When will C be dethroned?

When will C be dethroned?

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when Linus dies, SJWs will infest the development of the Linux kernel and will eventually rewrite everything in rust.

Write a better language with an identical ABI to C and 40 years worth of compiler optimizations.
Maybe then will you get people to switch, plus you'll be fucking rich from all the books and the consultancy services you'll be able to sell.

When Microsoft ports C# to Linux and MacOS. The sheer volume of pajeet code monkeys will then kill C.

When the java poo master race emerges from the shadows of encapsulation

But I thought they already did?

Javascript already dethroned C.

Some Googling (sue me) came up with searches confirming what you said, though I don't know if MS had a hand in it or it was some people working independently.

I don't know how popular C# is with the FSF/FOSS people and if it's killing C.

> SJWs will infest the development
Linus never die, please

We should make him hand over Linux to Sup Forums when he dies

dubs confirm Linus immortal


thanks god

Long Live Linus!

I don't want my kernel to fizzbuzz.

After which Reddit will immediately come and take over the project, just like what happened with Tox.

There's dotnet core which is made by MS, and there is also mono. But at the moment both kind of suck, even perl ir probably more popular.

Once Rust is mature.

Oh man you just reminded me how much I love C
Has anyone here tried web development using it? I need something fun to do

I'll do the logo

Jerverscropt allll roody dephoned Z

I'd like to interject for a moment, what you're referring to as Linux kernel is now in fact CloverOS kernel

>an identical ABI to C
The only way to do this is to pretty much be C.

>implying it won't be some JS bullshit with an electron frontend

>Write a better language with an identical ABI to C
too stupid to understand the point of the thread, that C needs to be replaced not copied

>and 40 years worth of compiler optimizations
only C/C++ brainlets believe bullshit like this, like you can really tell them that gcc is the best compiler because its 40 years old and theyll use it

When enough retards start protesting against C for creating an 'unsafe space' for programming.

Sneed's Feed and Seed, formerly Chuck's

Nice gif!


when this and Rust are gonna do what linux and C do for microcontrollers

only if libbie becomes the official logo of the linux kernel

C will be dethroned by Red. All languages will eventually be dethroned by superior homoiconic languages. DSLs will feign supreme

I don't think you understand how this works.
In 10 years from now everything will be written in Javascript.

Wasn't true 30 years ago, wasn't true 20 years ago, wasn't true 10 years ago, isn't true now.

Not really, they just opensourced enough to get it to run on Mono on Linux, or something.

Yeah I have, it was weird but quite plesent. The thing to google is emscripten

Holy fuck, now Im worried

There's enough oldfags maintaining the kernel that have been appointed and vetted by linus himself, they won't ever let that happen.

why is Rust a meme? asking for a friend

because its not on the list of brainlet approved 'safe languages' which are C, C++, Java, C#, PHP, Python

Because it is making a certain kind of software easier to build. Autists learned to do it the hard way and are insecure about there now being an easier way to do things which completely nullifies 90% of their experience,

Oh it will make your hardware go fizz buzz alright

at least one of them will be a backstabbing scum who will sell out to alphabet agencies if they aren't already on their side


C is reinvigorated every time something of fundamental value needs to be authored. It's never going away. The only people who believe so are brainlets who've never done seasoned work at the hardware of OS layer.

maybe easier teaching it to brainlets


Next level retardation


There's too much C code

>C is reinvigorated every time something of fundamental value needs to be authored.
>we'll figure out a way to keep using this outdated technology by covering our ears to every new advance and keep applying it to new solutions

Translation :
> Computers do nothing but compute based on data addresses.
> C is a language based on compute and data addresses
You're never going to change this paradigm unless the underlying hardware changes.
Sorry to burst your bubble fag who doesn't know how computers fundamentally function. You also probably have no understanding of OSI layers which is why dumb fucks like yourself keep confusing high level languages with low level languages and clearly mistake that all of this has to function on hardware.
> mfw the absolute state of the shit tier minds among developers

Oh and its about to reinvigorated soon in a fundamental way. So, strap your sorry ass in. Oh and WebASM is also coming for you colored hair soyboys and freaks

Don't make me laugh. Rust will be the primary wasm systems language.

>You're never going to change this paradigm unless the underlying hardware changes.

>la la la, I cant hear you, I am living in a 8086 paradigm where there is no CPU pipelining and memory paging and I am controlling every register with my powerful C paradigm language, la la la, I can hear you, the whole world depends on me and my imaginary CPU paradigms

Long live Linus!


Wrong, we just got used to a fact that good things are harder to get. Like if you need good perfomance, you have to struggle with C. Are you sure rust is an exception?

Never, as long as someone actually needs their computer to fucking work.

When someone can write a popular OS in a language other than C or its derivatives.

C survives because all operating system interfaces are written in C and use the C way of doing things. This means every programmer worth anything has to understand C when the abstractions in their favorite language leak.

>OSI layers
What does this have to do with networking you chucklefuck? By the way, 802.3 data frames aren't how data is actually physically transmitted if you want to flaunt it's REAL HARDWARE.

Man, I wished something like smalltalk (without the retarded parts) had taken over the world.
BTW C has been dethroned from everything but OS and microcontrollers.


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