Answ = input("Why Sup Forums doesn't like Python?n")

answ = input("Why Sup Forums doesn't like Python?\n")

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Because there's Nim.

because le whitespace is bad XD


#This is a progressive program to retrigger unsocial matters and be more inclusive of input variables

Because it's not flavour of the month FP language or C.

i wrote a paper on python for uni and my conclusion was :
python is a great tool to write readable code and has great libs , the drawback is efficiency.

It's actually my favourite language.
I just pretend to hate it so I can fit in.

But I love Python. It's like using a set of expansive screwdrivers after using crappy ones for years. You know how to use the old ones really well, but your efficiency increases with a new set.

I like the syntax and various statements, the code can get pretty compact. The performance is trash, simple JIT would do wonders.
Linux distros still use v2.7 all over the place and build packages against it, 2.7 should die already.
Project management with virtualenvs and setup tools is madness. It could be simpler and easier.
: is redundant

I have a python class this semester and it's really fun. Makes working with arrays a lot easier. Gonna study ML as well so I guess it'll come in handy

Data types are not clear to the reader.
Whitespace matters which means the indentation is more restricted than with other languages.
It usually leads to very long lines which is unreadable.

Python avoids stuff like semicolons and curly braces and I sort of get that.
But then why do you need to type "this" on virtually every line in your code?

I also strongly dislike that python 3 is called python and not something else.

>I also strongly dislike that python 3 is called python and not something else.

>It usually leads to very long lines which is unreadable.
You can break lines inside parentheses.

>why do you need to type "this" on virtually every line in your code
Because explicit is better than implicit and self is not a magic variable.
Most new languages have explicit this/self nowadays. It's a good thing.

I actually like Python. It is very versatile, has many handy modules, and the syntax is very simple to learn, write, and read.
The only drawback is that it has some performance issues, but it makes no difference depending on what is your goal. If you don't want to create very demaning programs, Python is fine.

I love Python because I can bang out decent, maintainable code really fast.

The performance sucks and the portability is poor.

Some people don't like how it looks.

black box nigger rigging
i can write readable code in it but with such shit performance why would i want to in the first place

It's old and clunky. Adherence to Python is hindering the development of futuristic scripting. I want JIT scripting with static analysis and a fresh take on syntax! I don't want C++-lite and that is what Python essentially is.

I liked Ruby's fresh takes to syntax but I find its semantics rather dubious. Ruby Under a Microscope was such a turn-off.

> simple JIT would do wonders
What is numba?
You can run Python on a GPU or CPU via LLVM for Christ's sake!

> : is redundant
Colons are fine. In most IDEs, they auto-indent the next line.

But yes, 2.7 should die.

> performance sucks
Go look up Numba and Dask you muppet.

Fuck, none of you morons have seen Numba or Dask. You'd think with a whole day of nothing to do you'd have a look around the ecosystem from time to time.

What is Numba, you may ask.
>Numba gives you the power to speed up your applications with high performance functions written directly in Python. With a few annotations, array-oriented and math-heavy Python code can be just-in-time compiled to native machine instructions, similar in performance to C, C++ and Fortran

from numba import jit

numba gives me segfaults with itertools

forgot they also renamed this to self.
But if explicit is better than implicit, why not have types on variables?

>use my black box erector set toy language

>forgot they also renamed this to self.
>But if explicit is better than implicit, why not have types on variables?

Python allows for smooth and automatic context based typing. Good in theory, bad in practice (imo).

Good: my original number was an int, my new code needs a double, this happens automagically

Bad: user input a string number, I compared it to an integer number, the comparison used the ascii value of the string and the output was unexpected.

Good: I can specify a specific number class using numpy or just let it be. No need to calculate how many bits to set aside for my math.

Bad: I sure wish my choice ran faster.

With retarded statements like that everything is a black box to you.

Any C developer worth their salt will know about LLVM (this is what Numba uses) and use it to get the most out of every platform they target.

