Neofetch/screenfetch thread ??

neofetch/screenfetch thread ??

Other urls found in this thread:

Looking pretty good, but show us some more busy work. Your editor, file manager, web browser, etc. Tiling WMs weren't made to be so barren.

This is the ideal desktop environment.
You may not like it but this is what peak performance looks like.


Can you post that wallpaper? It's fucking cool.



thumbsup highfive


here u go user


I didn't use blackbox on windows since XP.
What's the most up to date fork today?



Papirus? Is this firefox stable?

r8 please

There exists an alt firefox icon in Papirus.


hey, sup


Man it would be great if the people posting in this thread also gave me IP information. It would make me see what exploits there potentially are in their computers.

I remember when I booted Kali for the first time, too

I love this. How do I make my computer look like this

Why is CDE always so beautiful?

God only knows

Why not


Welcome to termux!

Thank you


Please stop posting, you cause these threads to get deleted.


5k monitor

They get deleted regardless of whether she posts or not.

Provide wallpaper please

Stop with this meme

No they don't, stop posting and stop pretending you're a girl.

yes they do

Just do a reverse image search on iqdb. They aren't going to give sauce.

Are you new? She always posts her wallpapers.


Do Sup Forums a favor and stop posting and stop talking in third person, you ugly neckbeard.

I'm not her, dude. Regardless of whether she's actually a girl or not, is it so hard to respect someone's choice of pronouns?

benis :DDDDDDDdddddddddddd

I wouldn't give a shit if he (you) was actually trans and not a fat neckbeard pretending to be a girl and spamming these threads for attention.

It's not unreasonable to think they're a fat autistic neet self-medicating t-blockers and role playing as a girl on the internet living vicariously through prisma illya

Fuck off tranny

Wallpaper please

> a q p
> W


daily driver

forgot the fetch

Wallpaper pls



If you aren't running linux-mainline, you're probably retarded.

>i5 2500K
what a cute cpu

not him but i gotchu


i thought it was dead


Huh. Just noticed I didn't turn off weather in my search bar. Whoops.

you're a furry, don't call anyone in the world retarded

best. come at me

heres the version without the plane