You could say the exact same thing about every non brand new architecture release by intel and nvidia...

you could say the exact same thing about every non brand new architecture release by intel and nvidia. it's truly amazing how delusional nvidiots are.

Other urls found in this thread:

Oh boy, mockingbird is shitposting again.

Butthurt fury own
Butthurt vega own
Butthurt vega refresh own
Butthurt navi own
Butthurt amd GPU own

AMD begin unable finish any GPU until new shinny arch

When was the last time AMD didn't release rebrandeons anyway? Like 200 -> 300 series and 400 -> 500 series.

But will that enable these magical primitive shaders?

Yes, considering everything related to this driver is layered with NDAs.

i want to believe
how much do a used gtx 1070 cost in burgerland?
>captcha: 34723529 Vega

NVidia cards always sell well in used market.

hardocp posting news we already new about it months ago!


That's not even Kyle.
Some random shitter that was also shitposting at AT forums.

Dsbr IS the tile based rendering solution and it's fully enabled already. This guy's already full of shit.

They were long done with the hardware. Like sat on it for a year. White paper also shows they did some sort of testing to validate and measure primitive shaders

It's half-enabled.
Bins geometry, but no deferred.

>source = forum post


>about 375€ in germany
welp, so no vega56 for me i guess. but i dont feel bad for it, only paid 361€ new from the shelf

What makes is worse is the forum being Kyle's shithole.

Don't worry, with mining on the rise again, I'll doubt you'll ever see Vega in the wild.

feels bad man.. but than again, got my card somewhat cheap

Better than wccftech

>Libtard Asspirin
>Not even Türk
I'm a Türk and I do not approve of the libtard sjw shitshow (literal shitshow) that goes by the of "the Young Turks".

not by much.

Makes sense, though. Vega still doesn't even have custom cards out, so there is very clearly something fucking wrong with it

shoo shoo t*rkroach

I hope they refresh Vega FE too, going to need to build a new meme learning PC sometime in 2018. No I will not buy Nvidia with gimped Fp16, and their pro cards are way too expensive.

They need to make ROCm non-shit first though.

>pooga is literally ridden with hardware bugs

shoo shoo Jensen

If they sell it at 580 prices, that would pretty amazing. That will still force nvidia to release volta since they'll have to push down their stack as well and leave the 80ti/titan spot empty.

Nvidiots have to look at the big picture instead of just focusing on Huang's crotch hair.

Vega11 will be sold at ~580 prices.

reminder this street shitter was an intel plant all along

Better than wccftech

Its not even news.

What's "new" about this is the claim that you can't fix it with driver upgrades. Which is very doubtful if its actually a "refresh" as they claim

The claim comes from resident shitposter anyway.

It's.... Not as bad as I thought it would be. Still needs a lot of work, but hopefully now that the Pajeet is gone there can be proper management going on in RTG. They've been adding a lot of money to RnD the last couple quarters so I'm hoping some of that goes towards software. Vega is an absolute monster in compute and you can't beat the price/performance. If they can get the software stack sorted they can do very well at least at the hobbyist/enthusiast level of machine learning. Lots of people are ambivalent to CUDA and just use it cause that's what they use at work/school.

>Pajeet is gone
That's actually bad, since the other OG ATi dude is at Qualcomm.
>They've been adding a lot of money to RnD the last couple quarters
8 consequtive quarters in a row, actually.
>at least at the hobbyist/enthusiast level of machine learning
They are actually aiming at the top from the get-go, courtesy of EPYC.

they are selling on friday

At least it'll launch before Volta/Ampere/Whatever

Deferred is active but only works in deferred rendering context with full depth pass

Not really, these are features that we're used to promote the new GPU

>Random forum poster FUD
If these features required different hardware, AMD wouldn't have advertised them.

Could you please stop LARPing.

What? My phone autocorrected. Obviously meant were

Begone, filth.

Why are AMD video cards always outdated pieces of junk?

Because you're retarded frogposter.

Real intelligent response there you fucking monkey.

Dumb frogposter.