>muh magic black box that allows me to code in diaperscript with my pjs on
see you at starbucks, "pythonista"

>"The Python programming language was also a language candidate. The reason the Metasploit staff opted for Ruby instead of python was for a few different reasons. The primary reason is a general distaste for some of the syntactical annoyances forced by python, such as block-ndention. While many would argue the benefits of such an approach, some members of the Metasploit staff find it to be an unnecessary restriction. Other issues with Python center around limitations in parent class method calling and backward compatibility of interpreters."

[this] and [this] -->

I forgot:

this is a programm
it outputs a value 'hello world'
to stdint
this a common task known as 'hello world programm'
print("hello world")
print("hail to the snek, we luv the GIL")

I like Python and it's my go-to scripting language when I'm not just doing file operations (that's what I use bash scripts for).
And I make a living using it so there's that.

It's only pain when you need to do "actual" OOP because your workspace demands it / OOP happens to be a good approach for the model you're implementing (the other OOP languages I've used are C++ and Java, both are better than Python in that regard), when you need to be efficient (use C) or when you need to brag on the internet.

But Pi = 3.

>engineer spotted

You got me, want me to suck your cock?

Nu-males hate forced indentation

I hate it because of the people who use it.
Computer scientists love it, but they know what they're doing. The average Python "coder" doesn't.
It's the same problem as javascript: nothing wrong with the language itself, but all the people who actually use it are iq89 numales which guarantees their "app" is going to perform like ass.
Students should be made to learn other languages before interpreted, dynamically typed langs, so they know how to write actual code instead of stringing together vocabulary as if this were a human language.

The problem with teaching people C first (as an example) is that optimizing C vs Python requires very different approaches. So someone who got gud at optimizing C code is very likely to produce shit Python code just because of the ingrained habits that are harmful to performance in that language.
I started with BASIC when I was 10, dabbled in Python for a year when I was 13, then learned Java from 16-18, then C and C++ until I was 22. After that I mainly used GNU Octave for a year. For the past 2 years I've been using bash and Python mainly. C was the first language where I really bothered to learn optimization, and I'm only now getting decent at optimizing Python for runtime.

Wait fuck I'm almost 26, that's 3 years of bash and Python.
Where has time gone?

Ok I've learned python, now what?

>php and rust
now apply your knowledge to solve problems


That's what am asking. I don't know what to solve. I made a shitty imageboard imageboard scraper that's it. I'm not a creative person.

>no multithreading
>forced indentation
>slow as fuck
>markets itself as an """""executable pseudocode""""" while in reality it's something a retarded C++ programmer would do after reading about some smalltalk and haskell features.

it's a joke

>i am a better programmer because i needlessly make things harder for myself and spend more time than necessary to complete a task

>no multithreading
>forced indentation
You should be indenting your code consistently anyway.
>slow as fuck
False, read the thread.
Just pick one and stick with it.

just look up random github projects and remake them in python

>>no multithreading

Its true though. Also multiprocessing is not multi-threading. There is no way to bypass the global interface lock. The best you can do is spawn child python processes and split up your computations on them. There is lots of overhead doing this and is often a big pain in the ass.

>literally creates os threads
>no multithreading

Close enough.

Because I use Matlab

Most people who hate Python do so because of some pretty fundamental misconceptions, i.e. they don't know how to program properly. They only ever fucked around with C, solving their problems by reimplementing stuff that has been around for decades. What you get is indecipherable code that is inefficient and impossible to maintain. Nobody gives a fuck that you can implement a bunch of simple algorithms, you may only do it if you haven't found anything.

It's a pretty common thing, especially among people who have never programmed for a larger project. I'm a physicist and you wouldn't believe the shitty programs written in FORTRAN and C I've seen. I swear, it's fucking painful to debug a program that has self-implemented routines for sorting, matrix inversion and minimization. You just don't know where to start.

>im not a programmer and my nerd physicist dweeb colleagues cant code wow if only training wheels were mandatory everywhere it would make my life so easy


>global interface lock
It's global interpreter lock, and each interpreter has its own. The multiprocessing module spawns each thread with its own interpreter, so each has its own independent GIL. The only difference is lack of shared memory between threads, but there are easy ways around it, and you would need to implement some kind of protection for modifying shared memory from multiple threads anyway. It's not difficult, the overhead is negligible if your program really is CPU-bound, and there are implementations of Python that don't have a GIL at all. Please stop talking out your ass.

