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If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following: 0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine. 1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything. 2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS. 3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.
Resources: Your friendly neighborhood search engine.
$ man %command% $ info %command% $ help %command% $ %command% -h $ %command% --help
Don't know what to look for? $ apropos %something%
First for apparently replacing ME with Linux and go speeds up boot time.
Kayden Flores
I have this driver I need to have running in order to get access to a sensor. It is poorly constructed but I have no intention on fixing it directly. The requirements for this driver to be used by users with no root access is for some reason to access /sys/kernel/debug. But since /sys/ is created upon boot, permissions I set will not be persistent. What method do you think is the best to solve it? My options as I see them: I could make a systemd service that sets the permissions on boot. I could make a script that sets the permissions when I run the application.
Is there any risks involved with setting /sys/kernel/debug to 755 "permanently"? Or is there a better option I can use?
Carter Walker
Write a service that sets group permissions on it Make sure each user that needs the device is in the group
Anthony White
You should be able to mount debugfs with different permissions using the uid, gid and mode mount options, as explained in the in-tree debugfs documentation. I don't know who is more useless, the dev for making such a shitty, but working, driver or you for failing so hard at searching the web.
Elijah Morgan
maybe I am just an idiot, what should I have been searching for? Is there a simple solution?
Ryder Martin
What is the original source of the rms pasta. I remember it's a podcast for linux newbies, but forgot its name and wikiquote completely fucked their shit up.
Leo Diaz
>reminder to not waste time on an obscure distro when the most commonly used one just werkz ootb desu
Brayden Nelson
who are you quoting
Mason Stewart
name 1 (one) commonly used distro that is systemd-free
Luke Nguyen
Does anyone know if it's possible in vim to get Guile specific syntax highlighting? I have Scheme syntax highlighting but it doesn't seem to catch any Guile specific stuff
Nathaniel Ross
Lignoso Torovaldoso uses Fedora.
Brody Flores
Why do people hate systemd?
Caleb Turner
Never forget.
Ethan Diaz
mems in 3..2..1
Levi Thompson
Systemd is a fine alternative to diversity and flexibility.
Levi Howard
Why do developers and distro maintainers hate OpenRC?
Cooper Sanchez
Maybe because it's a broken shit. also bump
Brayden Hill
Nolan Martin
"I don't personally mind systemd, and in fact my main desktop and laptop both run it." - Linus Torvalds, ITWire Interview.
Bentley Sanchez
>Linus Torvalds who?
Samuel Turner
I'm aware of that. I'm just wondering why a lot of people seem to have such a hateboner for it.
Jason Young
Insecurity and larping.
Jason Ramirez
That techtipps guy on youtube.
Connor Thomas
the guy who popularized GNU and eventually replaced it with Linux
Nolan Ramirez
It's not an /fglt/ exclusive thing. There is tons of hate for it throughout the GNU/Linux crowd. We get this question almost daily and often with some good arguments, but I guess people are getting tired of it. Just google it.
Caleb Robinson
Don't listen to this guy , try to use a search engine that respects your privacy instead.
Parker Mitchell
Jose Gray
I installed Ubuntu in my notebook and it was overheating very fast. I googled about it and some people were saying that installing TLP could help. So I did but, now I have extremelly low internet speed. Does anyone know how to fix this? I'm also downloading fedora right now, could this possibly make the notebook not overheat?
It's a dell i7 second gen notebook.
Noah Jackson
>been using *buntu for almost a year >downloading and removing shit here and there >software updater stops showing updates after a while for some reason >run it to see what is wrong >it gets stuck on checking for updates >when it loads it tells you it needs to perform a partial update >2 hour download that includes shit for programs you don't even have like VLC Should I do it? I am feeling like it might be related to my repositories but I am not sure
Nathaniel Diaz
Luis Phillips
calibre won't start pls help
Isaac Garcia
Install mupdf.
Xavier Ross
There's that thing called meta-packages, mostly know by DEs, which have all sorts of programs as dependency, so when the meta-package gets an update, it may reinstall what you removed previously. You can solve this using apt pinning and apt mark, but I think removing the programs is less work than reading through the apt docs.
Landon Howard
package manageres were a mistake thats why snaps and flatpack are the future
Tyler Rivera
The future of "Lindows", yes.
