Advent of Code 2017

The Advent of Code starts in a few hours. Is anyone here going to participate?

If so, let's have a private leaderboard. You can join mine with this code: 194764-c554ff91
(You need to register with an account but you can appear as anonymous)

Last year's was very fun.

Other urls found in this thread:

Joined your memeboard.

Starts in 15 hours cunt

What the FUCK is this and how do I install it on my iPhone???

I know how to fizzbuzz on python, can I join too?

Yeah you'll probably be able to do at least the first couple of challenges.

Just enough time to revisit the last two years.

Joined for lulz

It doesn't matter how many "challenges" you nerds do on your free time. The only way to become a serious programmer is to go to college and get a master's degree.

But I do both

Why would you waste money on getting a master's degree when you could get a bunch of programming socks for $20?

Programming socks will only get you hired at Silicon Valley startups. Enterprise positions come with strict dress codes.

Not true, I got hired as Social Interactions Engineer at Apple thanks to my programming socks.

I work in a bank, writing enterprise Java, it's about as enterprise as you can get. Literally wearing jeans and a t shirt right now at work. During summers it's shorts and a t shirt. I've even worn a kilt and a t shirt to work.

Maybe create some telegram channel or smth?

>Social Interactions Engineer
no, this has to be bait

Why? Just use Sup Forums.

>this has to be bait
wew lad.

>To play, please identify yourself via one of these services:
>[GitHub] [Google] [Twitter] [Reddit]

Just create a disposable account on one of these and never use it again after the 25th.
leddit doesn't even ask for an e-mail address.

where do you submit the code or do you even submit it

It gives you an input which is unique to your user account and you only have to submit what your program outputs.

thats cute
i'll probably check out the first challenge and not do any others after that

The first challenge is usually pretty dumb and easy though.

Wondering what language should I pick this year.
In 2015 I used Lua to do every challenge every day, in 2016 I used Python, maybe this year I'll pick something I don't know to learn along the way.

i guess, but i dont want to spend much time writing code for le ebyn lebod challenge

Same, I was thinking about trying out one of these new memelang like crystal or elixir.

There's already a Sup Forums leaderboard with 20 people on it tho? Check the archive.

>implying elixir is a memelang
I'm doing these in combination of elixir/erlang

I joined but I doubt I'll have time to do this until exams are over

just quit school retard
might as well be a neet in the current year of our lord
ubi is just around the corner
collect government neet salary and invest in whatever shitcoin /biz/ hasnt shilled for a month and you'll be rich in a few years

if I didn't have one term left before graduation I just might have

I've been posting this one since 3 days ago, this leaderboard has 20 people, post this one next time: 43046-941b8011

thanks i joined

You can join both

What if I'm a satanist? Is there a satanist version of this?

Can't decide on language: Lua, Awk, Plan 9 C, POSIX C, Go, Lua, rc or Scheme?


with web interface?

Which language is needed to do this? 'cause I only know C and Java at the moment...

The site doesn't accept code, it just gives you an input file and you paste in the output of your program to mark it solved.

The first part is always easy, the second one makes sure you didn't take the easy way out, for example, tokenizing input without actually calculating anything and then hardcoding the expected output.

Joined the cult

how the FUCK do people finish these things in less than 2 minutes for both challenges?

are they even reading the puzzle text?


Ah neat, sorry for not checking the archive. Good thing anyone can join an arbitrary number of groups.


some people are just highly intelligent and can compute this shit in their head

It started uni made enough so stopped and make 65€/h for java

Day 2 of 2015, this isn't working for some reason, any ideas?

>min a / 2
I can't bother trying to make sense out of that cramped code but you're supposed to take the two lowest numbres, not the average of the lowest number.

It was just me putting a .0 after the solution that didn't let me pass

i did mine in shell with arrays
it's really inefficient, at 25 seconds

That sounds fucking great. Really interesting, I hope the difficulty is well balnced.

waiting to join, although right before/when finals start I think was a bad idea to have this, that being said, I hope to play(?) as much as I can

joined. be sure to shill this shit once it starts or i'm going to forget about it

It literally starts in 3 hours. Surely you can remember it for that long?

yeah but its a daily thing, right?

