Are e-readers a meme?

Are e-readers a meme?

If you have a phone already, then probably yes.

It's better than a tablet, since the battery will last weeks, not days (or worse, hours). Reading on a phone, I don't know who in their right minds would do that.

It's nowhere near as good as a book, but it's okay for pirated ebooks, I don't know who in their right minds would pay for that either, especially since it's often more expensive than a book, what the hell?

They are now

The problem with pirated ebooks is the non-existent quality control, there are way too many horribly-formatted and unreadable converted-from-PDF books.
It's like no one even reads the books they are sharing, we need to make a /glit/ site with only QUALITY allowed.

I have one for my family members who love books because with an ereader books = free

all books free forever. preddy gud imo.

E-readers are essential comfycore gadgets, I pity the fools who read on phones and don't know any better.

Im sorry but pirating books has to be the most scummy thing on earth, you think most authors are rich? No they are not. How long do you think it takes to write a book? It takes real work.

Mobilism usually has legit non-converted ePubs, go look there

Literally nothing wrong with reading on a phone, fa.m

I download my books from libgen and convert them with Calibre, never had any issues regarding format, and I should mention I only read technology books so they are full of all sorts of formatting.

ipad user here. lmfao @ losers i see with touch devices that are "just" for books

E-readers use actual pigment used for paper media, enjoy your LCD eye cancer.

my eyeballs hurt just reading this comment seems to have more books than libgen, don't know about quality though

hit or miss
its a taken in book piracy

They're better than books in my opinion.

who gives a fuck when the people who wrote the books you are reading have been dead for half a century+


I have a Kindle but find using my phone and Google books way more convenient for almost everything except mangu
And mangu/comix are best on a 10" tablet anywag

Are you guys blind? I have a better time reading shit on my tablet than on my e-reader. That shit is so slow that it isn't even funny. Only downside is battery time.

Why the fuck do you need it to be fast? It just has to show the fucking words(which are completely still). I bet you just go through menus or something instead of actually reading.

I can spend like 4+ hours at a time reading on my kindle but I get eyestrain really bad if I'm on my phone reading lines of text for half that long.

I'm not reading comics or textbooks so idk about slowness; I hit the next page button and there it is.

writing software is just as demanding as writing books if not more, but I'm sure you pirate software all the fucking time.

You just can't into optimizing.

I regularly read manga/comics in portrait on a 7.8" eInk screen. KOReader is amazing.

Well, i do read a huge amount of amateur shit from blogs and specialized sites so I need to scroll a fuckton. This kills the ereader.
I can sit on my tablet for six hours without problems, granted I do take care to not read in the dark and my tablet is 10,1" big.
See above, scrolling is a must and i like the features android gives me for using my own book servers. No syncing needed that way.

>Im sorry but
stopped reading

You type like a fag and your shit's all retarded.

>browsing internet on a fucking e-reader

Oh, you're just retarded. Sorry.

>Oh, you're just retarded. Sorry.
reading comprehension.

It's called an e-READER not an e-BROWSER you inbred faggot.

>blogs and specialized sites
>not internet

>color e-ink screens with high refresh rates were supposed to come in 2011
yes I mad. I use my tablet but I would much rather use an e-reader that doesn't rape my eyesight

Are you implying you only look at pictures on the net?
Are you actually downloading and saving every single chapter from an internet publication just to "sideload" it on your proprietary ereader?

Are you guys technically inept?

> scrolling

again, you need to understand how these things work.
You read a huge amount of web articles well guess what I've got Pocket integration or even Wallabag if you're a freetard.
You don't need to scroll to read an optimized comic page after proper conversion. If you're fucking blind you can even read it in parts (tap once to move the viewport one page forward). You definitely don't need scrolling to read manga because the text density is usually really low.

And if you're trying to browse the web then you just don't understand this device at all. This is one of the best

>$500 for a shitty eink paper
>pragmatic price should have been sub $100

I don't browser the internet at all an an E-READER for BOOKS.

Only if you are one of the fools who think they will replace paper books entirely.
>tfw no yotaphone with a lit e-ink display

If you read a lot it's worth it, even more if you pirate.
In the 5 years I got my kindle I read about 70 books for around 100$ (the cost of the kindle).
My brother broke it a month ago, but since I used it a lot I wasn't even mad.
Now I'm not quite sure if I'm going to buy another one, when I can get a tablet for around the same price.



