Is this worth 275$?
Is it a scam?
Is this worth 275$?
It's Atari so likely a bit shit unless you have nostalgia for early 80's gaming. Looks cool though, would proudly display in my living room.
that's a good price imo
compared to the SNES mini, is it really?
SNES mini has garbage hardware
If it only comes with those single stick joysticks, no fucking way. If they release it with a proper controller it's be a great steam box.
ABSOLUTELY! It's so bad. Hop on the 70s train before you miss it!
Of course it's coming with a proper controller. It's not an emulator box, it's a modern game console.
They posted pics of a controller a few days ago and it's a single stick joystick that looks like a 2600 controller
>not an emulator box
literally says right on the main website it has an open linux OS
so its not a modern game console and is literally a licensed emulator
could do the same with a $50raspi
Oh, that's for playing classics. Now that I think about it they might not bother with an official controller at first, it'll probably work with Steam controllers, generic Bluetooth controllers, PS3 controllers, USB controllers, etc. It's a non-locked down Steambox, so basically it's a console that actually let's you do what you want.
And a $50 raspi would have abysmal performance compared to even a low end x86 gaming PC such as Atari's upcoming console.
wrong i emulate everything up to and including ps1 gaems on raspi
Well, sure, but you're not going to be playing modern PC games on it.
Looks like $195 to me desu
>wrong i emulate everything up to and including ps1 gaems on raspi
Nobody is saying it can't be done, just that it sucks dick.
Some people are okay with cheap and shit options and don't want better, I'm okay with that, I won't judge you.
I will
you're retarded and poor
It's aesthetic
>arm is as good as x86
Have you ever tried to use an arm device to any extent greater than flappy bird?
Pretty much only N64 and later sucks dick.
All other retro shit works great.