Do you have autism? I'm working and during respite I move to a comfortable spot and I have Sup Forums open. I bet you don't even have a job in the industry so I don't know where your device elitism is coming from

Begone, phoneposting filth.


Begone tech illiterate

>primitive shaders and tile-based rasterization

Oh boy, this meme again!

So my vega is a fucking brick. I knew I should have waited more.
Fuck pajeets and fuck ayymd bought a poozen and a pooga and this is what I get.
Next time I'm buying Intel and Nvidia.

shoo shoo shill

>pls go :( reee

V11 is useless, get the 580


nice source OP

Vega11 does not exist yet.

>not kyle
oh, ok. if it was kyle then i would feel more intrigued to believe it since he was right about a few things already.

either way i would be pissed, but also wouldn't care as i'm happy with my vega 56. 1070 - 1070 ti performance. can't complain. it would have been this or a 1070 anyways.

so he's saying dsbr won't work on vega, yet the frontier edition cards make use of dsbr in various modelling/rendering programs

really makes you think

Cool... more products for me to buy with the money I actually earn using computers for work vs just gaming like 99% of Sup Forums.

You set up your bot wrong. The memephrases aren't supposed to use the same company name string as the one making the announcement.

Complete lies, a Vega Refresh would only mean 12nm Vega, current Vega already has those features, AMD just announced a new huge driver update that likely enables all of that for current Vega


That's fetch once and it already works.
Shade once aka deferred is what important for gayms, along with NGG.

>Source my chaffed ass

The shitter that shitposted about Vega smells fire under his ass and desperately tries to shitpost, again.
Forums 101.

I would laugh at AMD fanboys but I feel too bad for them

>making a hype video for drivers

Literally chink tier marketing

Can't wait to see it be the drivers that enables all of those features for RX Vega so it buttwrecks the guy on that forum.

Honest question because I was interested in fury once upon a time ago

They used what was new technology for gpus called hbm

What happened to it because it was on paper a god send

It is a god send, HBM production is just limited so it's expensive.

Look at how small the Vega Fe package is yet it has 16gbs of VRAM.

It is still godsent.
NEC slapped six fucking stacks on their Vector Engine resulting in 1.2TB/s of memory bandwidth.

Oh, it will cause unprecedented amounts of butthurt all over the internet.

they function just fine for coinfaggotry

So how well was gaming performance and is the fury a option for today ? I plan on building a pc for a friend

But Fury is fucking old.
Get a modern GPU of your choice.
Also, fuck off to /pcbg/.

non X Fury cards hover around $250-260 sometimes, not terrible for 1080p/1440p

But I'd go RX 580 for the 8gbs of VRAM over the OG Fury I think.

Sorry, Raja got shitcanned for fraudulent work.

And got poached by Intel the next day.

Did no one in this thread actually look at that link?

The source is a random dude who, when asked for a LEGITIMATE source, said "check back in 2018."

I mean, I shouldn't be surprised that you fuckers are too lazy to check the source, but I kind of am.

Was that a serious rebuttal?

I'm not a AMDfan but this is bullshit

He isn't saying anything beleivable or that isn't already known.


Even funnier knowing those garbage vega cards had premium prices.

lol go post on this r/amd and watch the salt flow

>Gullible faggots.

please AMD just sell fucking radeon to INTEL ..

Why would they do that?

>When was the last time AMD didn't release rebrandeons anyway?

Three months ago with Vega.

Check the comments. Also Wolfenstein II (shit game but so what) shows what can be done when developers actually make use of the hardware. A RX Vega 64 LC = and sometimes beats a GTX 1080 TI.

How much work did the developers put in to do that though?

Even with the new nvidia drivers?

Because he's Raja

Reminder to report shitposters.

Joker recommends a GTX 1080 right now. But the last driver release still made good gains for RX Vega 64 bringing it closer to the 1080. With every driveer release the gap grows smaller. The main issue is one of pricing (availability), AiB partner cards and power use.

my vega 56 already paid for itself by mining ethereum at night

I'll happily upgrade

Vega aib suck desu. The overcloking boost is ridiculus vs the normal one

17.11.4 simply stopped AIB cards from clocking as the reference ones.
It's no Adrenalin.