Note taking

What programs does Sup Forums use to take notes?

my ass lol


Depends on the class. I use OneNote for most classes, pencil and paper for math classes, and vim for cs classes.

emacs org-mode is a solid choice, and a good way to learn emacs

I don't go to school so no close notes.

For quick notes to myself, iCloud notes.

For brainstorming, OneNote (which is based).

OneNote. It's gotten fantastic over the years and I keep recordings of my lectures there as well. Accessing it from my phone, laptop and desktop is also a great convenience

A notebook and a pencil. Taking notes on a laptop is way too cumbersome and for me it's harder to actually use them to study. There are things that tech can't replace or make better.

I use S Note at work if I'm in a meeting and can't use my computer. It's decent for how quick it is to open, but you can't page through entries easily.

Otherwise, I keep a Sublime Text project called "notes" on whatever computer I'm on and type stuff into there. It's cool because I don't have to actually save files or anything that way since it will all be a part of the project when I close the editor, and can just clear out or close the tab when I don't need it anymore

cat install gentoo >> todo

pen and spiral bound notebooks
sublime text

I use Atom and Markdown.

lol good one haha i know a joke too 1+1=69 get it???

private github repo + markdown


iPad with Apple Pencil

don't @ me

emacs org mode or sometimes tiddlywiki since its easy to just open the html file in any browser

Notepad or Word 97 depending on the task

Notability on my iPad Pro. I've found it to be leagues better than One Note

Google Keep for short to-do notes thanks to Google Calendar integration; OneNote for detailed work notes thanks to pen and touch integration. All hail the botnets.

Notepad++ and occasionally Word if I need pictures or shapes for some reason.

I got ColorNote on my phone as well but I only use it if I can't access my laptop or I need the notes with me to store or whatever. Oh, and for grocery lists too as well.

Word. Why use anything else?

Word isn't very good for handwriting notes if you're using a tablet

Campus B5x80 pages 6mm lined

add evil mode and note taking is so painless

still haven't figure out how to sync notes across computers though


A pencil and paper, I couldn't possibly write fast enough on a computer to match that speed.

I'll usually Tex them afterwards though.

Because *Literally anything* is better, plain text would be preferable.

look at you go big man!!!!! so ironic it was funny. sure showed him