Introducing Joplin, a free open-source Evernote alternative

>If you’re looking for an open-source Evernote alternative that works on Linux (and everywhere else) you need look no further than Joplin.

>Joplin is a free, open-source note-taking and to-do app with desktop clients for Linux, Windows, macOS, and mobile apps for Android and iOS. There’s even a CLI too.

>In this post we’ll look at its key features, and suggest a few reasons why you may prefer to use it over other similar services.

>There’s no denying that Evernote is the grand-daddy of note taking services. A productivity powerhouse; a veritable by-word for being organised.

>While Evernote is free to use with a basic plan that only costs the time it takes to sign up, this frugal tier has some limits: for one, you only sync your notes between two devices.

>If you want to add a work laptop in to the mix, or put your Windows dual-boot to use, you have to subscribe to a paid plan (which at $3.99 a month isn’t extortionate by any means).

>Joplin, however, has no such limits. So rather than jump through hoops trying to use Evernote on Linux it might be worth taking a look at it.

>Joplin has free apps for desktop and mobile. This means you don’t need to be on your Linux box to jot down a few thoughts, compile some research, or work on that Linux love poem you’ve been meaning to post to Reddit.

>While the service isn’t as polished or as featured as Evernote is (which is understandable given it’s made by a team of one) it’s still a capable replacement.

>Thanks to its rich support for Markdown (including an optional preview panel in its desktop apps) Joplin also works as a Bear alternative for Linux and Windows users.

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What the heck is Evernote

Some shitty clone of Onenote maybe?


Thumbs up for markdown support tho

How can you be in tech circles and not once hear about Evernote?

>tech circles
So it does look like a shitty Onenote clone. And onenote is mainly used for school note taking, not what people in "tech circles" would normally use.

Disappointing that the only options so far (at least in the Android version) for syncing are for OneDrive. Hopefully he adds integration with free services soon.

You can never create anything better than emacs orgmode

>puting your personal everyday note-taking on the hands of the jew cloud

Just use a fucking (fountain) pen and paper you massive faggot

fuck off

switched from Evernote to TiddlyWiki a long time ago. Never looked back. It can be used as apersonal wiki, todo application and a freaking mindmap application. All in a single html file.
when will this meme die?
>>puting your personal everyday note-taking on the hands of the jew cloud
Things like Syncthing are less convinient but far more secure.

btw I use org

OP, see Also, who the fuck would want to use markdown.
Just embed ProseMirror and donate his author something.

>Also, who the fuck would want to use markdown.

I do. I used it to take quick neatly-formatted notes all the time in school.

>when will this meme die?
saying its a meme doesn't invalidate what I said

lmao the absolute state of tech in 2017

dennis ritchie is rolling in his grave

Electron is fine as long as it is libre.

What's wrong with Electron? It looks cool.

Fuck off you Sup Forums loser piece of shit





That's because you're oblivious.

In real life, markets are really limited for a markdown based note editor.
In particular since one can just write up a fast, properly hotkeyed, reactive and responsive WYSIWYG rich text editor with proper support for tables, line endings, embedded maps and more using stuff like ProseMirror in about a day or two.

>It looks cool.
Although I don't care what the faggot crippling computing does in his grave.

Perhaps, but the only people who can use it are basement dweller tier

But it's clunky! Even by Emacs standards. Though, I really tried to love because every Emacs user is shilling it as a killer feature.
The only good use for it is to be a very bloated outline tool. Also, the mobile app is dead and Orgzly supports only the most basic features.

Let's not forget how some of that stuff caters sperglords exclusively.

>hurrr durrr js is evil
I swear you anti-js fags are some kind of modern luddites. Have fun getting deprecated.

Fuck off Sup Forums cancer

I love this soy boy pseudo intellectual meme, it's infected /sci/ since the beginning of time and spreading everywhere.

>actually defending the use of fucking JS for gui desktop software

you aren't fooling anyone, Ranjeep

What's wrong with using js for desktop gui?

just tried joplin, I need a onedrive account to sync my notes?? wut

Nothing, it’s just a newfag Sup Forumstard

It can't be helped, if its marketed for normies then it will always have some virtue signaling pseudo intellectual bullshit to make them feel good for using the software.

If there is a human element to it, you can expect it to look like gay shit. Don't bash the tech, bash the normalfag.

I rather prefer a java app

"When Ctrl+Clicking a URL, most terminals will open that URL in the default browser. However, one issue, especially with long URLs, is that they can end up like this:

[pic of multiline url]

Not only it makes the text hard to read, but the link, being cut in two, will also not be clickable.

As a solution Joplin tries to start a mini-server in the background and, if successful, all the links will be converted to a much shorter URL"

What the fuck is this? His solution to multiline URLs being broken in the terminal client is, no joke, to start a goddamn server that shortens them so they're one line.


holy shit that is so bad. Why not a clickable multi-line link? Or is that too hard to program for our babby dev?

To comment on electron: I once installed Etcher, a image to sd card writer. It also used electron and it was _I shit you not_ 182mb!! AND IT DIDN'T EVEN WORK. Then I learned that like 2-3 commands can do the same

Non-native, bloated shit. Every single electron (((app))) takes 10x as much ram as it should. This will only go up, not down over time as they add more shit into the mix.
Qt is the only true way to have cross platform programs.

This is why people hate electron and js. It's needlessly bloated.

yeah dude but qt and c++ is like hard and shit, i'd rather develop a gooey with javascript desu

can you do drawings on joplin? I want something similar to google keep

screw your bloat
we're gonna have WebAssembly, so we can get C, C++, and Rust in the browser.

