made from bathwater?

Fuck you Sup Forums faggot

Does FL not count as a H&R on RED?
I spent all of my tokens and my server has been dead for an entire day without me realizing. Still no H&R.

There's no fucking h&r on RED


jokes on you i got into red trough ab recruitment ages ago and already uploaded shitloads of weebshit

Nobody cares you fat, smelly, basement dwelling faggot.

Where do you think you are?

Doesn't matter, you deserve to be shamed for embracing decadence and degeneracy. Hopefully you will either become a better person or kill yourself. Both are better than the present state of affairs.

why doesn't btn recruit at tm on red

because REDdit is a shithole

maybe so but it's good enough for pass the poo

What level of irony are you on?

no joke's on you, I only joined AB to get a free IPT invite

>he's shitposting on Sup Forums while having dinner
>on his pc while having dinner
I have bad news for you, user

bitch I eat this thread for breakfast


post the forum my dude

It's really nothing special, I'm etm and sadly there no super secret forum hidden behind closed doors
most of the threads are dead too
it's just a bunch of chit chat, red staff seem to appreciate high ranking users a lot though, many questions/requests for staff are answered within an hour or 2

Which tracker has the general population with the most shit taste? And why is it AB?

Any tracker for chinese cartoons.

anyone who watches anime over the age of 13 should kill themselves

daily reminder that puff is on staff at RED as Soda cuz he sucked enough dick

daily reminder that the buffer bros have killed /ptg/ with their whatcuckery

hello pooloo staff. don't you have dead torrents to delete

Chuck's fuck and suck

don't you have dick to suck, whatcuck? no one cares about music trackers. get on a real tracker.

If Puff is staff on RED the cabal is doomed. Save us 312c

I can't get into any trackers so I stopped coming here because you're all a bunch of unfunny memefaggots who never say anything helpful.

>coming to Sup Forums for help

Is there any unique invites?


It's a long and depressing road. Better start now; you'll end up back on it eventually anyway as public options continue to die.

Not much, just Exigo and Pedro's

What happened to soliloquy on red? His uploads were topnotch

/ptg/ is dead, killed by reddit kiddies

All I want are games that aren't viruses

Do I really have to join some community and do this social shit for that

RED is always the answer

especially if the question if what killed /ptg/

Where do the pedophiles hang out?

where does the line form to buttfuck puff?

what died, it didn't kill /ptg/

You meme brains killed /ptg/

i'm honored and humbled

>long and depressing
lol I'm on all the cabal trackers except HDB within a year


how do I get in a private tracker

Take the IPT interview

Sometimes I give myself the creeps, sometimes my mind plays tricks on me

So... I just worked out the cost of piracy vs the cost of downloading a TV series on my internet connection.

TL;DR when your internet connection is trash, its cheaper to buy the TV series (no shill).

Vikings S01-S04 REMUX
S01 89.5 GB
S02 81.2 GB
S03 76.5 GB
S04 P1 84.9 GB
P2 88.1 GB

420.2 GB

Broadband cost
250 GB = €69.99
69.99/250 = 0.27996 (28c per GB)

0.28 x 420.2 = €117.67 (to pirate)
Price of seasons 1-4 on amazon = €56.59

Back to noisy spinning discs I go, goodbye /ptg/ :')

>250 GB = €69.99
Stop getting jewed. What kind of idiot had data limits?

>Stop getting jewed. What kind of idiot had data limits?

I live in the middle of nowhere. The only alternative is 4G or no internet

you getting enough water and sleep?

Is the 4g unlimited?

I think I'm cracking up

250GB data cap at a cost of €69.99 ($82.92). its the largest package available kek


rest in piss GGn

Fuck you dude
