ITT: Jokes only you get
ITT: Jokes only you get
nostalgia thread?
>forward slash
knock knock
whos there
la plata
uru... abg onq lbh znantrq gb penpx zl zvyvgnel tenqr rapelcgvba... lbh fgvyy whfg ybfg gur tnzr... xvqqb...
I legitimately, for a few seconds thought this was Polish, or Lithuanian.
>military grade encryption
>sneeds random seeds
>uru... abg onq lbh znantrq gb penpx zl zvyvgnel tenqr rapelcgvba... lbh fgvyy whfg ybfg gur tnzr... xvqqb...
Caesar Cipher, key 13.
So ROT-13
Jryy, lrnu.
Here's mine
>knock knock
DOS has supported / as a path separator since subdirectories were first added. You just can't use it in the command line unless you change switchchar to something else (which could be done with utility that shipped with DOS).
"uru" gave it away immidiately
uru :3
Run/dos/run isn't a valid anything
whose they're
how you know my password?
my sister wanted her iPod touch jailbroken so I did it for her and then I'd ssh in and make it play noises and stuff at weird times
rm -rf /usr/$BUMBLEBEE
Here's the md5 hash of my favorite joke.
No u
>open vim
>paste secret message encrypted with military grace encryption
>type "g?" twice
>NSA btfo
That was from a thread where a dude used gibberish as a comment and everyone was worried right?
>ITT: Jokes only you get
>jokes you only know where they have been stolen from
>C code
>C code run
>run code run
Caesar was stabbed 13 times or some shit
Fuk off mate I'll D dox your toaster
I don't get anything
Help me not be a brainlet Sup Forums