Proprietary driver causes problems on a proprietary OS

>proprietary driver causes problems on a proprietary OS
stallman was right again




happened a lot on my nvidia laptop too

>blizzard is working to patch the game
>blames amd

Sup Forums - Video Game Hardware

I really wish you guys would stay in your own containment board.


>plays blizzard games

>playing shit games

Fuck off gamer. Here we just make our lifes hell by tweaking linux for days for no reason and we get nothing out of it but physically fat.




Remember that time when Punkbuster games (=any Battlefield) wouldn't run on Nvidia Optimus devices? Luckily they fixed the bug after a year or so.


(OP) (OP)

Op makes AMD shitposting thread, very common practice on Sup Forums. No no, this is a Sup Forums thread for sure. Why is Sup Forums The most fragile about off topic discussion?

It's dumb as the "well?" Thread that's circulating now and then
It's so pointless that even arguing is point
It's worse than someone posting some shit forum post about someone asking help for their Nvidia Linux drivers

This thread belongs here as much as a thread about my car's stereo and OP should fuck off back to