Browsing the internet on an e-reader is like reading a book through jpegs. Wrong medium for the information. e-readers are made to consume text in a simple schema, with minimal markup. Browsers are made to consume content in a complex schema, with very strict markup. I'm sorry bud, but you're complaining that a shovel makes for a poor hammer.

Or I can just use firefox quantum with ublock on my tablet. It even has a reader mode, WOW. No account bullshit, no botnetting, just plain reading.

Reading is reading. I see no difference in the medium used. If a e-reader can't handle every reading medium then it has failed as a reading device, simple as that.

I have no problem with eyestrain and i can keep my tablet plugged in while reading. I see no upside to e-readers. They even have worse resolution than modern tablets.

E-readers are really good for one thing: reading books. It is OK that they aren't great for other things; that's not what they're for.

Phones/tablets are great devices for a lot of things, but are basically a jack-of-all-trades. If you want to consolidate that's fine, but when it comes to reading books they're the best thing around, especially if you like to read at night.

E-readers exist the same way that DSLR cameras or PMP devices exist.

>Reading is reading
and hammering is hammering. But you're still a fucking idiot if you try to do it with a shovel and then complain that the shovel doesn't work.

So by your logic books should also be goods notebooks because paper is paper.

Don't mind me, just enjoying a nice day, doing some reading on my superior tabl---

No complaining, only advice to save naive anons asspain that they wasted 100€ for a device that collects dust.

Literally nobody buys an e-reader to browse the internet except for immense retards like you.

> Or I can just use firefox quantum with ublock on my tablet. It even has a reader mode, WOW. No account bullshit, no botnetting, just plain reading.

I even said there's 3rd party Wallabag integration if you're some stupid freetard who's scared of Pocket.

Not that Pocket can even fucking track me when all I ever send them is urls, through a FOSS plugin, to an account with fake info.

Reading on a tablet is a much less comfortable experience

I didn't buy it to browse the internet.
>Reading on a tablet is a much less comfortable experience
Wrong, get your eyes checked and don't buy chinklets.

>I didn't buy it to browse the internet.

Yet you use use it for that purpose and complains that it does a poor job at it.

No not really.
I got a little 6" Kobo Aura 2 with custom firmware. Its not the best e-reader out there but its the perfect size to take on the go, and its not too expensive.
I use it all the time on holiday or on a train or bus or on my workbreak. The battery lasts quite long. Get enough juice for a couple of books before charging.

I used to read on a phone, but phones are kind of small for comfortable reading. Plus phone screens are hard to see in bright sun.

With my little kobo I can just sit on a bench in the summer after a walk, and get a few chapters in.

Nah, I just noticed that my tablet does everything better, even reading books. :^)

In case you didn't notice, the thread is titled "Are e-readers a meme?" not "Praise e-readers!".

E readers a great at doing one, and only one thing. Reading text.
Pretty much everything else they're kinda crap. I love my e-reader since I do lots of reading.

>phone screens are hard to see in bright sun.
>With my little kobo I can just sit on a bench in the summer after a walk, and get a few chapters in.
>not reading on your 10 inch tablet while tethered to a power outlet in your bedroom

>even reading books

No. And the reason you said they were bad was because they're not good for browsing. Which is not, in any way, an argument against e-readers. E-readers are for reading books, don't say they are bad because they can't do well something they weren't designed to do in the first place.

I enjoy reading but it puts me to sleep. After a few chapters in I find myself just scanning lines with my eyes and not actually taking in any information until my eyes become heavy and my breathing becomes relaxed and until eventually I wake up for a brief second and realize I fell asleep with a book in my hand.

This has kind of made me stop reading, what's wrong with me?

Make your reading time be the same as bedtime. This way you can enjoy reading and feel okay about going to sleep.
Also protip you're sleep deprived.

Jesus Fuck I've read 250 books on mine this year alone.

How's the rendering for pdf generally on most e-readers? Especially big pdf files and high quality pdf

Books from people who died 70+ years ago are all in the public domain and legally and easily downloadable, it's not piracy then.

user. I'm getting a 13 inch tablet on friday with a 3k screen.
I just wouldn't use a tablet for reading books. I've done it before and its the same as reading on a giant phone. You just get eye strain after a while and when you take it around with you in the house the screen drains the battery quickly.

I'm using that tablet for comics, manga, movies and Netflix and general browsing and PC use since its got a magnetic keyboard mount. Got to put that pretty IPS panel to good use.

