Linus in charge of not being a spoiled manchild

>linus in charge of not being a spoiled manchild

Other urls found in this thread:

Just ask him to hook up already, im sure he'll agree cuz he's a fag, you've been talking about him all day

Not sure what you're getting at. The dude said he could go up there

Subtle Sony shill, get away.

Imagine being so autistic you spend your free time editing Youtubers' videos to make them look bad and post passively aggressive comments on an anonymous taiwanese basketweaving forum.

He could just not go onto the platform and appreciate looking at the display from said distance. Just because you CAN do something doesn't mean you SHOULD.

Why do you even care this much? Are you jealous or something?

take that advice yourself tripfag

What's it matter to you? Stop watching his channel, you weirdo

same goes to your posting, who cares?

Heheh touche.

>Sup Forums literally overflowing with faggots like this
>can't post about anything related to tech because faggots will ruin the thread

At least I'm getting a lot more replies with the trip than without. Feels good man.

>When no-NN wipes the fags from Sup Forums
>Sup Forums will get threads about generators, electricity, actual tech instead of ricing and fag shit like OP
>Sup Forums returns to its natural state where fags like OP stay out

Or he could get a more detailed look because he was literally given permission to, why would he decline?

He's clearly doing this for the video, and it does make his content better, otherwise he's just be boring tech youtuber #23424. On the other hand, you are tripfagging for no reason, and posting e-celeb bait threads, making this site objectively worse. Who's the real manchild here?

>our sony rep
what did he mean by this?


The guy sony has following them around, answering their questions and basically sucking their dicks if they ask.

Fucking tripfags

jesus christ tripfag fucking destroyed

>op is being an obvious idiot
>someone points out his obvious idiocy
>"Heheh touche."