Makeapp can now run in real time

How the hell are they doing this on a phone?

Other urls found in this thread:

neural nets

It's not really more demanding than those Snapchat filters and they've been around for a while

Imagine the butthurt if they put this in sports arenas. Call it the Toasty Roasty cam

If you can do it for 1 frame (a picture) you can do it for 2.

Ever heard of snapchat?

Imagine some tech doing this to the Oscars live stream


It's not that complex and it wasn't programmed by Pajeet.

i love how many woman are freaking out about this

This. The Haggening has been wonderful.

>Toasty Roasty cam


Here's the thing: they're freaking out about it but they're also yelling "IT DOESN'T WORK!!!!1ONE!1! IT'S INACCURATE!" Which is it ladies? Is it a shit app and you're smirking or are you mad because it actually takes the cake off your face?

The fact that they're improving it and not taking it down is the best part. These entitled cunts are used to companies catering to their every whim the second they open their fat mouths. The sheer rage when something isn't exactly as they'd like it to be is hilarious.

Is this app still available somewhere?

I'm surprised it hasn't been removed from the play store yet.

Of course they are, because women are being exposed for the lying whores that they are

I like how the poor reviews are all by women. LOL

Why it should be removed? There's no difference between this app and other filter apps


>There's no difference between this app and other filter apps
How do you know that? Why hasn't there been an outrage about similar apps?

and what I also love is that this app does it's thing and nothing and more. No statements, no takedowns, no CoC. Other software should really use this as an example.

Because when trump spreads white supremacy we need to decolonise our faces and make up in this post truth world embiggens even impeach and the ting goes prrrrrrtrt paf paf pum pum pum brrrrrrr

I like how all the good reviews are from Sup Forums neets. LOL.

it would be fun to have a real-time filter that runs movies, live TV and every form of mass media through the MakeApp process. make it so that you never see some fake beauty presented.

It's like those apps that makes you look older or younger or like another person, but I don't get why this one triggers people so much

what the fuck has trump to do with a makeup app?

Can Sup Forums please leave
>sees tumblr's sjw population of overweight females freak out over a filter making them even uglier in the iFag app store
>majority of women literally not responding to this nothingburger, but since muh confirmation bias no one is considering that they're just not responding on social media about it
>only bottom tier of womyn and male trannies

This is a tech board, shills get out

It doesn't come up when I search for it

As long as they don't have to train the model in real time it should work reasonably fast. The display and processing are also likely done on separate threads, so the frame rate being shown may not match the phone camera's actual frame rate. They just need to show the latest processed frame at maybe half the frame rate on a shit phone.

that A11 chip is no joke. just a matter of time till developers unlock its potential. this is an example of it

stop neglecting your wife's son and get off Sup Forums

>"it was fun to play" *five stars*
Imagine wanting to believe something so badly your eyes don't work
Regardless, your cherry-picked screenshot has 5 definitive female names and exactly 3 definitive male ones
In your one screenshot, you've shown even in a personally cherry-picked sample of an already extremely specific demographic (female iPhone users, who have also heard of the app, most likely from Tumblr or Twitter, who are also inclined to leave reviews) you can't even fudge 20% of the positive female reviews
Gtfo shill, back to Sup Forums with you.

>being this mad at an app

first real kek i have had in months, thanks user.

that would be the final end game boyz


I'm unironically not even mad, this is just Sup Forums, not Sup Forums
To be honest, I come to this board for the bantz and to read about things I enjoy, and this completely off-topic/irrelevant, the thread isn't about the software behind the app at all which would actually be interesting
I don't understand why the mods haven't 404'd this yet, it's not even based in any sort of reality
The majority Women don't care about this app, but that doesn't even matter
What's the point of this thread on Sup Forums?

>the thread isn't about the software behind the app at all which would actually be interesting

Literally what the op asked about


Been a while since I've seen these

Pretty good.

Enjoy your Russian botnet

Ill be here all week. Tip your jannies

Do it!!

wear makeup -> get shitty skin -> cover shitty skin with makeup -> get shitty skin -> cover shitty skin with makeup -> get shitty skin -> cover shitty skin with makeup -> get shitty skin -> cover shitty skin with makeup -> get shitty skin -> cover shitty skin with makeup -> get shitty skin -> cover shitty skin with makeup -> ...

something needs to break the cycle, this shit is ridiculous

A new class of streamers who have hidden cameras attending concerts to btfo roasties in real time. Chat goes wild. Sounds like a good time senpai

>it aged me like 30 years
That's the purpose you hag

But who addressed the actual topic in any way shape or form?

>ugly femanon detected
Lipstick on a pig isn't as effective as you think it is fattie

> (OP)
>Enjoy your Russian botnet
Google botnet too

Men smarter than you

Based Vanessa

>He thinks /r9k/ is Sup Forums
You need to leave.

