What DE do you use?

what DE do you use?
i use pic-related

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I don't use a DE. I use awesome wm. Although with the new Open Desktop integration you can put icons on your desktop and have a menu.

LXDE or XFCE, i prefer XFCE although it is a bit heavier, LXDE is a bit rough around the edges (XFWM feels more modern than openbox, menus and config tools are more polished in XFCE).


Is Sup Forums wiki outdated when it comes to ricing?
Im new to Linux

for my old laptop i use XFCE
for my main pc i use KDE plasma

>it just works
tfw caring about your DE being lightweight despite having a modern enough 8-core cpu and 32GB of RAM


What do you need a "desktop" for anyway? You think you need a physical place to locate your icons?

>tfw caring about your DE being lightweight despite having a modern enough 8-core cpu and 32GB of RAM
Some people just don't want to wast performance on their DE.

>not using a terminal with tmux

XFCE (on my laptop).


>Some people just don't want to wast performance on their DE.

Linux isn't really known for its library of high performance games or its CAD software, so what else could they use it on?

Run VMs, programming, blender, docker,....

I believe you mean MAH-TAY


4.14 when?

From Gnome to KDE and finally to Cinnamon

strange and annoying flicker sometimes but i like it still

>tfw caring about your DE being lightweight despite having a modern enough 8-core cpu and 32GB of RAM
there are more important tasks to run on your machine than DE visual effects, file crawlers, network daemons, indexers, telemetry scanners, e.t.c..

ahah it reminds me when spinan cubes were all the shit

man i had a geforce 6600 and wasted probably 40% of my GPU for compositing and desktop spinan

I had an ATi x1900xtx and I was trying for days to rice kde 3 with the latest and bestest beryl release and later on with compiz.... but hey, I was under 19.
I like eye candy treats and modern DE commodities like the next guy, but modern DE has become a synonym to "user is stupid, so let's take all the decisions for him".
A modern DE used to be about functionality, not deciding for you.
I left KDE 4 because I woke up one day and they "freq and power options" widget disappeared. When I looked around a bit at the kde site, they said that they removed it and instead KDE now decides what plan suits you most.
-Screw you guys, I'm going XFCE.
...and never looked back.

Having a desktop is like having a folder that is always open in the file manager without all the drawbacks of actually having the file manager always open. I keep the stuff I use most often there, like my programming projects and such. I switched to i3 recently, and I kinda miss having a desktop, because now I have to cd to the projects folder on the desktop every time I want to edit something in vim (yeah, I know, I should probably set up some environment variables for this, and I probably will, I was just lazy).

i'm only using openbox.

I use gnome, but efficiency is not of concern for me.

aqua uwu

>I use awesome wm.
which one?


my man

this one

never gonna unsee this, god fucking dammit user

pic related is nemo on debian on xfce, with the bare minimum libs to run.
No customization or anything else, whatsoever.
Shill moar.

Stop posting this retarded picture! You already know what is the gap for!

people slowly starting to realize what a great DE it is. Hope there will be a nice fork of it.

does the gap need to exist if there isnt any eject mechanism then?

It's the name of the software.

Unironically KDE


Super comfy

KDE with a Hannah Montana rice

I was using XFCE for the longest time until i switched to gnome, i like gnome more now.

Xfce on my netbook.
If i had a much better laptop (mine has shitty linux support so fuck it) or Desktop then i'd go with KDE.

You're welcome NSA.

Me too.

I just use Openbox. If I could run XFCE without consolekit and polkit I would use it.



Soon (TM)


>needing to have to pull it out that far to accommodate shit that might not necessarily exist

it just werks
>edgy logo
>comfy and lightweight
>doesnt use autistic xml config files like openbox but simple ini-style
>comes with taskbar by default



aqua uwu


Having to reach halfway to Pluto to find a flaw.

Same. Rarely!

Unity normally
dwm.exe right now.


Sway/Wayland is the future lad.
(import your i3 config)

KDE is the best. and I know the flickers too. I hope the Plasma team can get a rid of it soon. KDE is the most advanced desktop-environment right now. I like it. I always like a challenge.

easy to set up + embedded dmenu alternative

its literally the fucking file manager as it appears on a fresh install

Using xfce almost 7 years now on pc and laptop. (Since unity replaced gnome). I still like it a lot and the way it gets out of my way being productive. Tryed many others de's off and liked some but always went back to xfce

dwm or i3, everything else is shit and BLOAT


>muhh waifu
>muhh i3-gaps
>muhh useless cli

sorry sweetie, adults like me use xfce with xmonad. it's productive, works out of the box and easy to modify to ones liking.


I use dwm for pretty much everything. It just werks

>MATE is light
>KDE is heavier than Unity and GNOME
This chart is either outdated or made by an idiot.

>unlabeled axis


It's MegaBytes of memory used.

Me too. The only sane choice

Xfce, it just has all the functionality that I want from a DE and looks alright.

oops didnt mean to quote

CDE or Java Desktop System.

ever thought about using ranger?


I've tried a bunch and I've got to say, xfce is that perfect in between of ease, polish, customizeability and performance.
Cinnamon was nice but something about it really bugged me (don't remember what)
KDE was good too, but it felt too bloated. Too much shit I didnt need, both visually and functionally.
I would use i3, but I just don't have the screen real estate to make it worthwhile, also takes more time to make it look nice.

>wm with no bar
>htop dose the job

>tfw this Rei-fag can't tell the difference between Gnome and i3

Gnome. I try other stuff once in a while but I end up going back to Gnome.

Cinnamon on my desktop(Manjaro) and i3-gaps on my laptop(Arch)

emacs exwm of course

I can't be the only one here who uses MATE, right? ...right?

for me it's the chickem nugger

Used to use fvwm2 with links to kde apps. Ns about any performace gain doing that since it loads up the kde libraries but it seems old school



I use i3 wm, and add whatever xfce goodies I want on top like xfce panel and notification daemon for instance.
Easy enough to setup although configuring and porting thunar custom hotkeys is a pain in the ass, need to find a better alternative that is easier to port config to other systems when migrating.
Love XFCE overall.

xfce seemed kind of clunky when i opened up kde stuff like dolphin, since i didn't like thunar. so i'm using kde again.
dolphin is my favorite file manager i've used. most important to me is file manager and settings configuration being easy/intuitive to use


But mainly windoze 10mirror.co.uk/tech/celebrate-st-andrews-day-2017-11612088
Celebrate St Andrew's Day with a colour-your-own Scottish Google Doodle

never seen a flicker
wouldn't think is possible .. many pcs have run this on , years , no flicker
is this lies? lies by idiot window users

gnome is shit
i like unity
xfce is objectively the best

i get screen glitching in kde
in the compositing section under vsync i've tried none, automatic, and full screen repaints but it persists.

Unironically GNOME.

This DE is basically cinnamon with a different theme. I doubt it uses any more resources than cinnamon.

It's trash, it has features that I could not find a way to turn off no matter how hard I looked.

How is xmonad better than i3?

I switched very recently, so I'm still using the things I'm already familiar with, like thunar for managing files and xfce4-screenshooter for taking screenshots.

Xfce, learning Awesome.

You seem like a fungi...