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>tfw literally forced to use facebook because noone wants to use anything else

I've been using ONLY LiveJournal for all these years AND still ONLY use it even today. Literally never registered on FaceGook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, or only other of that "modern" garbage shit.

How do they verify that the picture you uploaded is you?

> the website

>still uses facegoy

>because of other people

you are a weakling.

I'm glad I deleted my Facebook account years ago. I'm also glad I never uploaded any images of myself or my family to it.

I couldn't give two shits about facegook, you dumb fuck.
Read . I only shared the news.

Get with the times grandpa, nobody uses facebook anymore.

Wrong adressee

What was this board like back then, oldfag?

Really, now.

Don't care. Nothing to hide, nothing to fear.


And I've only been using Sup Forums and email. Literally a non-issue.

>tfw your account will be done for good

Nothing to fear from the authorities, maybe.
But you have everything to fear from me.

he ... sort-a ... looks ... human



Hi weev

Just quit. Life is way better with out the drama and timesuck. Those aren't your real friends. Even if they are your real friends what you see on Facebook are caricatures, and usually unflattering caricatures, of who they really are. Distorted funhouse mirror reflections that highlight the worst aspects of themselves. I'm so glad I quit that shitshow and I feel so much healthier mentally not being "involved" in all those people's "lives". If you want to interact with someone hang out with them irl.

How the fuck do you guys even know people in real life, I don't talk to anybody

go outside and talk to another human being. srs.

I do that. Everyone I meet ghosts me after a week or two.

I registered all my dupe accounts years ago before before they required phone verification

Only pedophiles care about this.

tell your gf she looks like a fish

>facebook used by normies for uni group project communication


While, yes, this is stupid, this is clearly in response to the revelation that Facebook was absolutely flooded with fake Russian accounts. They needed to do something about that or risk losing all credibility. So if you want to blame someone for this, blame Russia. And don't try to tell me that Russia is good. There is no circumstance under which the US will be able to peacefully coexist with Russia. That is a fact.

You people are probably unemployed so you don't seem to realize that jobs these days require you to have a Facebook account.

You must be a fucking retard, literally typing this at work, and I haven't had a facebook in my entire life.

4/10 for making me reply, kys please.

Fucking about on Facebook is one of the fastest ways to get shitcanned where I work.

Just get one from google images

Typical liberast scum, lol


I don't take orders from a robot.

All of my friends who do have a Facebook account only ever use it passively to have access to other people's profiles. I suspect there are many millions of accounts like that, especially here in Germany, where the ratio of people seriously using that website is pretty low compared to the States (at least that is my perception). I highly doubt they are going to remove all those accounts, because that would slowly weaken the claim that the whole world is on Facebook. At this point Facebook's dominance around here is very unstable, basically some sort of self-supporting construction that collapses like a Jenga tower as soon as everybody notices that they are basically observing phantoms and a few retards nobody gives a shit about.

nein. work places use groups in messaging apps. facebook's day is done.

>implying terrorism in Europe

how the fuck does he use a touchpad with his gloves on?


So Russia isn't good because ... what, they follow America's lead?

It's good because it doesn't follow anyone's lead anymore, making it's own future now. That's what pisses off the Swamp so hard.

Though Facebook will occasionally talk about the transparency of governments and corporations, what it really wants to advance is the transparency of individuals – or what it has called, at various moments, “radical transparency” or “ultimate transparency”. The theory holds that the sunshine of sharing our intimate details will disinfect the moral mess of our lives. With the looming threat that our embarrassing information will be broadcast, we’ll behave better. And perhaps the ubiquity of incriminating photos and damning revelations will prod us to become more tolerant of one another’s sins. “The days of you having a different image for your work friends or co-workers and for the other people you know are probably coming to an end pretty quickly,” Zuckerberg has said. “Having two identities for yourself is an example of a lack of integrity.”

The point is that Facebook has a strong, paternalistic view on what’s best for you, and it’s trying to transport you there. “To get people to this point where there’s more openness – that’s a big challenge. But I think we’ll do it,” Zuckerberg has said. He has reason to believe that he will achieve that goal. With its size, Facebook has amassed outsized powers. “In a lot of ways Facebook is more like a government than a traditional company,” Zuckerberg has said. “We have this large community of people, and more than other technology companies we’re really setting policies.”


Consider the following: The only reason Alex Jones hasn't been killed by satanic lizard overlords due to blowing their cover is because he is a satanic lizard overlord himself.

