Why would anyone with a brain use GNU/+Linux as their desktop OS when these two exist?

Why would anyone with a brain use GNU/+Linux as their desktop OS when these two exist?

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>Why would anyone with a brain use GNU/+Linux as their desktop OS when these two exist?

Because they suffer from autism

left doesn't even have drivers

Nobody with a brain uses Windows. You guys are like the niggers of the tech world. Literally dumber than macfags.

Using Linux as a general purpose OS is just a call for attention. The vast majority of talented programmers don't do it, minus those that really care about promoting open source.

Most of them don’t use linux because they are not losers, like success and healthy life.

Linux is for servers or very specific purpose.

Linux losers in other hand are thinking they are some hot shit while they sad, pathetic life goes down the drain while they circlejerk and complicate things for themselves to justify the use of time.

>giving up your personal data
Yeah, no thanks

Nobody with a brain actually does, the only people who use Linux as their actual desktop and not as a server OS are the people you find in the Desktop threads and mechanical keyboard generals on Sup Forums. These people are already useless and thus have a lot of time to tinker with 'aesthetics' so they have to convince themselves they use Linux for other reasons than wasting their life on improving the UI of whatever they are using.

>it's these posters in this thread again

Serious question, do Windows users actually think GNU+Linux distros are hard to use? What do you specifically think is so difficult? It seems most of you have no experience with GNU+Linux and are just parroting memes trying to justify your use of an OS that sells your data and sends you ads even though they charge for it.

They think Linux is difficult because Linux equals CLI and they are not wrong, are they? I mean who in their right mind wants to voluntarily use a command line interface OS when they can have their desktop computing revolve around what they see in front of them, visually represented?

And they're right, you know. It's really upsetting how much configuration and apt-getting is STILL left for the terminal in even Ubuntu in our Lord's year 2017. The terminal should be there for who want to use it, not to be have to resorted to most every day.

>also there are no proprietary applications and no corporation support so no one cares to switch because, you know
>applications are what we use computers for
And don't say Wine. Whytf should a Windows compatibility layer excuse native software support and sane, compatible APIs?

Why would anyone dislike using the terminal? I can understand them disliking the idea of it, but once you use it you won't feel that way anymore.
Just a reminder, when you quote someone you should probably quote their posts, not some nonsense you've come up with.

No, we think Linux is broken and therefore use something that isn't.
>drivers are non existent or old and buggy
>system stability is questionable
>technical support is limited to a number of angry and useless nerds on irc and forums
>software support is laughable
>updates are forced and older versions of software is hard to come by (try to get gimp 2.6 on ubuntu, good luck)
>you have to fiddle around with many settings you can usually ignore on windows, for no purpose other than to waste your time
>bash is a fucking nightmare, try writing anything in that shit without going insane

>I wasn't quoting anyone, I don't care how you read greenposts but I'm just implying
The terminal being scary in the first place is a huge step for all those possible to-be-users. And man pages are often written in the 90's from one developer to another, they're simply overcomplicated for the layman.

Shit, they're overcomplicated for me most of the time. And don't say "just google it" either cause nobody should have to do that in the first place, the computer should be self-explanatory. That's why Macs can be sold for fortunes even when they contain shit code that breaks all local security for good. No one cares because it's easy for them to open Facebook and Pages.

>they're overcomplicated for me most of the time
You already said that right here.
>they're simply overcomplicated for the layman.

>drivers are non existent or old and buggy
>system stability is questionable
>technical support is limited to a number of angry and useless nerds on irc and forums
>updates are forced and older versions of software is hard to come by
>you have to fiddle around with many settings you can usually ignore
Literally Windows 10

I was trying to stress the ME in the latter sentence since I use Linux, which perhaps didn't articulate very clearly.

Why would anyone use mac os?

Do you even know who the CEO of apple is?

Because people without a brain often think they have a big brain.

Tim Cook
what do I win


this is the reason I hate smug gentoo and arch fags. They are scaring children away

Windows is the worst desktop operating system. Linux and Mac are superior to it in every single way. Only retards would use windows.

only for the meme distros all mainstream distros have a very friendly community

works just fine for music and porn.

cause hackintosh sucks ass

So does android. Even better, actually.