>wasting time to learn an additional language so that some sperg can run my program on his chinkpad

>I want something similar to google
end yourslef

How on Earth can development of a GUI be easier in a language that is not strictly typed?

Fuck off heeb. Pen and paper are superior.

t. neoluddite
This board is not for you, fuck off.

What do they use for note taking then?

Electron is giving JavaScript a bad name

does it have a decent webscrapper? i only used Evernote because the extension

>y-you're a luddite because you don't want to use an inferior note taking system that doesn't actually help you retain the information yourself

digital notes fags remind me of vim/emacs users who customize their editors to do "cool" things and then never actually use them

>wow i'm such a nerd
>*no actual benefit*

Sup Forums is cancer, retarded, and wrong

Javascript has been one of the most powerful hexes decades before Electron.

why not use plain text and org-mode? whats the point for this crap?

why not just use emacs org mode?

A properly setup personal knowledgebase is infinitely better and more time-saving than pen and paper.
>inb4 writing helps you retain information
Stop being a brainlet.
>bashing vim and emacs
Confirmed for technophobe, leave Sup Forums and get back to your cave.

Developer's Deisease. They think that if they just write a new tool, or a new framework, or a new programming language, they can solve a vast array of problems. What they don't realize is that they're trying to add more complexity to solve problems that are caused by having too much complexity. Because accepting that something quick, simple, and already existing is the optimal solution to a problem would give them nothing to do. And they're full of nervous energy, itching to do something, anything, so they do things that make the world just a little bit worse.

How do you make your notes?

This looks good senpai, a markdown editor I'll actually use

How the fuck do we stop it?

i agree.

For those that take serious note taking i would never recommend meme tools even do if they support plain text(no idea if this one does) for the simple reason that those tools in the long run will be hard to maintain or random bugs will wipe all your data, this happened long time ago and it was a big hit for me, the data was lost and unrecoverable because they had a cryptic meme database, the program launched and it created an empty session that identified me as a new user and so it triggered the first setup mechanism overwriting a binary file that was the old database.

How do you do it now?


Pen and paper. When there are post-its available or any such small piece of paper, e-shit needs to step aside.

I want some software like this. I heard evernote on Android is shite. The thing is, I'd like to have something that's good on both Android and Windows.

What's the best software for this shit? Not as concerned with botnet as some might be. I want something convenient.

Just use keep in conjunction with drive

I'm not big on js for desktop software, but for most GUIs it seems fine. In terms of GUIs, I haven't yet seen something that could compete with the HTML/CSS/JS combo. They've been honed in pretty well for the task.

The way I see it the web stack/browser is a trojan horse for a universal open app platform. Web assembly and what follows it will probably solve most problems people have with the web. Also multi-threading and something akin to app "pinning" which I guess service workers is working towards solving.

I've been dreaming of trying to make a new web lang for a while. I know nobody would use it, but it seems completely plausible to me that something could be made that was compilable, while still safe. I'd like to try just to find out how possible it is. But much later.


not him, but I use zim wiki and dokuwiki
plain text storage, easy navigation and painless entry, pretty comfy

So, actually the first post about Joplin: why do I need to sign in with OneDrive to sync?

>using pen and paper
>write slower than you type (unless your WPM is 15, common among traditionalists)
>shitty handwriting when trying to keep up with the lecture
>unreadable notes
While you're trying to be traditonalist like a dumbass, the rest of us will have readable notes.

>Having to compile yet another Chromium clone for 3 hours
>No Qt/GTK themes
>Electron requires gnome-keyring, good luck with your GNOME/GTK/Poettering-free setup
>Undeniably takes up more resources than it should
>JS GC memery can lead to severe memory leaks
>top lel desktop JS is so great

>He doesn't already know C++
And since everything can be accomplished with C++ alone, this is not even an argument for those who have know nothing

orgmode for dumdums

I use actual pen and paper for note taking. Office Fag Mart sell these things called "notepads" that is a lot of paper bound together with glue. Why again do I need to pay monthly to take notes?

>i don't know c++ but i know js
>"hahaha kid wtf u don't know c? you brainlet lmao thats not even an argument"
You're getting more electron apps with that attitude, enjoy having a js-only desktop in the future. Btw this is how the lisp community killed their relevancy, by being elitist retards. Any technology that saves time and makes things easier is desirable, that goes also for software development.

>muh theming
stop being a manchild
>mu resources
stop being poor

But it doesn't save time?

So instead of learning something efficient once, you rather bloat up your entire system with 10 Chromiums running in the background?
The future sounds great.

It doesn't? You think you could you could shit out a c++ gui faster than somebody make an electron gui?

>zim wiki and dokuwiki
Try TiddlyWiki. It's a lot better than doku and just on another level compared to Zim. It's a bit rough around the edges but is very customizable.

>tfw you realize this is the future
I hate software

>How on Earth can development of a GUI be easier in a language that is not strictly typed?
By having even a worse tooling story.

When I used Qt with Pythos it was pretty easy and quick, I'd honestly prefer that over Electron.

React is old hat. Vue.js is the new meme framework.

this man is right

What's so great about it?

It's newer.

I like vimwiki
It's like 1% of org-mode, which is still more than enough for most people

>note taking
>what is text editors

So, a 100% clone of Simplenote?

I need something to take notes at work.Is there any reason for me to use this over one note?

I was considering paying for workflowey too.

why do i use gnotes lol

This honestly sounded like such a good program, except


Why does it have to be written in electron come on