>still alive


Post your credit card information then.

Mutually exclusive paragraphs.

Sure buddy


>jones is reptillian
its over, we lost

More like he's the perfect unwitting shill for brainlets to subconsciously associate with all conspiracy theories/theorists.

Literally a Robery Silverberg dystopia.

Except for that one little absolutely insignificant fact that literally everything (every thing) he was talking about for the past 8-or-so months turned out to be completely true. yes, he's a clown on camera, but you have to be utter imbecile to deny the harsh truth of reality he presents to you constantly lately

No, the reason is he didn't mention the jews, he's controlled opposition, he's to blame jew wrongdoing on magical lizards, misdirection.

>what's that goy, you found out fluoride is bad for you? well, yes indeed! but don't fall for the antisemitic racists! it was the lizards all along.

>implying his brains wouldn't have been all over his bathroom walls years ago if he called out the Jews
No you dumb-ass David Duke is the controlled opposition

we are already in a cyberpunk dystopia

yet he's almost singlehandedly responsible for dumb fucks associating conspiracy theories with lunatics.

>the reason is he didn't mention the Jews
He's Jewish himself, take a guess

It seems that in every CIAbook thread there is a shill that says the same thing. Really makes you think.

Everyone does mistakes once in a while, still the percent of things that weren't mistakes is much higher on his side.

Baits are stupidier every day

>use a website called facebook
>don't upload face
Why even use it? It's for uploading selfies from the same angle every day to get likes and make yourself feel better. If that's not your thing then why use it?

Not true. He basically just accepts whatever conspiracy theory is about as true and naturally is correct about the obvious ones.


>truth of reality he presents
>psychic vampire pedophiles on mars
>pot-belly goblins literally crawling out from under rocks

why not Dreamwidth?

Prove it's not true, you SJW'ing feminazi liberast scum.

fuck off baiting retard

>prove a negative
I will, if you prove that Obama isn't literally the reincarnation of Jesus Christ our lord and saviour.

Obama is real


I know this is bait but I'm gonna reply so retards don't take you seriously. Nobody cares about whether or not you have a facebook or any non-professional social media account. Linkedin is one exception, but even then, most employers will likely not care if your resume and phone screens are solid.

What in the fuck kind of hell do you live in?


>Using Fecesbook


Name ONE issue with this, literally one.

What are you afraid of? Seriously?
>but but muh privacy
Ok don't use facebook I guess? Wtf its a social media website, why would you use it if you don't even want to show your own face

We need to engineer a modern philosophy/ideology that focuses on seperating real life and digital life RIGHT NOW. This fucking kikeberg shit needs to stop. In our current political correctness culture i think it would be easy to plant an idea that an individual is entitled to have multiple digital identities. It would play nicely with leftist identity politics too, wouldn't it? Having a right to have multiple digital identities would pretty much save us from all the social media cancer. Your thoughts, Sup Forums?

So why is it growing?

The issue here is that facebook is a social media monopolist and if you want to be a functional member of society you pretty much need to have a fb account due to peer pressure.

sounds like an anti cat fishing measure to me to be honest

Listen Mark, this trick isn't going to work anymore. People are flocking away from your outdated website and they are moving towards better forms of communicaton. So please fuck off and get out of my Sup Forums

>said the one who is too scared to upload his picture on Sup Forums

they flock from facebook to facebook-owned alternatives

>the (((they))) are trying to take down Facebook

Is Zuckerberg "our guy" now?

Post your Facebooks

you retard Sup Forums fucks would literally allow anybody to strip your privacy away if they would call out "da joooz"

Deactivated my account couple years ago

At first I simply didn't have any use for it anymore (I only use LINE and twitter). Now I'm actually glad I've jumped off that ship

>girl i know from school has a baby
>suddently every hour they have to post 20 pictures of their child
>every single update is about the baby

at that point i just remove them from my news feed

its too late
thermal cam drones
digital money
you can create the philosophy but there are too few in concentration to follow it to success
sorry for the blackpill

*tips fedora*


Those are some deformed looking kids. Who says the white race is superior?

Pick one

Ask me how I know you have over 1tb of cuckporn saved in your computer or either are a smelly shitskin.

Ask me how I know you own a fedora and a Kekistan armband.

Those names sound terrible

Superior or not, there is nothing wrong with being white or wanting to preserve the white race.