Anyone here fall for the e-bike meme?

Anyone here fall for the e-bike meme?
How have you been enjoying it so far?

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electric bikes are technology

As a fellow /fit/izen, I despise faggots who use electric bikes.

I have the parts for one in my closet I never finished. If I would have bought bitcoin instead I would be a millionaire.

>Shitty thick steel frames on bikes
Only dumbass pajeets and chads trying to act trendy on instagram would actually be all over this shit.

yeah that one looks like garbage

for serious discussion

t. flatlander who never has to compete with traffic up hills

Tried a couple different ones. They worked pretty good.

I like steel frames. Not the shitty one like OP's pic but just regular steel bicycle frames. Aluminum just feels really stiff. I bet it's great for road bikes, but the moment I go innawoods or onnatrails the flex of steel becomes my best friend.

If I lived in a city with lots of hills I'd consider it, but otherwise the trick with a bike is to get it as light as possible; obviously not compatible with putting batteries on it.

You are are turbo soyboy if you do this

I'd rather buy a moped

t. soyboy doesn't want to build up a sweat he may hurt his widdle legs

they see me rollin'...

Then why bother with bicycles at all and just run to work?

i see people on electric bikes and i get so jelly, too bad most of those only work well if you are a twinkle.

These are really popular among old women in Japan.

the fuck do bikes have to do with torrents

if you were a real /fit/izen you'd know how fucking hard it is to commute 20km a day, do ATG squats, look lean and not lose weight without eating 4000 calories a day

eat a dick

I fell for the electric skateboard meme.
Then I realised that I've never ridden a longboard and that my town of 2000 has nowhere to go.

>not motorized longboard
It's like you like looking like a fag

My buddy has a RAD bike with a little 1 stroke 50cc motor on it. Loud as fuck but it's pretty neat.

Its pretty nice, considering that I have to share the road as my area doesn't have dedicated bike lanes, I'm thinking of getting a proper motorcycle all together.

If you're not a lardass, you can comfortably ride an e-bike senpai

I'd imagine those be nicer in bum ass small towns since its not as crowded

dey hatin'....

Enjoy your 20 mile range and thousand dollar batteries, e-cucks

They're more fun with the standard wheels and the roads in my town are poorly cared for, very rough and full of potholes, so you can't really skate around too much and find yourself getting off to walk past shit areas

I'm actually fat, 6'2, 250 lbs

most of the cheap ones have a soft limit of 220 lbs

They're for fat or old people because those are the only two groups I ever see riding them.

Why are decent bikes so expensive? I just want a bike with a shit load of gears, suspension for my ass, and a riding position that doesn't put my ass above my head.

Stay out of the bike lane, please.

>not getting an OEM bike for 350 bucks with 50 miles of range

You need a license for a motorcycle.

And insurance.

And fuel.

And maintenance.

A bike is free.

20 minute test to get it added to your drivers license.
>I don't have a drivers license
Then you're pathetic.

About $100 a year. Motorcycles that take a spill will 99% of the time only need side panels replaced, which are basically free.

Oh no 65-90mpg, how expensive

A set of wrenches is $5 and oil is maybe $10.

>A bike is free
And also infinitely slower, with less storage potential.

Should I buy this?

No, build your own electric bike.

A bike license costs money to get and requires hours of logged training.

And insurance is in the thousands.

What absolute shithole country do you fucking live in?
THOUSANDS for basic motorcycle insurance? What the fuck are you on about?

My car insurance isn't even a thousand bucks. Do you constantly get into accidents?

What planet or cucked country are you in? I literally just got a year of motorcycle insurance for $98. The test it literally $25. What's this logging of hours shit? You trying to get a pilots license?

My friend builds these where he works. They are pretty fun to ride. They go about 35 mph so you can keep up with slow traffic. They cost about as much as a used car though.

>And maintenance
I'll give you that getting repairs can be a pain but unless you have a faggot bike you can buy a bike jack and some tools and YouTube will tell you how to fix almost anything for a pittance if you aren't a retard.

