Sup Forums humor thread?
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>muhsojeny! go back to Sup Forums you manchild!
Doesn't surprise me that it works considering the noise at the bottom is the data for the song and the image is added on top. I'm just wondering how you can add data that won't write over the song.
Also, how didn't Sup Forums detect it as an embedded file
"Two months of equations"
This comic brought to you by someone who has never been in academia. Is this actually what people think we do?
idk if you've seen the new Planet of the Apes, but I have, it's not really good
chimp concentration camp
I watched it last night. It was an alright movie and I was hoping [spoilerdoesn'twork] it would be a twist leading to the original planet of the apes with the apes enslaving humans but it was just a feel good ending [/spoilerdoesn'twork]
this "humor" makes me angry
it isn't an embedded file, its an image. You turned it into a file yourself. An embedded file is an image with a file attached. (the file content is NOT in the image at all) This is an encoded image, like an embedded one but the content IS the image. You can't detect any embedding of anything because its just RGB values. Sup Forums could check for it by attempting fuck god why am I spending this much effort on this post fuck you
ST6OP pretending to be an adult kid, literally everybody here plays fucking videogames
Well, initially I thought that the noise at the bottom was the song its self.
it is what are you saying
She literally just rewrote the same fucking thing, just mirrored (in fact everything on the whiteboard is mirrored due to the artists' laziness).
You can play vidya as much as you want but discussion related ti it belongs to
This feels like it's intentionally done this way by someone who knows what they're doing (possibly Karlie herself) just to see how much they can get away with. The pink Comic Sans is what convinced me.
Its an edit
Original was just a more compact uncommented code vs code with comments
Here, skip first 15 posts and you're on for comedy gold.
Now post cheese pizza like this plz
Not a professional programmer here
I get that you need comments in your code for it to be at all usable, but do you really need anything aside from the first comment? It seems autistic to have every line of code commented separately
I'm assuming this is fake, but if it's real, does anyone know the backstory?
It really depends on the code. If it's not obvious what a specific line is doing, you may want to put a comment on that line. Documenting your print statements would be retarded though.
You're meant to summerise why you're doing what you're doing, that's it. The first comment is the only one you need.
And how we call someone that got the eyes for digimon?
Someone did it for art class and got an F I think
> what it's just an ordinar-OH MY GOODNESS. SQUIDWAAARD
this is actually pretty good
I wonder what's actually in that build in the link
If you make a black magic hack, it would be nice if you explained what it does.
Otherwise, I agree, one comment at the beginning is enough.
they're literally just talking about watches
>not just commenting your black magic with //what the fuck??
I code buzzed and do this on projects I do with friends sometimes. They do not appreciate the humor. Not one bit.
Honestly it usually is just shooting myself in the foot because I end up having to fuck with it later, when I forgot what I was thinking.
linuxfags in a nutshell
Also add that they have a turbocooler in that car, but it only operates at half efficiency because the manufacturer didn't support diyfags so they just attached it with duct tape and cardboard.
this shit makes me sick too!
but if that func on the left really calculates the square root, dam, im in awe
Pls tell me you're joking friend. That's Carmac's reverse
Hope it is the $100 "gaming" build
It approximates the inverse square root
It's a 2 970 build with a bunch of retarded gaymer hardware worth thousands.
I'd rather be digisexual than tikisexual desu.
>No ssd
>3 TB sagate hard drive
>SLI meme cards
>a fucking disk drive
>actually paying for windows
>2 tubes of thermal gunk
>Sound card
>1600 watt PSU
That comic has fuckall to do with technology, you hug-deprived fuckwit.
This is fake you retards. Google the date and user.
but that is how girls talk like! I read it from /r9k/!
This is some golden shit!
Welcome to Sup Forums.
Oh fuck...
I recently bought a Blu-Ray player and am eyeing a "mini hi-fi" thing.
Ffs losefag the only Linux distro this represents is red star
>blu ray player
Why? Is it 2006 all over again?
I'm not really a professional programmer, but you're absolutely right. If the line is something like
int a = 7;
There's no reason to sperg out and comment it, that's self documenting unless you're braindamaged, in which case it's better to stop looking and not touch anything.
The right side is some autistic manifestation of bullshit of absolute garbage nobody would write unless intentionally taking the piss. That's not to say the right side is much better, it compares if a is greater than b AND then checks if b is less than A. She's already checked that shit.
The best is that if a and b are equal on the right, she just returns 5 because fuck logic.
I don't even know if the left side works, but I'm guessing not. I don't even want to bother reading that shit.
Tunak Tunak tun
It does work, it's from Quake source code.
To build my Blu-Ray and DVD collection...
Explain this to me please
I guess i'm just a dumbfuck then. Very cool, Carmack is an artist
Am I the only one who thinks that car would be amazing to have? Not for daily ise but just as a hobby project.
It's a series of JQuery calls speeding spreading over 200 lines. These are supposed to be one-liners.
