Vivaldi - Now with sync

It's finally here lads, no good reason to remain loyal to the big shitshow browsers.

"As you will notice, the encryption/decryption is always done by Vivaldi itself and at no point the encryption password you are using is sent to the server, which means that we have no way at all to read your data."

Sounds good

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ok ill abandon my highly curated waterfox for this chrome clone

is it free software yet?

I would switch if it was all FOSS, and not just some parts of it

companies always use macOS interface to show off their new programs

FOSS is a garbage approach to free software

And closed source isn't?

We have different opinions, but that doesn't invalidate my desire for the browser

Ooga booga go back to Africa


>now with botnet
Sounds great, OP.

>syncing your history using a closed source browser

You're honestly asking for it.

Have they stopped using fucking js for ui?

Still worse than Firefox which lets you host your own sync server.

Vivaldi master race checking in...

You're supposed to check in to the sync botnet, not Sup Forums.

>using sync ever
are you like 40 years old?
oh my gah

>trusting closed source
you dont belon/g/ here

>have they spent several thousand man-hours of work undoing several thousand man-hours of work by switching from JavaScript to C++ yet


I like the features and design of the browser, but it becomes a laggy mess under any load.

Whats the point in tab stacking when your browser dies with 20 tabs.

Its a feature of the modern web, 20 tabs today weighs like 2gb but a few years ago 20 tabs weighed maybe 300mb

Good. That was the only problem I ever had with it.

>vivaldi cant be modified or redistributed


Sure, but few years ago average pc had 2-4gb of ram now its easily 8+.

Huh? It doesn't become laggy mess for me. Is that dependent on hardware or something else? Because I have fairly good hardware I suppose.

Daily reminder that pale meme is as popular as this shit. Vivaldi is nothing but a VC money burner


I've had 60+ tabs open at a time, what are you talking about?

Firefox Quantum >>> *

By which I mean all other browsers COMBINED.

No addons, more SJWs than SXSW. Lame.

>more SJWs than SXSW
Are you talking about Mozilla or Firefox? Because I don't give a shit about the former - and neither should you.

And addons work, they just dumped the old shitty ones from the GeoCities era. Good riddance, I say.

It's your RAM space. Upgrade it.

Tell me why I should use your chrome skin over someone else's chrome skin?

Can you expand tab stacks yet?

Yes, and there's a new way to manage tabs and tab stacks so it's a lot better now.

Yay, window view is nice but still no expanding tab stack.

>name a program vivaldi
>it has nothing to do with music
fuck off