These. All the OSs nowadays are perfectly fine for majority desktop use-cases. With Windows you just get much less headache with software interoperability and hardware compatibility. Unless your work actually requires a full-blown Linux environment or you sincerely want to learn how *nix systems are built there's little reason to use it outside servers.

I don't have money, and I don't want to steal

I mean linux on a laptop is usually a very nice option, especially if it is an old one. And you have PC for actual work.

You're not stealing anything though.

MacOS even has a highly secure user management.


jesus fucking christ almighty

By using linux distros, no I don't steal anything.

I would, if I were to use Windows or OSX

How? No property is ever actually stolen or are you actually going to shoplift a dvd-rom box of wangblows from your local electronics store?

I would use a copy that was wasn't officially authorized and can't be activated without third party activators

How is that stealing? You just said you would be using a copy and not the original. No theft ever took place.

Regarding the mac: price could be a reason or you might have specific hardware in mind not available on a mac.
Regarding windows: come on...


I can't understand how people actully start threads with this argument. If you don't need/want to understand and control your personal computing device, then fine - use it like a carpenter whose only tool is a hammer and therefore every problem is treated like a nail.
I've used linux since 1994 and don't have any desire to use Windows. I have W10/7 on VMs for compatibility tests and that's it. The CLI is more effective than a GUI, since the GUI is usually just a wrapper for the CLI. Typing is faster and easier than trying figure out what an icon represents. GUI apps are certainly at times easier/more flexible (GVIM for example), but they add nothing (unless of course you're working wtih graphics directly).
Bottom line: why would anybody with a brain use Windows/OSX when a plethora of linux distros exist?

To be fair, the users who are benefiting from the siplifications found in Windows and Mac OS aren't going to have to worry about the more difficult commands or interpreting their man/info pages. All they need is basic understanding of file directories and remember a short list of commands (cd, rm, cp, mv, ls, etc). Then they can utilize the tab completion for easily executing their other applications or just click on the icons if their distro is set up that way.

It seems most people who choose Windows are doing so for the compatibility with games and certain proprietary software, or they are doing so because they legitimately don't care/know any better, just getting whatever comes with their computer. Windows just happens to have a monoply on OS's being distributed with consumer pc's in most big box outlets. Linux distros will never crack that market. It doesn't mean some of them wouldn't do just as well in the general consumer market, just that they will never get the chance as those consumers won't bother changing their OS after buying. Then there is also the problem with change; most of those users have enough trouble with the changes between Window versions.

TLDR: Basically, since Windows has the market in hand, Linux will never replace them, but that doesn't mean Windows is inherently easier to use or better for those consumers, just that those consumers really have no choice in the matter and are already conditioned for Windows.

>why would anyone with a brain use GNU+kernel?
If OP had a brain he might be one of the people with a brain who do.

Looks like a linux user to me.

>using propietary shitware with ancient filesystems

because I like having working root authentication

>muh Unix heritage
Anyone using Linux is unironically autistic and enjoys searching through shady decade old forums to configure fundamental function on their system.

bullshit. Windows doesn't even fucking work.

but nobody said anything about videogames.
Like I said. Niggers.

>Windows users

Life is a constant

At least on linux i got to search through shady decade old forums that teach me to fix my system. Instead of getting to pay technical support because an actualization broke my system where the technician will just format your computer and charge 200 dollars for it.

kek this
we get /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread, Windows users get /sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread.
>hurrr durr how do I plug in duh moniterrrrrrrrr

This! Loonix is only for routers, servers and IoT.

Loonix for desktop is for autists, pedophiles, animufaggots and retards.

I can actually see some use for macOS, like running music production software and stuff. But with Windows there doesn't seem to be any benefit other than running gaymes at 2 more fps.
What if you want your operating system to be fast, or customizable?
>or you sincerely want to learn how *nix systems are built there's little reason to use it outside servers.
Switching to linux didn't teach me shit about *nix systems, it taught me that what I was used to (Windows), was relatively fucking terrible, and that operating systems do not need to slow down after six months of use.

wow (insert name), you sure are one pesky clever dame

Linux convinced me to switch to MacOS ironically
because it made me realize how bad Windows is. You get used to the shit after using it so long. In retrospect it is retarded some of the shit that goes on in Windows.