I live in Michigan, and they do your best to fuck you on insurance.

It's about $400/year for me and I have nowhere near full coverage.

You need to pay for and go through 7 hours of instructed tuition before you start the learner license test, which also has a fee. Then you spend 3 months on L plates before paying for your provisional licence. Then you have that for 12 months before you pay for your second provisional licence. 24 months on that let's you finally pay for your unrestricted license.

Or you could just get a bicycle.

Agreed steel is great. One of the primary advantages of cycling is to help yourself stay healthy. Secondary advantage is cheap transportation. Steel is best for both.


Holy fuck, I am so sorry about whatever shithole country you live in. How many forms and tests do you have to take to buy bread there?

On the contrary, your country must have really unsafe bikers compared to mine.

>suspension for my ass

Suspension is expensive and also fucking useless if you're not downhilling sick mountains

Oh they've got you quite well conditioned. Doesn't matter. That's some insane shit to ride a bike. Enjoy your full license when you retire, pops

I started riding my dad's old mountain bike the other day and my ass feels sore as hell. I have bike shorts with the butt pads, but I don't want to wear those everywhere. I need ass suspension.

>I started riding my dad's old mountain bike the other day and my ass feels sore as hell

You've been riding two whole days, soreness is to be expected when you do something new.

Your ass needs more time in the saddle, not suspension.

Also the butt and taint pads are for chafing, not general soreness.
They're meant to be used with a lubricating cream, not something you want or need to be doing for casual puttering around town.

What's the thinkpad of e-bikes, bros?

i think you meant

Yes. I enjoy it so much I pat myself on the back everyday when finishing a ride.

Nah, but I did fall for the 80s sports car meme. Working out well for me.

>insurance through the roof
>1 mile per gallon
>working out well

>insurance goes up on older lightweight cars with low horsepower

Literally a retarded brainlet

>>insurance through the roof
>having anything but liability and maybe some extra medical on anything older than 15 years unless it's actually worth something

I have a regular bike (actually very expensive) that I have a little engine attached to, is that the same as an e-bike?

And yeah, since I use my bike to get to work it is very helpful since I have to take it up a hill 4 kilometers every day.

>bike lanes are only for bikes
lol no fuck you, i can't ride my lonboard on the car lanes so you better make way bikefag

These ebikes look mildly interesting until I saw these guys -

For heir top of the line model (experience) they claim:
km range (120 burger units)
km/h top speed (45 burger units/hour)

you wouldn't download an ebike

>buying a botnet bike

started off with 1.5kw motor that pushed ne up to ~50km/h, now upgraded to 4kw speed controller and larger battery. feels good

t. lives in bay area or somewhere with actual hills that make your bike go .1 / .001 miles per decade

>buy ebike
>get pulled over by bicycle police
>"i noticed you werent signaling to stop and turn.. you have no lights so im gonna issue you a warning"

>>not getting an OEM bike for 350 bucks with 50 miles of range
Hmm. What is this saucery? I may get one!

>not outrunning the bicycle cops with your super cycling machine

I just looked online at prices. Electronic bikes cost 1200-1500 bucks. An 80cc, two stroke petrol engine kit that is made for putting on bikes costs only $150.

Is it me or are 99% of technological "innovations" just attempts to get around government regulation?

It's just you, I think.

I know a guy making ebikes from scratch with parts from China and Samsung batteries. His shit can go like 35km/h against dutch fucking wind so it's pretty great, I might ask him to build one for me one of these days. Currently using this fucking guy.

>dutch fucking wind
what? I'm about to work and move there, what the fuck is a dutch wind?

They're famous for their windmills.
Put two and two together...

It's basically motherfucking strong so prepare yourself.

What doesn't mention is that if you have a full drivers license, you skip the second provisional licence phase and go straight to unrestricted.
The testing and certification for motorcycles is very lenient compared to regular cars, unless you're over 25 and they let you skip all the logbook hours.