Calle calle

>calle calle

Other urls found in this thread:

Enjoy while it lasts, goy.

its 'cali cali' you newfag

Calleposting is back on the menu boys

select all the apache helicopters on this picture

So am I the only one that thinks captcha is subliminal messaging?



:calle stop:

I fucking hate these. I was going to compile a big folder of screenshots of wrong and annoying ones. But I signed into a gmail account and haven't had one since. Fuck Google.

Fuck Sup Forums for implementing google captcha

I got a santa calle earlier

It might have made sense at the time, but I can't believe they haven't switched to something else by now. Especially with the legacy captcha being dropped. Since Sup Forums bans by IP excessively I'm not even sure captchas necessary.

Calle calle = new Calle();

Such simple times...

>reminder that captcha was a temporary measure


>not NIGGERS calle

calle nigger

I love it when I get that one, it's so easy to type!

I swear they changed it so either the first or second word counts, because re-niggering only works sometimes for me.

I'm sure G*ogle pays Hiroshima a fair bunch for keeping their CAPTCHA. Sup Forums is probably one of their biggest sources of AI training.

It is used for training the botnet. One word is a test, the word is already known and the system checks if you input it correctly. The second word is usually random and unknown for the system. If you write correctly the first one, then it thinks the second is valid, too.

The words may come in any order. Words you often see, such as calle are the control words and its sufficient to write only them but not the othee

Yesterday I had 'close calle'
> TFW you forget to screenshot

I'm telling you re-niggering doesn't work 100% anymore, they changed something.

Same user here, forgot to mention sometimes the system puts two control words to check if you write both correctly.


how else are you going to sell Sup Forums passes?

You ever fap to a captcha before?

I still get calle on mobile.

Desktop once asked me to solve 12 captchas for one post, I shit you not.

lurk Inglip Summoned

never mind me just testing some shit


>Not just telling them you're not a robot


>calle 911


faptcha. i see a need.

"Come on all the squares that make you hard."


that's my name wtf


Is Sup Forums going to die for real when legacy captcha dies? People said it would die back in 2014 after the exodus, but you think for real this will be the case? Even ccd0 said he was going to put in recommendations for alternative imageboards as a response to legacy captcha dying.


you mean calle nigger?


Yeah. I sometimes can post after 5th, 6th or even 7th try with 'nigger'. Captcha's always surrender at some point.

I got one last week on a porn site, I think it was on spankbang. "select the correct position" with weird ass threesome pictures, I was lost

>I'm going, going, back, back to Calle Calle

>making google rich cause he doesn't want to support 4chins
You're on the wrong side, google 0 pay worker

Duh that's why we re-nigger.....
>implying google even wants word recognition labour anymore
That's why captcha v2 exists, they're moving onto broader horizons.

when was it actually implemented i took like a 2 year break from Sup Forums came back and this shit had been introduced it's fucking cancer


Legacy captcha will be stopped on Mar 2017
You will be missed

>dilly dilly

seriously why 4ch wont roll their own captcha, I cant fucking imagine using that clunky image recognition squares, half the time it doesn't even work

El rio calle calle

auto I = (NotARobot*)malloc(sizeof(NotARobot));

Sometimes captcha can provide amusement through coincidence

>calle calle calle calle calle

Just for this thread.

it was that fucking "surgeon" spam that started it.
MOOT even said it was temporary

the surgeon is inspired


I've been nigger-training captcha for years.


>mfw jewgle is helping isis autodetect threats
>mfw jewgle hosts isis propaganda, instructions, executions, and plots for free

Who misses the old captchas?
>Not the italic ones
Even they were better than "Select all cars"

does anyone else have a folder full of calle’s

mine has >300 caps of calles right now

I loved these because it was easy to tell which word you could write gibberish in place for. They didn’t check the squiggly distorted ones, right?

Yes but sometimes there were two gibberish words. It was hell but as I said better than select cars and storefronts shit.

Kek thanks for that.

>click "x" until there's none left

Hol up lemme try



t. Robot


>You ever fap to a captcha before?

arrétez vous