Isaiah Scott
So I just finished installing gentoo. Was a pretty fun ride considering how unexpectedly fast the kernel compiled.
My question is, if one recompiled the kernel with the same kernel version, do you actually still have to update the grub config? It's the same entry anyway, but the gentoo guide says I should. Is that section there just for completeness sake, in case someone switched versions of something?
Lincoln Anderson
Lucas Cook
Then gnu+linux can have the same dll in 15 different places just like windows.
Matthew Thompson
*Apt was a mistake
Juan Ward
I use to put books my kindle. It's something with python.
>import error
Joshua Hill
If the kernel is the same name you wont need to touch grub.
Anthony Rogers
>Was a pretty fun ride considering how unexpectedly fast the kernel compiled thats what surpried me the most about gentoo. That and how long webkitgtk takes to compile. Fuck webkitgtk
Nathaniel Perry
>>Anyone have Linux (preferably a variant of Ubuntu) running on a Ryzen based PC? If so, how does it run? Any issues? Been wanting to run Ubuntu MATE on my desktop but don't want to bother if CPU support is poor.
What eould make it run poorly
Jacob Brown
Who are you quoting?
Nathan Turner
Filesystems with dedupe are a thing, nobody cares.
Tyler Lopez
Why are Windows users so opposed to switching away from Windows, instead going to extensive effort to try to ameliorate the worst parts of it?
Hunter Lee
Joshua Phillips
Windows is malware. It should be removed completly.
Aiden Butler
games & lazyness
Jack Campbell
Last thread. Apparently the post number didnt copy over.
There is a learning curve for more indepth features. Office workers should just use fedora
I want better autocomplete. And maybe other nice things I don't even know about yet.
Should I go with zsh or fish? They both sound nice.
Joshua Roberts
Ian Watson
Look into bash.
Aiden Nelson
I already have bash and it sucks.
John Lewis
>asking others what's the best for you Here's your first problem.
Your second problem is that you obviously didn't read the documentation of the specific shells, which would enable you to decide for yourself.
Elijah Butler
krita appimage from the krita download page werks 10/10.
Chase White
Im still getting screen tearing after enabling force full composition with nvidia drivers. Its not as bad but still annoying as hell. What should i do?
What if the big bang was a single bubble amongst all the other bubbles in a pot of boiling water, and the pot's size is infinite?
Brody Miller
zsh is nice to have, not far from bash ootb, can emulate ksh which is 80% like bash. Needs lots of configuration and learning to get the full potential (same with bash btw).
Fish is pretty different, since it comes like zsh with its own language which isn't as intuitive like zsh's, for example, there's no && but "and" and stull like that. Unlike zsh and bash, fish doesn't need much configuration, most goodies are available ootb.
Also look into the bash manual. Bash has lots of overlooked poweres.
Cooper Perry
bash autocomplete just works while zsh is a pain in the ass and constantly gets in your way.
You might as well reconfigure grub just in case, also regenerate your initramfs.
Jason Mitchell
Worse than windows installers. They are literally just big bundles of binaries you download. We have package managers for a reason.
Juan Davis
It uses the Sup Forums API to get the files, so no thumbnails 'n trash. Forums/4chan-API
Ryder Bailey
Sure, kid.
Josiah Hughes
Levi Wood
It's spelled Linux
Kayden Parker
so what exactly do I have to do to get this to work? tried 4dl url and it didn't worked, tried ./4dl and it said permission denied, tried with sudo and it said command not found
Camden Cruz
John Ross
>replace windows with ubuntu on my dad's pc because sick of reinstalling windows for him >two weeks later when i visit he has set up a windows vm and gotten it infected with several viruses
Christian Young
should I try solus? I want a distro for daily stuff and looks like solus is perfect for it
Isaac King
First off, it's a function (for your bashrc). Second, you need to have jq and parallel installed. Third, it's just a bad example for parallel usage, if you just want to download all files from a thread without installing any dependencies, just run this oneliner:
Fedora is the best systemd distro, because it was designed for it.
Matthew Roberts
wow... it just worked
all my life I always wanted to know how to download all images from a thread but never actually was able to
thank you, sweetheart
Josiah Peterson
also, is there any way to do this on any website?
Christopher Russell
It also works for archives btw, you just need to adjust it a bit, for example, replace with and you can download a thread from 4plebs.