What is your point? Also

>CS students calling anyone nerds

>tabbing replacing the function of braces
>pip horseshit
>cant do concurrency right
Would use for a job

Ruby is better.


Well, you can, if you really want to.

Because im like 70 something percent of the way through learning C++ and dont want to switch shit up before i can learn c++ to its "fullest" extent.

>learn c++ to its "fullest" extent
You know nobody can learn any language 100%, right?

Because I like efficiency in terms of power consumption.
And so will you in 20 years once I watch people killing each other for small batteries.

Also, I'm not a fan of unit test + a ad hoc scripting language LARPing actual software development.

The portability is poor? Do you mean that there's little support for Python on microcontrollers?

who /pythonista/ here?

>all these CS first memesters LARPing as compiler engineers pretending that simple ad hoc JIT compilers that only make trivial numerical computations fast after a horrible warm-up phase and not solving memory management solve actual problems instead of just technical computing memes

That being said, Cython isn't Python and PyPy is only 7x faster on the average, aka too slow.
The Python community should have invested some efforts to create something like a Crystal equivalent when they planned for Python 3, but nooooo, backward compatibility (no actual backward compatibility) was more important.

He probably means on proper 4/8 bit microcontrollers that can run a year drawing power just from a lemon.

Too slow for what? What are you doing?

Simple server software. Ignore memes like Tornado etc. Whenever you hear someone bragging about handling millions of requests using Python etc it's a proper indicator they don't do actual work.

You could think the database is the bottleneck, but actually the ORM is.
>inb4 more servers
Turns out this actually gets rather expensive from the 100th server and onward.

Also, you can't probably build real applications from scratch like browsers, image manipulation or DAWs from it. The memory usage alone would skyrocket.

>Also, you can't probably build real applications from scratch like browsers, image manipulation or DAWs from it. The memory usage alone would skyrocket.
But nobody claims you can do that, I never get this argument. It's just such a weird way to criticize anything really. Hey, your car sucks, it can't even FLY! Nobody who actually uses Python thinks it is the only thing you'll ever need. Just because you've found things that Python sucks at, doesn't mean that the whole language is redundant. Application development isn't the only thing on this planet.

>Nobody who actually uses Python thinks it is the only thing you'll ever need.
Actually most of the community does, otherwise it would be mostly used as a macro language embedded in applications and as slightly better bash and would have a better C API and faster startup times instead crappy bindings for almost everything.

>Actually most of the community does
What a load of shit.

Think again, if they didn't.
Numa, PyPy and other half-assed garb.. err I mean valuable contributions to JIT dead end research and Cython wouldn't exist.

I always imagined "Ruby on Rails" as a title of a dual penetration porn

Twitter was using Ruby for a long time and then they rewrote their search engine code in Java for a "whopping" 3x better search performance.
You are not Twitter, even CPython will handle your use case just fine.

Twitter now has much bigger problems and the performance of their frontend code is the least of their problems.
They now use redis clusters with terabytes of storage to keep everyone's timelines in memory because hitting the database is too slow.

It's not like Python and everything around it is developed by one guy. Just because a group of people is into it, doesn't mean that the 'whole community' thinks this will put any other language to the grave. Because it does not. It works for a lot of things though.

ruby is better but ruby is dead

>Twitter was using Ruby for a long time and then they rewrote their search engine code in Java for a "whopping" 3x better search performance.
Actually they rewrote just the frontend which wouldn't make much of a difference, the backend was replaced before.
>You are not Twitter, even CPython will handle your use case just fine.
That's where you are wrong faggot, handing in more servers just started to get expensive.
We are already in the phase of outsourcing work into C++, but with the ORM there is still a major part

The answer is the question...

>is developed by one guy
It's developed by one hivemind.
Everyone else is often complaining about the CPython fags not having the right priorities.
>It works for a lot of things though.
So does postscript.

Either your ORM is shit or you're using it naively, probably both.
I guarantee that there's something wrong with your approach if the frontend is your bottleneck.

And you needed to write a paper to come up with this conclusion... whata waste of time kek.
Also link.

The reference implementation is awfully slow and the 2v3 split is a huge problem.