When I used Linux, I had problems with it, yet despite all that it was basically still better than Windows. It's even easier to use than Windows, despite using a terminal. Everything is far better organized, you don't have shit spread out on the start menu, explorer, desktop, taskbar, etc. You can update without restarting (how about MS adds that as a feature instead of all the useless shit they keep piling into 10?)

I was using Ubuntu with Unity and it turns out that UI was just a rip off of macOS anyway. When I got a macbook and never looked back at Windows. In fact I dual booted it to play Overwatch and it tried to update in the middle of playing, minimizing my shit midgame. Then I accidently clicked the wrong thing in a rush because I wanted it to go away and get back to the game and it shut down, updated, then restarted into MacOS. That was the last time I booted into Windows. I dread even booting into it again.

windows is an absolute joke

>when gadzooks/lunatix users are so utterly blown the fuck out that they can't even respond, they can only post selfies

I've worked IT all my life and I've called Microsoft Windows support, they've never fixed any of the problems.

Nowadays at least we have Microsoft forums with unpaid 'microsoft VIPs' to tell us the problems are 'known issues' and MS does not have plans to fix them.

Fuck you, Linux is the best OS for devs, oh yeah you are probably a fucking casual so stay eating shit


>I've never tried Ubuntu LTS but I feel qualified to talk about Linux.

>windows for game
>mac for Brainlet

>ITT: Triggered Loonix brainlets.

> Why would anyone with a brain use
> GNU/+Linux as their desktop OS
> when these two exist?

v i r u s
t r o j a n s
m a l w a r e
a d s
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b o t n e t
e d g e
b i n g
t h e m e s u c k s
n s a
y e l l o w f o l d e r s
l o w q u a l i t y w a l l p a p e r s
m e t r o
b u g s

I just like having vim controls for everything, is that too much to ask for?


does 16.04 still have that bug where dbus shits itself so when you log in the desktop never comes up?

I've only seen something like that happen when either NVIDIA proprietary install was corrupt or when noveau was not properly blacklisted and conflicted with NVIDIA proprietary.

so yes... ok

okay? and you think Windows will work when your video driver is installed improperly?

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the thing is, if you follow the windows installer for nvidia it installs it correctly, on Ubuntu if you use the system installer to install the driver it doesn't install correctly. Argue all you want on if it works correctly or not if installed incorrectly but at least one will install it correctly.

I've never encountered that. I always use the NVIDIA-provided install script. The only time I've seen the issue you mentioned is when I've run a kernel upgrade without reinstalling the video driver.

yeah.. I've never had that issue on Windows or OSX. When it comes down to it I would rather just use OSX for work and Windows for gaming instead of fiddling with my system to even LOG IN

If you ran AMD graphics, you'd have the latest drivers built into the kernel. Not even a single click to install.

Last time I ran an AMD card I upgraded Fedora and X11 would only load a black screen. No thanks.

>no u

I know this is bait, but seriously, I can't take anymore of this.
either actually LEARN informatics or fuck off.
I'm sick, physically and emotionally sick, of your incessant shitposting.
If you don't understand a topic, don't comment on it.
Linux is the furthest away from being obsolete compared to the proprietary and bricked shitfest that is Macintosh software and hardware, or the banal and bloated botware of Micropenis.
If you want play your shitty AAA games (in which they don't even bother anymore), rather than actually contribute to intelligent technology related discussion? That's great.
But newsflash!
We have a containment board for that rubbish:
>Go home!
>Picture very much related, it is you trying to browse and understand TRUE Sup Forumsthreads.

I guess you have a selective memory about Windows problems




It works enough

LTSB, none of those affected me. (or I never personally hit them). The issues with Linux actually affected me. So not so much selective memory.

And how is the dry-cleaning business these days, user?