Last year I posted my AoC solutions on red-dit on a certain sub, and a moderator of that sub plagiarized my solutions. That moderator had earlier criticized me for being inexperienced

plagiarized how?
Did they repost it and claimed it was their own?

Yes. He didn't even have the decency to at least change around the variable names.

it's just a puzzle solution

Do I have to complete on day posted or can I show up every 3 days

You can show up whenever you want, but the puzzles post at midnight and that's your only chance at the leaderboard if you're into that sort of thing.

The hypocrisy is what offends me. I was deluded into thinking that it might be a good way to network for finding employment however I was only stolen from.

It's just for fun, what made you think you're gonna get hired for doing some puzzles?

I meant in terms of building up a github portfolio to show potential employers


Build some real software, not puzzle shit.
Use this as an opportunity to learn new languages, not show off.

If I put it on github people can just steal what I write instead of hiring me.

well then too bad i guess ur not get a job then

Well that was easy

Even if I end up homeless I refuse to work for free.

Lol this is fucking stupid look at the stupid gay ascii art christmas tree


#195003 here.

See you guys in 23 hours.

That was fun. I'm not sure how far I'll make it but I look forward to trying at least. Good luck anons!

I did it, lads!

bretty easy desu

wait so the leadboard is purely based on how soon in the day your answer? that's fokken gay

>forgot about this until 5 minutes ago
>spent more time reading the bullshit that wasn't even the puzzle
>not even 4 people from Sup Forums can solve this

do these get remotely interesting or are they all this fucking dumb

yeah, not sure what else you could base it on though

the other Sup Forums learderboard has 10 answerers for what its worth

yeah i guess since you aren't actually putting in your code to be evaluated there's not much else to do. i hope you at least get docked points if you put in the wrong answer

code if you want to be a fucking cheater:

What other Sup Forums leaderboard?


That's the one in the OP.

no shit.
we're replying to the guy who says the leaderboard has < 4 completions which obviously isn't the case with this one.

I didn't see him mention a leaderboard. I assumed he was just talking about the couple of posts above his claiming to have done it.

I spent way too long fiddling with file input in C.
The actual logic took like 30 seconds, I had an issue where newlines were being read in as numbers, and then I forgot about the operator precedence of the % operator.

The inputs are generated per user.
They could start the timer as soon as you click the challenge for the first time, but then anyone could just take someone else's solution and answer it in 5 seconds, topping the leaderboard almost immediately.

66% dropout rate, congrats.
Someone on /dpt/ was complaining that this first puzzle was too hard.

HOW is this too hard. This is introduction to programming level shit.

Yeah, not everyone lives in USA, no fucking way I'm going to get up at 5am to solve some fucking puzzle.

>says it isn't hard
>doesn't even have correct code

It actually is correct trough, at least the result was.
What's the problem?

your code has the wrong result for 1212 and 123123 for example
just because you got the right answer for a single test case does not mean your code works

Solving the first one with linked lists and no one can stop me brb

even in USA its late. not everyone is NEET and free to stay up past midnight to fuck around with this stuff

oh shit, right.
well, kek

Rate my kode Sup Forums. I have to learn some more neat Python3 tricks.

def reverse_captcha(halfway=False):
with open("input.txt", 'r') as input:
code ='\n', "")
result = 0
for index, n in enumerate(code):
shift = len(code) / 2 if halfway else 1
next = int((index + shift) % len(code))
if n == code[next]:
result += int(n)

return result


Decided to stick with Python this year again, here's my day 1, 2017:
def main():
input = []
with open('D1.txt') as handle:
input =

def peek_next(s, pos):
if pos == len(s) - 1:
return s[0]

return s[pos + 1]

def peek_next_halfway(s, pos):
size = len(s)
step = int(size / 2)

return s[(pos + step) % size]

def solve(s, fun):
total = 0
for (index, letter, ) in enumerate(s):
if fun(s, index) == letter:
total += int(letter)

return total

print('P1 Result: {}'.format(solve(input, peek_next)))
print('P2 Result: {}'.format(solve(input, peek_next_halfway)))

if __name__ == '__main__':