That stuff you consume in bits taking breaks. Books you tend to read for most of a day. e-readers are the best tool for that job.

no, e-ink doesn't strain the eyes like a normal screen does. I have a Kobo and I think it's excellent

This is part of the problem, I do mostly read in bed and it's just too cozy to stay awake usually. I can space out for a few chapters at a time and will usually have to go back and read them the next time.

I was mocking the dipshit ITT with that post

Good e-readers are already around $100, only the autistically huge ones are expensive.

>Are e-readers a meme?

What the fuck does that even mean? Why has the average post quality just tanked here in the last couple years? Especially the last year.

in the last year? hmm, I wonder...

Rendering is fine on my Paperwhite and it's faster than I expected, the text can be quite tiny though since you can't adjust font size on PDFs.


Everything is a meme nowadays.

In the previous e-reader thread I posted that Kindle's Goodreads integration only worked with store-bought books but turns you can make it work with sideloaded books too, you have to use Calibre to add the book's Amazon ID and then use the Quality Control plugin and click the "Fix ASIN for Kindle Fire" option.

When does the E-ink patent expire anyway?

I've learned to spot many common OCR errors lol
But you have to realize that cutting open a dollarstore paperback and putting it through a scan + OCR setup is 1000x less work than reading and checking every single book for errors.
Gutenberg has a lot of proofread works (google pgdp) but I'm not sure how much of it is fiction.

I don't know but I hope soon.
I'm always a bit amazed that there isn't a country yet that provides a safe haven for copyright and patent infringements. A country with a powerful military, that is.

literally china

Yeah, that's true.
But there's no chink e-ink manufacturer is there?

You can get a chinky ereader for like 60 bucks

t. /csg/

>e ink corporation is bad meme
There's nothing wrong with current e ink, my reader never does fullscreen refreshes when there's only text and there's no ghosting.

Wake me up when there's a $100 10" reader that does absolutely nothing but display files from a SD card. I don't want connectivity, I don't want bookstores. I don't need color.

what is the best chink e-reader?

Couldn't say, I bought a paperwhite before I got into chinkshit. Sorry mate. Ask in the thread.

Depends, for faggots like you it is indeed a meme

I'm really falling for the E-reader meme.
How bad the PDF rendering really?
I've been accepted into surgical residency and carrying 4 lbs textbook around is not something I'm fond of.

there's little systems of e-ink screens for use as displays in stores and shit like that. I've been toying with the idea of buying something like that + rpi or mc and making a ghetto ereader out of that. Main problem is these screens all seem to work via wireless and require a base station that costs upwards of 10k.

What's wrong with reading on the phone?

>tiny fucking display
>LCD eye cancer screen
reading on a phone is the only worse sin than watching a movie on one.

e-ink on the back of a phone would be a cool idea if normies didn't drop their phones constantly necessitating huge bulky cases

>not browsing sad panda on your e-reader

E-Readers are a fucking godsend for textbooks, it's one tiny thing to carry and you can either pirate them or get them very cheap, plus built-in dictionary, bookmarks, and note systems make it a dream to keep track of information. Use Calibre to convert PDFs and put them on your ereader.

>being chinese
worst kind of asian

>want to get e-readet
>it's all over 400$
>tablet with decent specs

Software-wise Kindle Paperwhite is fine, pic related is a 700 page PDF and it loads in about 1-2 seconds, with individual pages loading almost as fast as regular text ebooks, there's pinch zooming too.
But the small screen can be annoying, the text is readable at 100% zoom but still annoyingly small, scrolling through zoomed pages is fairly sluggish.

Just so you know that simplified chink, not japanese you faggot

>it's all over 400$
Paperwhite is like $100 new and $50 used.

>going outside

What the FUCK e-reader are you looking at that's 400 dollars? The newest version of the basic Kindle (which is absolutely fine, you don't need the paperwhite) is only 80 bucks and you just missed a cyber monday deal where it was 50.

I fail to see the problem.
That's what I do to sleep.

Paperwhite has almost double the PPI and built-in light, I never used the basic version so I can't really compare it but I think even just the light alone is worth the extra bucks, e-ink is oddly dark in lightbulb light.

I ordered a refurb Kobo Aura HD from eBay (and a 32 gb micro SD). Can anyone recommend good books to read? Not looking for anything specific. What's your favorite book? Doesn't have to be Sup Forums related.

>convert pdf
What do you mean? Most textbook are scanned PDFs or formatted in a way that converting to other format would ruin it.
Or is caliber different?