Why does it suck so badly?

Why does it suck so badly?

because no one uses it. everyone just pirates ms office.

Because you cannot expect a group of people who are literally too retarded to handle a simple mascot selection process, to have the required intelligence for making good software.

You get what you pay for.

nobody works hard if they receive no payment

What's wrong with it?

How do I pirate recent ms office without virus

>Inb4 newfag

make sure md5sum matches msdn
then run kmspico

>make sure botnet software is untampered
>tamper it with more botnet software

>then use superior Microsoft(TM) Word(R) to write two page essay for homework and Excel(R) for playing around with 10x5 table
Enjoy your botnet, infected activators and missing security patches

>he doesn't have the leaked Microsoft Toolkit source code
>he doesn't know its Botnet free
>he doesn't know that kms activated software still gets security updates

Then again you are a loonix freetard so you're out of touch anyway.

>Not simply using legal software

>go to a science department of local uni
>ask some kind nerd to give you an msoffice key from dreamspark because everyone uses tex anyway
Here's your poorfaggotry guide.

Because Kingsoft Office exists.

Because Latex/R/Python exists.
I'm not a wageslave cuck filling up endless spreadsheets all day.

>i-it sucks because it's not what I'm used to
>can't explain what "sucks" about it
back to Sup Forumseddit with your faggot self.

Who cares?
It gets the job done and it's free.
Bonus: it's not botnet.

Kill yourself, autist.

Microsoft Imagine, the successor to DreamSpark, no longer provides Microsoft Office. Students are meant to use the Microsoft Office 365 offering, which also allows usage of locally installed Microsoft Office 2016. The installation is tied to periodic check-ins with the university e-mail account. If the university e-mail account is terminated, so is the Microsoft Office 2016 license.

>leaked Microsoft Toolkit source code


Just get a VL office and use MS Toolkit, why the fuck are you fags so bad at pirating? MS literally doesn't care

Piracy is illegal. You're giving your OS enough information that they could sue you at any time because they changed their mind.
Dumbest reason to get arrested for.

I just uninstalled my office and bought a valid license at MS, thanks for the tip friend

Ask your boss if you can have a key, worked for me

lol please be joking

Literally this, what the hell is wrong with LibreOffice? I've been using it for uni and it works great.

When your profs require that you hand in docx files with very anal formatting requirements. LibreOffice botches it every time, subtly.

Is this bait? Downloading pirated content is 100% legal, uploading is what gets you fucked.

Not in my jurisdiction. Downloading is legal, but only for works that are not computer programs.

> (You)
>When your profs require that you hand in docx files with very anal formatting requirements. LibreOffice botches it every time, subtly.
Really? Glad I haven't experienced this, maybe I just have chill professors.

Welcome to law.

>Why does it suck so badly?
It's not.

You complain too much.

It is good enough for the majority of tasks it is intended for, especially considering that it is free.

If you need more for text, use LaTeX. If you need more to deal with numbers, use R. But for the average user, it is just as good as MS Office.


just use pdf

>it is just as good as MS Office
Yes, because the truth is that MS Office sucks.
So it is a sucky version of a sucky thing.

Can't LateX compile to docx? I had a Professor that didn't understand shit about computer, so I always had to send in docx format so she could add edits and commentary.

Do you know of a better FOSS alternative?

Using Microsoft Office
using office applications at all

i can't take consumer plebs seriously

>t. Retarded Microcock Pajet shill

It's like you are obviously truly oblivious to the fact Writer can save/export in Microcock Office formats

If you want something similar to MS Word, LO is the best option.

However, for writing text, LaTeX is much better. If you want to avoid the hassle of learning it, LyX is a very good option to get started right away.