Holy fuck kek thank you.
You earned those digits
Extremely long function. CS grads that write functions this long dont know how to code properly.
curently studying for my CS + Electronics degree, and can confirm, most people taking CS courses code like shit. I end up spend most class time debugging monstrosities that they write, while watching them hopelessly try to get the hang of gedit, or nano.
Honestly about as good as the humor gets
Wasn't Carmack supposedly, he denied he's responsible. Some mathematicians fucked around with it in the 70s, unknowingly discovered a way to render 3D graphics in real time 2 decads later
Is it better to self teach then?
I want to learn programming.
I've always worked support rather than dev.
Would C# be a good language to learn?
I use wangblowz anyway.
Or should I look at webdev or mobile development?
Not just a function, you encounter long functions literally everywhere. It's JQuery, this chunk of code has one huge multiline lambda, or multiple smaller ones, and basically looks like
Uh so I'm kinda one of the sub-par programmers that other guy was talking about, self-teaching is really hard because it can be tough to get un-stuck when you're stuck.
I'd suggest at least starting some kind of formal education on it if possible, because the best way to learn is to try some stuff, fuck it up unbelievably but learn along the way why it's so fucked.
The more code you write, the better you'll get, but following online tutorials isn't easy to pick things up.
I'd suggest some sort of educational course that forces you to think and write code, even if it's just some online stuff from codecademy or whatever online shit you can find.
BMPs normally store data for bottom to top.
are you telling me you're not capable of recognizing what the man did just code?
what the flying fuck are you oing on Sup Forums gtfo fucking newfags
Why is he walking, didn't joker break her spine or something? Or is it just some reboot in alternate earth/universe/multiverse/whatever?
helo agdg
I wouldn't call myself advanced enough to give advice like that. I think what's most important is passion, and if you have passion, you'll want to self teach yourself anyway.
Also for first language, my first was good old C, I say jump straight into the deep end, but each to their own.
How can you not get the hang of nano.
i copied and pasted sections of the noise around and when i replayed it it sounded like sick digital vinyl scratching or something like vinyl scratching of the futuure.
>sound card
>cheap asus xonar
I'd say that when you write code properly, comments are not necessary most of the time. If you follow the principle of single level of abstraction and name functions sensibly, those function names are sufficient to explain what you are doing and why.
Comments can also be confusing if they are not updated along with the code, which can be really dangerous. They should be used sparsely, for counter-intuitive shit that really needs to be paid attention to.
Having way too many useless comments is worse than not having any comments at all.
Except it has you nigger you're just taking it out of context because it's incomplete.
I know it's fake, but wanted to ask about the comments anyway
Sorry for breaching your safe space user
>Everything posted here is a work of fiction. Only an idiot would believe anyone on Sup Forums
in their defense, it was also the first time any of them had ever used linux, or seen a terminal. Hell, it seemed like it was the first time some of them had ever written code. The formatting was nightmarish and impossible to read, tabs in any place they wanted, because fuck indentations. You'd think writing the code would be harder than reading it, but in this case, you'd be wrong
If you know it's fake, why are you so upset?
Women are so intelligent (in fictional stories)!
Wait a minute...
From some production code:
* This routine is called on network events. It first translates the poll-style
* network bitmask to a MariaDB-style network bitmask and deregisters the
* network event listener.
* It then proceeds to read the mysql query status (or if not querying, it will
* fetch the resulting rows). If the query failed, we'll skip to the next
* query (goto nextquery).
* When fetching rows, which is done using mysql_store_result_{start,cont}, the
* event listener will be rebuilt according to the wishes of MariaDB again. If
* this happens instantenously, the handler is called, which would normally
* happen on mysql_store_result_cont in the next poll.
* At this point, the next query is pulled from the queue and launched.
* However, it is possible that said query immediately finishes, too, and we'll
* restart (goto again) the routine from after the network listener removal.
And that's precisely why most code sucks.
No, it's not hard to tell what that code does. But when you're looking at dozens or hundreds of functions/classes/etc, the additional time required to read and process each one adds up. That's why putting a comment at the top of the function that concisely explains what it does and what it returns is considered good practice by people who actually know what they're doing.
Of course you shouldn't comment patently obvious things like // loop, but unless your function is a very simple one-liner, there's no excuse for it to not have a single comment.
If you name the function and the parameters properly, comments are useless.
>blu-ray is so 2006
Someone has to rip the movies you see on BT trackers.
>but muh streaming
Enjoy projecting a blurry mass of blocks to a 110" screen.
I usually go one step further and put a doi link to the paper where the theory is discussed or just mention the algorithm if a function is worth it.
The rsqrt function IS worth it because it can be difficult to see why a single step is enough.
I always like shalom in this pic
I think he actually understands but is fucking with everyone
Yeah man it's really easy to tell at a glance how carmack's Fast InvSqrt works these noobs should get out of here