Actually, almost the entire pie is Sup Forums and Sup Forums

She's retarded don't shill that crap here.

an app that deliberately makes people uglier could be considered as bullying or something. they should probably have a disclaimer that it's not 100% accurate at least

>how are they using supercomputer tier hardware do this when I struggle to draw monocolor boxes at a reasonable pace
Because you fucking suck op. It's not amazing at all.
On top of that I imagine he doubled the speed of this footage to hide that he halved the framerate or something. Which is a valid approach. Also the resolution on the stills was very low (probably because of the amount of artefacting he wasn't able to curb, it's hard) so rendering these on time isn't gonna be difficult. It's all just in the transformations.
Well it doesn't 'work' by the basic fact that it doesn't take off makeup it just creates what it estimates makeup on this face to look like and negates that. It has no reference so it's not working towards a truth at all. I'm really disappointed that you idiots think this 'works' in any capacity. It's genuinely below what I expect from Sup Forums. Which isn't much to begin with. I'm almost surprised your average person doesn't understand that it's not fucking magic.
I find the people freaking out quite funny though. Shallow as they come.

>I'm unironically not even mad
continues to write a book

Not difficult at all if you've got the source. You just track faces (tons of solutions available) and give the makeup engine a cutout of the faces. Let it process and throw it back into the frame.

>yes sheldon

>Doesn't work at all


Welp lads we didn't get flying cars after all but this is almost as good

>being this retarded

If you only post on one board you don't belong here

I don't go on Sup Forums to talk about anime and in the same respect I don't shit up every board by whining about politics

GB2R faggot.

>facial recognition
>equalize all pixels in the recognized face towards the average skin color
>overlay a meth addict skin texture over the entire thing


>When confronted with actual logic, the Sup Forumstard recoils and barely manages to respond with a non-argument. Despite the desperation, the Sup Forumstard feels confident and fulfilled after the act, stroking his neckbeard, infusing it with Doritos dust in the process

I knew when trump won we'd have to deal with 4 years of people like you on this site

this anti-Sup Forums reaction was inevitable and people are turning into annoying shitlibs.
if clinton had won this site would be in harmony

>Continues to prove Sup Forums isn't shitting the site by continuing to get triggered and shit up a thread with politics
wew lad

shitting up the site*

I don't know why you hate on reddit so much given you're trying to turn Sup Forums into your own personal echo chamber

>This is completely inaccurate Haha

I thought the same exact thing when going through the reviews. Women are so fucking petty.

Sup Forumsfags BTFO

PROOF that leftist cancer hates anime and is reddit

>PROOF that leftist cancer hates anime and is reddit

>I want a board that is tailored to my wants.

You have to go back

TF portable maybe.
Has anyone with iOs tried muglife app? I don't have it but it seems just as meme worthy.

Is this just an Sup Forumstard elaborate false-flag to make people who want Sup Forums off the board look bad or what.

inb4 some obvious one liner such as "there alredy doing that to themselves"

>I'm almost surprised your average person doesn't understand that it's not fucking magic.
They do think it's magic. It's just that 'magic' is now called 'a neural net'.

An elaborate /poltard[...], rather. Grammar hard

What would you do about your flying car stalling and crashing on someone user? Flying cars are dumb. Also they're called helicopters.

OK that is wierd I'll admit. Nice movie example.

Imagine using this with Google Glass or some other future headset display and actively removing make-up to everyone at all times


the app would be called makeup block plus

like adblock get it

>When the redditor thinks he puts up logic he furiously masturbates to his wife's son's wife's son. Despite him being entirely wrong he still pretends he knows everything about any subject ever.

I prefer "the truth"

Aw cute, he's trying to sound intelligent

y'all dumb as shit if you think this """works""" nigga it's just laying a base image on top and stretching to facial features. it now comes as no surprise all the """programmers""" here are just ricers fucking with lua scripts and nothing more

they're shills

>The commenting process is not an opinion poll—and for good reason. For example, one third of all comments consist of a single, pro-Title II sentence: “I am in favor of strong net neutrality under Title II of the Telecommunications Act.” These 7,568,949 identical comments, however, are associated with only 50,508 unique names and street addresses. Indeed, 7,562,080 of these comments come from 45,001 “individuals” using email addresses from and submitting the same comment more than 90 times each. In another example, over 400,000 comments supporting Title II purport to come from “individuals” residing at the same address in Russia. In any case, as required by federal law, the Chairman’s plan is based on the facts and the law rather than the quantity of comments. You can see this for yourself at



they should do this every halloween

Imagine in a decade or two when you can put pictures of any want up and it removes all their clothes.

It doesn't really work like this irl, user.

Are you fucking kidding me?

I am a marketing student persuing my masters degree and om learning coding for a while now and with a full understanding of the tastkq of a front end develloper.
How can this help me woth my career, znd when applying for a job should i apply as a web developer or a marketer with a masters degree!
Pic is morning coffe

Is this available for Android yet?

That might only serve to make real nudes less remarkable

A CNN is very heavy to train.
Running it once it is trained is very simple.