Are you happy now?
Are you happy now?
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Can't stump the ZUCC
he is proof that lizzard people exist ofcourse they ar edoing damage control now
where is the link to this
Jew autist are robots, Jewish == /r9k/
I wish this were real.
lel fake news
But the fact this is somewhat believable is funny enough
oh shit now he'll be able to blend in
you fucking retards
someone post man car
I laughed
I love this meme
The dealer never consumes his stuff
not until some whacko fills him with lead, why can't one of those mass shooters just try to kill celebrities instead of innocent people....
You asshole, everyone looked at me funny because I couldn't stop laughing.
Why don't people like zuck? Other tech billionaires don't get the same hate.
because he is not human and is the owner of the largest botnet in the world
soyboy tits tbqh ngl la
Because he's Zuck the cuck. He's also the creator of what many believe is the greatest problem with the internet today.
I hope that was modeled by pajeets
he could literally grope anyone in the audience in this photo without them knowing it was him
all kikes are roleplayers, you should be afraid of what's really behind the alien zucc mask
he's autistic. nobody likes autists.
He kinda started this awful shit called social networks (yes, I know myspace and other crap existed before, but you know what I mean)..
But nowadays I don't hate him. The memes people make about him are kinda funny
Also this
How could he walk to the stage if he was wearing one?
No, it just means he's trying to get better at deceiving you.
because he's literally evil
Sup Forums is full of antisemites
"They trust me, dumb fucks"
>psychologists are literally the human equivalent of AI programmers/debuggers
google it, it's posted on sites nobody's ever heard of,,
safe to say it's fake
> there are still people that dont know thats where the "match my stylze" southpark meme came from
>taking classes
>to act more human
KEK. This faggot is suffering from non-ironic autism
>there are still people that watch south park
>(((appear))) more human
That's the key word, right there.
so that he can convince more humans to give up their personalities
Creator of worlds largest social media site and second largest botnet stumped by anonymous larpers on a japanese cookery forum
Page and Bryn do a better job of staying out of the spotlight. Other tech billionaires are more charismatic (yes Bill Gates is more likeable than Zucc)
>having to take classes on appearing human
Wew lad
Normies don't like him either.
I also think it's for the fact that the traditional media isn't there to defend him. They hate him even more for what facebook turned internet journalism into.
why would his publicist admit this. what is he trying to do?
Journalism was already well on its way to clickbait hell before Facebook, it certainly didn't help though
Interesting he would actually react to this!
>there are kids these days that don't remember Bill Gates being called the antichrist
>Other tech billionaires don't get the same hate.
Name one tech billionare besides woz who doesn't, I'll wait. People give people who act like horrible people, or do horrible things for their business justified hate.
I would be happier if he took down the site and died alone.
He is much worse than Hitler in my book.
Zuck deserves it especially honestly. Zuck, Jobs, and Bezos were/are legitimately horrible people to everyone around them outside of work. Gates at least is a nice person outside of work who did terrible shit for his company.
It's fun to mock with him looking like a robot, and well, even him is on the joke.
He seems to understand how the internet work.
Googled it and it's an episode from October
Why are you still watching that show? It's completely gone down the shitter in the last seasons.
His wife has wider shoulders than him. He let a Chinese dictator name his firstborn only to be denied entry in China again. He'll be the perfect president for millennial USA.
>behavioral psychologists
>literal professional sociopaths
>pick-up artist-tier help
they are going to fuck him good
I don't like facebook and all, but at least I find Mark's approach to social interaction quite unique
he is redpilled as fuck, he doesn't give a fuck because he is loaded, and he is just trying to follow the trend to appeal to investors
tldr: the guy is an asshole, but at least he is sincere
This is hilarious.
>white "people" need to be taught how to act like a human
finally listened to us
thx zucc, never change
so what you're saying is, he's getting a software patch?
go back to your band of apes, shitskin
I wouldn't be phased at all if he died in a horrible accident
What kind of SCHTOYLE is h trying to pull now?
Will we be able to block it?
I'm dying
can't find source
its fake news
Vice is indeed fake news.
news sites were a mistake
I love how this image gets posted all the time as if it means anything.
>everyone is wearing VR goggles except for the guy giving a presentation
This means something, because..........
he controls the dominion of his goyim slave cattle even if they are frowning
>archiving and preserving a certain thing that was once created is now considered racist
What the fuck are they smoking?
>What the fuck are they smoking?
It's vice, better question would be; what AREN'T they smoking.
If you work in the industry, Larry Ellison
This is fake you morons.
A metal gear!
>symbolic vs literal interpretation
are you actually retarded?
It's not. You an test it on the pages.
this is a parody right
nah it actually happened with our "nordbot" on Sup Forums who archived stuff for us
>liking goybook worked as a workaround, but it's not ideal. Sometimes only grabs half the article, and there's a bunch of normie trackers.
Nobody likes Jews.
You have to go back
This man controls the data of several millions (if not billions) of people.
Let that sink in.
He's this stupid.
aww piss I really need to read the thread before posting.
I can't tell these days anymore. Weird times.
I can't tell if this is fake given some of the bullshit they've made and I've confirmed with my own eyes.
Try to archive any vice article with the listed archive sites.
are you posting this from your mud hut?
I've seen many as they came out, but not many archives to be honest.
Schtoyle 2.0 update
>His palm was excessively warm. Only a criminal would need his body to be at that temperature.